blob: 43ad29a0e1dbd4a976736981f47e141ea035ff52 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Main PDF renderer class, dispatching to sub renderer, maintaining page
* contexts and transactions.
* The basic principles behind the used stacked backtracking rendering
* algorithm are explained below.
* The basics
* ==========
* The rendering size of a single block (paragraph, image) cannot be guessed
* properly beforehand, because the dimensions depend on the associated styles
* and the driver which needs to render the styles. Because of different fonts
* the size of a single simple string may notably vary. The renderer do not
* know about font properties, but only the drivers do.
* Because of that the renderers (like the paragraph renderer) can only
* request the used dimensions for each word, or word part from the current
* driver and try to fit that word into the currently available space.
* Some general constraints, like the handling of orphans and widows, require
* the renderer to backtrack. If a orphans constraint could not be fulfilled
* with the first rendering try, the renderer needs to decide to render less
* lines on the prior page and therefore needs to revert all local rendering
* steps and retry the rendering with the additional knowledge.
* For widow constraints this may mean, that a full paragraph is moved to the
* next page, which could mean, that the title before that paragraph might
* also be relocated to the following page, which would mean to revert
* multiple renderers and elements. To make this possible the renderer wraps
* the driver in a transactional driver wrapper.
* The transactional driver wrapper
* --------------------------------
* Like the last paragraph explained it might be necessary to revert (large)
* amounts of rendering operations. Once the rendering operations (like
* drawWord) hit the driver they are immediately serialized into the
* respective output format (PDF), and could not be reverted anymore.
* So an additional layer has been implemented in the class
* ezcDocumentPdfTransactionalDriverWrapper, which implements the same
* interface as all the other drivers, as well as some additional methods to
* handle "transactions".
* A renderer, like the paragraph renderer, may start a transaction, receives
* an ID identifying the started transaction, and may then start its rendering
* operations. If the rendering reached a dead end, it may revert everything
* using the initially given transaction ID. The revert will affect all
* operations since the original call to startTransaction(), even if other
* sub-renderers also started transactions in the meantime.
* The logged calls to the driver are passed up to the real driver once save()
* is called explicitly for the given transaction ID, or the main renderer
* attempts to write the PDF into a file.
* Depending on the type of the call the driver wrapper logs and / or passes
* the call directly up to the actual driver.
* Calls which are logged only:
* - Everything performing actual rendering, like drawLine(), drawWord(), ...
* Calls which are logged and passed:
* - Everything setting the current style configuration, which might also be
* relevant for font width estimation, especially: setStyle()
* Calls which are not logged, but passed:
* - Everything, which only requests properties, but does not change the
* driver state, like getTextWidth()
* The stacked renderers
* ---------------------
* The main renderer, which is defined in this class, is responsible for
* managing the pages, the available horizontal space on the current page and
* calling the sub renderers for the distinct parts in the Docbook document.
* For each part there is a specialized renderer, which is only responsible
* for rendering such a part, like a list renderer, a list item renderer or a
* paragraph renderer. The main renderer traverses the Docbook document and calls
* the appropriate renderer. You may register additional renderers with the
* main renderer, for your custom elements, or overwrite the defined default
* renderers.
* The main renderer also handles special page elements, like headers and
* footers for each page.
* The sub renderers ask the main renderer for new space, if they exceeded the
* available space in the current column / on the current page. This is
* implemented in the method getNextRenderingPosition(). This method might
* request a new page from the driver.
* The sub renderer may as well call other sub renderer, for stacked element
* definitions or may request rendering for all those elements by the main
* renderer calling back to the process() method.
* The table sub renderer
* ----------------------
* The table renderer is a special sub renderer, since the common space
* estimation does not apply here. Tables are structured into cells and the
* elements contained in one cell may only use the space defined by the cell.
