blob: 14c7baf977f61145b559af4324caead509677d19 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentPdfWrappingTextBoxRenderer class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Renders an optionally wrapped text box
* Renders a single text box, like a paragraph, and applies wrapping, if the
* text box does not fit the current page or column. Orphans and widows are
* respected during this process.
* @package Document
* @access private
* @version //autogen//
class ezcDocumentPdfWrappingTextBoxRenderer extends ezcDocumentPdfTextBoxRenderer
* Render a single text box
* All markup inside of the given string is considered inline markup (in
* CSS terms). Inline markup should be given as common docbook inline
* markup, like <emphasis>.
* Returns a boolean indicator whether the rendering of the full text
* in the available space succeeded or not.
* @param ezcDocumentPdfPage $page
* @param ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator
* @param ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $text
* @param ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer $mainRenderer
* @return bool
* @todo This method does not respect changes in the available text width,
* if a paragraph is wrapped to the next page. This would require token
* reordering, which is not implemented yet.
public function renderNode( ezcDocumentPdfPage $page, ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator, ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer, ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $text, ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer $mainRenderer )
// Inference page styles
$styles = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $text );
$width = $mainRenderer->calculateTextWidth( $page, $text );
// Evaluate available space
if ( ( $space = $this->evaluateAvailableBoundingBox( $page, $styles, $width ) ) === false )
return false;
// Iterate over tokens and try to fit them in the current line, use
// hyphenator to split words.
$tokens = $this->tokenize( $text, $tokenizer );
$lines = $this->fitTokensInLines( $tokens, $hyphenator, $space->width );
// Transaction wrapping around temporary page creations
$transaction = $this->driver->startTransaction();
$lineCount = count( $lines );
$current = 0;
$position = $space->y;
$pageNr = 0;
$wrap = false;
$pages = array( $pageNr => array(
'page' => $page,
'lines' => array(),
'space' => $space,
) );
for ( $line = 0; $line < $lineCount; ++$line )
// Render on current page, of there is still enough space
if ( ( !$wrap ) &&
( ( $position + $lines[$line]['height'] ) < ( $pages[$pageNr]['space']->y + $pages[$pageNr]['space']->height ) ) )
// Check widows, if we are at the last line
if ( ( $line === ( $lineCount - 1 ) ) &&
( $current < $styles['widows']->value ) &&
( $lineCount >= $styles['widows']->value ) )
$difference = $styles['widows']->value - $current;
$pages[$pageNr - 1]['lines'] = array_slice( $pages[$pageNr - 1]['lines'], 0, -$difference, true );
$pages[$pageNr]['lines'] = array();
$line = $lineCount - $styles['widows']->value - 1;
$current = 0;
$pages[$pageNr]['lines'][] = array(
'position' => $position,
'line' => $lines[$line],
$position += $lines[$line]['height'] * $styles['line-height']->value;
// Shift to next page
$pages[++$pageNr] = array(
'page' => $tmpPage = $mainRenderer->getNextRenderingPosition(
( $pWidth = $mainRenderer->calculateTextWidth( $page, $text ) ) +
'lines' => array(),
'space' => $this->evaluateAvailableBoundingBox( $tmpPage, $styles, $width ),
$position = $pages[$pageNr]['space']->y;
$current = 0;
$wrap = false;
// Handle orphans
if ( ( $line < $styles['orphans']->value ) &&
( $line < $lineCount ) )
$pages[0]['lines'] = array();
$line = -1;
$this->driver->revert( $transaction );
// Render lines
$lineNr = 0;
foreach ( $pages as $nr => $content )
if ( $nr > 0 )
// Get next rendering position
$page = $mainRenderer->getNextRenderingPosition(
( $pWidth = $mainRenderer->calculateTextWidth( $page, $text ) ) +
if ( !count( $content['lines'] ) )
// Render background & border
$space = $content['space'];
$lastLine = end( $content['lines'] );
$space->height = $lastLine['position'] + $lastLine['line']['height'] - $space->y;
$this->renderBoxBackground( $space, $styles );
$this->renderBoxBorder( $space, $styles, $nr === 0, $nr + 1 >= count( $pages ) );
$this->setBoxCovered( $page, $space, $styles );
// Render actual text contents
foreach ( $content['lines'] as $line )
$this->renderLine( $line['position'], $lineNr++, $line['line'], $space, $styles );
return true;