blob: 6f7d13cb7c5529ce9517c93161f88562604e2da3 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentPdfFooterPdfPart class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Basic foot class, which renders a simple page footer including information
* from the document.
* Configured using the ezcDocumentPdfFooterOptions options class.
* A footer, or any other PDF part, can be registered for rendering in the main
* PDF class using the registerPdfPart() method, like:
* <code>
* $pdf = new ezcDocumentPdf();
* // Add a customized footer
* $pdf->registerPdfPart( new ezcDocumentPdfFooterPdfPart(
* new ezcDocumentPdfFooterOptions( array(
* 'showDocumentTitle' => false,
* 'showDocumentAuthor' => false,
* 'height' => '10mm',
* ) )
* ) );
* $pdf->createFromDocbook( $docbook );
* file_put_contents( __FILE__ . '.pdf', $pdf );
* </code>
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
class ezcDocumentPdfFooterPdfPart extends ezcDocumentPdfPart
* Options of footer
* @var ezcDocumentPdfFooterOptions
protected $options;
* Reference to rendered document
* @var DOMDocument
protected $document;
* Extracted title information
* @var mixed
protected $documentTitle;
* Extracted author information
* @var mixed
protected $documentAuthor;
* Create a new footer PDF part
* @param ezcDocumentPdfFooterOptions $options
public function __construct( ezcDocumentPdfFooterOptions $options = null )
$this->options = ( $options === null ?
new ezcDocumentPdfFooterOptions() :
$options );
* Hook on page creation
* Hook called on page creation, so that certain areas might be reserved or
* it already may render stuff on the frshly created page.
* @param ezcDocumentPdfPage $page
* @return void
public function hookPageCreation( ezcDocumentPdfPage $page )
// Get default styles from document
$style = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $this->document );
foreach ( $style as $name => $value )
$this->driver->setTextFormatting( $name, $value->value );
// Allocate space for footer
if ( ( $space = $page->testFitRectangle(
$this->options->footer ? $page->y + $page->innerHeight - $this->options->height->get() : $page->y,
) ) === false )
// If we can't allocate the designated space, exit.
return false;
// Calculate vertical alignement
$offset = 0;
if ( $this->options->footer )
$offset = $space->height - 2.1 * $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight();
// Render document title
if ( $this->documentTitle &&
$this->options->showDocumentTitle )
// Inference these settings somehow
$this->driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' );
$width = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( $this->documentTitle );
$space->x + ( $page->innerWidth - $width ) / 2,
$space->y + $offset + $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight(),
$offset += 1.1 * $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight();
// Render document author
if ( $this->documentAuthor &&
$this->options->showDocumentAuthor )
// Inference these settings somehow
$this->driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'normal' );
$this->driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-style', 'italic' );
$width = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( $this->documentAuthor );
$space->x + ( $page->innerWidth - $width ) / 2,
$space->y + $offset + $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight(),
$offset += 1.1 * $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight();
// Render page number
if ( $this->options->showPageNumber )
$pageNumber = $page->number + $this->options->pageNumberOffset;
$postion = $pageNumber % 2 ? $space->width - $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( $pageNumber ) : 0;
$space->x + $postion,
$space->y + ( $space->height - $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight() ) / 2
+ $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight(),
$page->setCovered( $space );
if ( !$this->options->footer )
$page->y += $space->height;
* Hook on document creation
* Hook called when a new document is created.
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @return void
public function hookDocumentCreation( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element )
$this->document = $element;
// Extract title and author information
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $this->document->ownerDocument );
$nodes = $xpath->query( '//*[local-name() = "title"]' );
$this->documentTitle = $nodes->length ? $nodes->item( 0 )->textContent : null;
$nodes = $xpath->query( '//*[local-name() = "author"]' );
$this->documentAuthor = $nodes->length ? $nodes->item( 0 )->textContent : null;