* The table renderer therefore mimics (and extends) the main renderer. So
* when the contents of one cell are rendered the sub renderers for the cell
* contents (paragraphs, lists, ...) receive an instance of the table renderer
* as their "new" main renderer. The table renderer overwrites the methods
* like process() and getNextRenderingPosition(), so the sub renderers render
* their stuff at the correct positions in the cell.
* The table renderer itself again dispatches to its main renderer, when, for
* example, allocating new pages. In case of a stacked table, the main
* renderer of a table renderer may again be a table renderer, which then
* dispatches to the original main renderer.
* Style inheritance
* -----------------
* The definition of styles works just like CSS with HTML. Each element
* inherits the styles from its parent element, which are then overwritten by
* the defined styles in the (P)CSS file.
* The inferring of the styles for a given element is implemented in the
* ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer class. An instance of this class containing
* the currently defined styles is available during the whole rendering
* process and will provide the styles for any element, which is passed to the
* object.
* Hyphenation
* -----------
* Hyphenation is a critical task for proper text rendering. A custom
* hyphenator may be defined and passed to the renderer. Each text renderer
* will the ask the hyphenator to split words, if the whole word does not fit
* into one line any more. It would be sensible to implement a hyphenator
* based on some available dictionary files.
* Tokenizer
* ---------
* For some languages it might be necessary to implement a different text
* tokenizer, which does not just split words at whitespaces. To accomplish
* that you may implement and pass a custom tokenizer, which is the
* responsible for splitting texts.
* Some renderers, like the literal box renderer, may already use custom
* tokenizers, to implement special rendering tasks.
* @package Document
* @access private
* @version //autogen//
class ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer extends ezcDocumentPdfRenderer implements ezcDocumentErrorReporting
* Hyphenator used to split up words
* @var ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator
protected $hyphenator;
* Tokenizer used to split up strings into words
* @var ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer
protected $tokenizer;
* Document to render
* @var ezcDocumentDocbook
protected $document;
* Last transactions started before rendering a new title. This is used to
* determine, if a title is positioned as a single item in a column or on a
* page and switch it to the next page in this case.
* @var mixed
protected $titleTransaction = null;
* Indicator to restart rendering with an earlier item on the same level in
* the DOM document tree.
* @var mixed
protected $restart = false;
* Errors occured during the conversion process
* @var array
protected $errors = array();
* Maps document elements to handler functions
* Maps each document element of the associated namespace to its handler
* method in the current class.
* @var array
protected $handlerMapping = array(
'' => array(
'article' => 'initializeDocument',
'section' => 'renderBlock',
'sectioninfo' => 'appendMetaData',
'para' => 'renderParagraph',
'title' => 'renderTitle',
'mediaobject' => 'renderMediaObject',
'literallayout' => 'renderLiteralLayout',
'blockquote' => 'renderBlockquote',
'table' => 'renderTable',
'itemizedlist' => 'renderList',
'orderedlist' => 'renderList',
'variablelist' => 'renderBlock',
'varlistentry' => 'renderBlock',
'listitem' => 'renderListItem',
'term' => 'renderTitle',
* Additional PDF parts.
* @var array
protected $parts = array();
* Error reporting level
* @var int
protected $errorReporting = 15;
* PDF renderer options
* @var ezcDocumentPdfOptions
protected $options;
* Construct renderer from driver to use
* @param ezcDocumentPdfDriver $driver
* @param ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer $styles
* @param ezcDocumentPdfOptions $options
* @return void
public function __construct( ezcDocumentPdfDriver $driver, ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer $styles, ezcDocumentPdfOptions $options = null )
$this->driver = new ezcDocumentPdfTransactionalDriverWrapper();
$this->driver->setDriver( $driver );
$this->styles = $styles;
$this->options = $options;
$this->errorReporting = $options !== null ? $options->errorReporting : 15;
* Trigger visitor error
* Emit a vistitor error, and convert it to an exception depending on the
* error reporting settings.
* @param int $level
* @param string $message
* @param string $file
* @param int $line
* @param int $position
* @return void
public function triggerError( $level, $message, $file = null, $line = null, $position = null )
if ( $level & $this->errorReporting )
throw new ezcDocumentVisitException( $level, $message, $file, $line, $position );
// If the error should not been reported, we aggregate it to maybe
// display it later.
$this->errors[] = new ezcDocumentVisitException( $level, $message, $file, $line, $position );
* Return list of errors occured during visiting the document.
* May be an empty array, if on errors occured, or a list of
* ezcDocumentVisitException objects.
* @return array
public function getErrors()
return $this->errors;
* Tries to locate a file
* Tries to locate a file, referenced in a docbook document. If available
* the document path is used a base for relative paths.
* @param string $file
* @return string
public function locateFile( $file )
if ( !ezcBaseFile::isAbsolutePath( $file ) )
$file = $this->document->getPath() . $file;
if ( !is_file( $file ) )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $file );
return $file;
* Register an additional PDF part
* Register additional parts, like footnotes, headers or title pages.
* @param ezcDocumentPdfPart $part
* @return void
public function registerPdfPart( ezcDocumentPdfPart $part )
$this->parts[] = $part;
$part->registerContext( $this, $this->driver, $this->styles );
* Render given document
* Returns the rendered PDF as string
* @param ezcDocumentDocbook $document
* @param ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator
* @param ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer
* @return string
public function render( ezcDocumentDocbook $document, ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator = null, ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer = null )
$this->hyphenator = $hyphenator !== null ? $hyphenator : new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator();
$this->tokenizer = $tokenizer !== null ? $tokenizer : new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultTokenizer();
$this->document = $document;
// Register custom fonts in driver
// Inject custom element class, for style inferencing
$dom = $document->getDomDocument();
// Reload the XML document with to a DOMDocument with a custom element
// class. Just registering it on the existing document seems not to
// work in all cases.
$reloaded = new DOMDocument();
$reloaded->registerNodeClass( 'DOMElement', 'ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement' );
$reloaded->loadXml( $dom->saveXml() );
$this->process( $reloaded );
return $this->driver->save();
* Register fonts in driver
* Register the font classes specified in the styles with the driver, so
* the driver can use the fonts during the rendering.
* @return void
protected function registerFonts()
foreach ( $this->styles->getDefinitions( 'font-face' ) as $font )
if ( !isset( $font->formats['font-family'] ) )
$this->triggerError( E_WARNING, "Missing font-family declaration in @font-face specification.", $font->file, $font->line );
$name = $font->formats['font-family']->value;
if ( !isset( $font->formats['src'] ) )
$this->triggerError( E_WARNING, "Missing src declaration in @font-face specification.", $font->file, $font->line );
$pathes = $font->formats['src']->value;
$style = ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_PLAIN;
if ( isset( $font->formats['font-style'] ) &&
( ( $font->formats['font-style']->value === 'oblique' ) ||
( $font->formats['font-style']->value === 'italic' ) ) )
$style |= ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_OBLIQUE;
if ( isset( $font->formats['font-weight'] ) &&
( ( $font->formats['font-weight']->value === 'bold' ) ||
( $font->formats['font-weight']->value === 'bolder' ) ) )
$style |= ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_BOLD;
$this->driver->registerFont( $name, $style, $pathes );
* Check column or page skip prerequisite
* If no content has been rendered any more in the current column, this
* method should be called to check prerequisite for the skip, which is
* especially important for already rendered items, which impose
* assumptions on following contents.
* One example for this are titles, which should always be followed by at
* least some content in the same column.
* Returns false, if prerequisite are not fulfileld and rendering should be
* aborted.
* @param float $move
* @param float $width
* @return bool
public function checkSkipPrerequisites( $move, $width )
// Ensure the paragraph is on the same page / in the same column
// like a title, of it is the first paragraph
if ( $this->titleTransaction === null )
return true;
$this->driver->revert( $this->titleTransaction['transaction'] );
// The rendering should now start again with the title on the
// next column / page.
$this->getNextRenderingPosition( $move, $width );
$this->restart = $this->titleTransaction['position'] - 1;
$this->titleTransaction = null;
return false;
* Calculate text width
* Calculate the available horizontal space for texts depending on the
* page layout settings.
* @param ezcDocumentPdfPage $page
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $text
* @return float
public function calculateTextWidth( ezcDocumentPdfPage $page, ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $text )
// Inference page styles
$rules = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $text );
return ( $page->innerWidth -
( $rules['text-column-spacing']->value * ( $rules['text-columns']->value - 1 ) )
) / $rules['text-columns']->value
- $page->xOffset - $page->xReduce;
* Get next rendering position
* If the current space has been exceeded this method calculates
* a new rendering position, optionally creates a new page for
* this, or switches to the next column. The new rendering
* position is set on the returned page object.
* As the parameter you need to pass the required width for the object to
* place on the page.
* @param float $move
* @param float $width
* @return ezcDocumentPdfPage
public function getNextRenderingPosition( $move, $width )
// Then move paragraph into next column / page;
$trans = $this->driver->startTransaction();
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
if ( ( ( $newX = $page->x + $move ) < ( $page->startX + $page->innerWidth ) ) &&
( ( $space = $page->testFitRectangle( $newX, null, $width, 2 ) ) !== false ) )
// Another column fits on the current page, find starting Y
// position
$page->x = $space->x;
$page->y = $space->y;
return $page;
// If there is no space for a new column, create a new page
$oldPage = $page;
$page = $this->driver->appendPage( $this->styles );
$page->xOffset = $oldPage->xOffset;
$page->xReduce = $oldPage->xReduce;
foreach ( $this->parts as $part )
$part->hookPageCreation( $page );
return $page;
* Process a single element with the registered renderers.
* @param DOMElement $element
* @param int $number
* @return int
public function processNode( DOMElement $element, $number = 0 )
// Default to docbook namespace, if no namespace is defined
$namespace = $element->namespaceURI === null ? '' : $element->namespaceURI;
if ( !isset( $this->handlerMapping[$namespace] ) ||
!isset( $this->handlerMapping[$namespace][$element->tagName] ) )
"Unknown and unhandled element: {$namespace}:{$element->tagName}."
return $number;
$method = $this->handlerMapping[$namespace][$element->tagName];
$this->$method( $element, $number );
// Check if the rendering process should be restarted at an earlier
// point
if ( $this->restart !== false )
$number = $this->restart;
$this->restart = false;
return $number;
return $number;
* Recurse into DOMDocument tree and call appropriate element handlers
* @param DOMNode $element
* @return void
public function process( DOMNode $element )
$childNodes = $element->childNodes;
$nodeCount = $childNodes->length;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $nodeCount; ++$i )
$child = $childNodes->item( $i );
if ( $child->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE )
$i = $this->processNode( $child, $i );
* Ignore elements, which should not be rendered
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function ignore( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
// Just do nothing.
* Initialize document according to detected root node
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function initializeDocument( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
// Call hooks for started document
foreach ( $this->parts as $part )
$part->hookDocumentCreation( $element );
$page = $this->driver->appendPage( $this->styles );
// Call hooks for fresh new first page
foreach ( $this->parts as $part )
$part->hookPageCreation( $page );
// Continue processing sub nodes
$this->process( $element );
// Call hooks for finished document
foreach ( $this->parts as $part )
$part->hookDocumentRendering( $element );
* Append document metadata
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function appendMetaData( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$childNodes = $element->childNodes;
$nodeCount = $childNodes->length;
// Default metadata values
$metadata = array(
'created' => date( 'r' ),
'modified' => date( 'r' ),
// Fields mapped to metadata identifiers
$fields = array(
'' => array(
'title' => 'title',
'author' => 'author',
'authors' => 'author',
'subtitle' => 'subject',
'pubdate' => 'created',
'date' => 'modified',
for ( $i = 0; $i < $nodeCount; ++$i )
$child = $childNodes->item( $i );
if ( $child->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE )
$namespace = $element->namespaceURI === null ? '' : $element->namespaceURI;
if ( isset( $fields[$namespace] ) &&
isset( $fields[$namespace][$child->tagName] ) )
$metadata[$fields[$namespace][$child->tagName]] = $child->textContent;
foreach ( $metadata as $key => $value )
$this->driver->setMetaData( $key, $value );
* Handle calls to block element renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function renderBlock( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfBlockRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
return $renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this );
* Handle calls to block element renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function renderBlockquote( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfBlockquoteRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
return $renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this );
* Handle calls to table element renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function renderTable( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfTableRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles, $this->options );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
return $renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this );
* Handle calls to List element renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function renderList( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfListRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
return $renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this );
* Handle calls to list item element renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function renderListItem( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfListItemRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles, new ezcDocumentNoListItemGenerator(), 0 );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
return $renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this );
* Handle calls to paragraph renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function renderParagraph( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfWrappingTextBoxRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
$styles = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $element );
// Just try to render at current position first
$trans = $this->driver->startTransaction();
if ( $renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this ) )
$this->titleTransaction = null;
$this->handleAnchors( $element );
return true;
// Check if something requested a rendering restart at a prior point,
// only continue otherwise.
if ( ( $this->restart !== false ) ||
( !$this->checkSkipPrerequisites(
( $pWidth = $this->calculateTextWidth( $page, $element ) ) +
) ) )
return false;
// If that did not work, switch to the next possible location and start
// there.
$this->driver->revert( $trans );
( $pWidth = $this->calculateTextWidth( $page, $element ) ) +
return $this->renderParagraph( $element );
* Handle calls to title renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @param int $position
private function renderTitle( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element, $position )
$styles = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $element );
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfTitleRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
// Just try to render at current position first
$this->titleTransaction = array(
'transaction' => $this->driver->startTransaction(),
'page' => $page,
'xPos' => $page->x,
'position' => $position,
if ( $renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this ) )
$this->handleAnchors( $element );
return true;
$this->driver->revert( $this->titleTransaction['transaction'] );
( $pWidth = $this->calculateTextWidth( $page, $element ) ) +
return $this->renderTitle( $element, $position );
* Handle calls to media object renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function renderMediaObject( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfMediaObjectRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
// Just try to render at current position first
$trans = $this->driver->startTransaction();
$renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this );
$this->handleAnchors( $element );
* Handle calls to paragraph renderer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function renderLiteralLayout( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$renderer = new ezcDocumentPdfLiteralBlockRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles );
$page = $this->driver->currentPage();
$styles = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $element );
// Just try to render at current position first
$trans = $this->driver->startTransaction();
if ( $renderer->renderNode( $page, $this->hyphenator, $this->tokenizer, $element, $this ) )
$this->titleTransaction = null;
$this->handleAnchors( $element );
return true;
// Check if something requested a rendering restart at a prior point,
// only continue otherwise.
if ( ( $this->restart !== false ) ||
( !$this->checkSkipPrerequisites(
( $pWidth = $this->calculateTextWidth( $page, $element ) ) +
) ) )
return false;
// If that did not work, switch to the next possible location and start
// there.
$this->driver->revert( $trans );
( $pWidth = $this->calculateTextWidth( $page, $element ) ) +
return $this->renderParagraph( $element );
* Handle all anchors inside the current element
* Finds all anchors somewhere in the current element and adds reference
* targets for them.
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
private function handleAnchors( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $element->ownerDocument );
$xpath->registerNamespace( 'doc', '' );
foreach ( $xpath->query( './/doc:anchor', $element ) as $anchor )
$this->driver->addInternalLinkTarget( $anchor->getAttribute( 'id' ) );