blob: d028b681ef8abeecb5880d74bbdf836722b4163b [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentPdfTransactionalDriverWrapper class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* PDF driver proxy, which records write calls to proxied driver, wraps them
* into transactions to optionally revert or commit them later.
* Since page layouting algorithms are basically always backtracking algorithms
* they always try to render something, and need to recursively revert already
* "rendered" stuff. This proxy class for all driver classes records calls,
* optionally assiciates them with transaction identifies and allows to
* selectively revert or commint groups of such calls to the backend. Only when
* comitting or calling save() on the driver proxy any modifying (write)
* operations are actually issued on the proxied driver.
* The prupose of this class is explained in more detail in the class
* documentation of the ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer class.
* @package Document
* @access private
* @version //autogen//
class ezcDocumentPdfTransactionalDriverWrapper extends ezcDocumentPdfDriver
* Wrapper direver instance.
* @var ezcDocumentPdfDriver
protected $driver;
* Array with currently known pages, also depend on transactions.
* @var array
protected $pages = array();
* Recorded transactions.
* @var array
protected $transactions = array();
* Transaction identifier of current transaction.
* @var mixed
protected $transaction = 0;
* Construct transactional driver wrapper.
public function __construct()
$this->transactions[$this->transaction] = new ezcDocumentPdfTransactionalDriverWrapperState();
* Set proxied driver.
* Set driver, which should respond to read calls, and to which comitted
* write calls should be passed.
* @param ezcDocumentPdfDriver $driver
public function setDriver( ezcDocumentPdfDriver $driver )
$this->driver = $driver;
* Start a new transaction sequence.
* Start a new transaction, which will record all calls, until the next
* transaction is started. This methods returns an identifier for this
* transaction, which can be used to commit this transaction, or revert
* everything since (including) this this transaction.
* @return mixed
public function startTransaction()
$current = $this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage;
$this->transactions[++$this->transaction] = new ezcDocumentPdfTransactionalDriverWrapperState();
$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage = $current;
if ( $page = $this->currentPage() )
$page->startTransaction( $this->transaction );
return $this->transaction;
* Commit recorded transactions.
* If no transaction identifier is specified every recorded call will be
* comitted to the proxied driver. If you specify a transaction identifier,
* each transaction up to the current (including the current) transaction
* will be comitted.
* @param mixed $transaction
public function commit( $transaction = null )
if ( ( $transaction !== null ) &&
!isset( $this->transactions[$transaction] ) )
return false;
// Order calls using the page number they are called for, for all
// transactions to commit.
$lastPage = count( $this->pages ) ? max( array_keys( $this->pages ) ) : 0;
for ( $page = 0; $page <= $lastPage; ++$page )
foreach ( $this->transactions as $id => $transactions )
if ( !isset( $transactions->calls[$page] ) )
foreach ( $transactions->calls[$page] as $call )
call_user_func_array( array( $this->driver, $call[0] ), $call[1] );
$this->transactions[$id]->calls[$page] = array();
if ( $id === $transaction )
continue 2;
return true;
* Revert transaction.
* Revert all transactions after the specified (including the specified)
* transaction.
* @param mixed $transactionId
public function revert( $transactionId )
// Revert all page creations and associated transactions
$remove = false;
$lastTransaction = 0;
foreach ( $this->transactions as $id => $transaction )
if ( !$remove &&
( $id !== $transactionId ) )
$lastTransaction = $id;
$remove = true;
foreach ( $transaction->pageCreations as $pageNumber )
unset( $this->pages[$pageNumber] );
unset( $this->transactions[$id] );
// Revert transactions on all possibly affected pages
$this->transaction = $lastTransaction;
foreach ( $this->pages as $nr => $page )
if ( $nr >= $this->transactions[$lastTransaction]->currentPage )
$page->revert( $transactionId );
return true;
* Record call.
* Record a write call in the current transaction. A call is specified by
* its method name and the parameters.
* @param string $name
* @param array $parameters
protected function recordCall( $name, array $parameters )
$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->calls[$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage][] = array( $name, $parameters );
* Create and append a new page.
* @param ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer $inferencer
public function appendPage( ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer $inferencer )
$current = $this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage;
// Check if the next page already exists
if ( isset( $this->pages[$current + 1] ) )
$current = ++$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage;
return $this->pages[$current];
$current = ++$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage;
$styles = $inferencer->inferenceFormattingRules( new ezcDocumentPdfPage( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
$page = ezcDocumentPdfPage::createFromSpecification(
// Store in which transaction the page has been created
$this->pages[$current] = $page;
$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->pageCreations[] = $current;
// Tell driver about new page
$this->createPage( $page->width, $page->height );
return $page;
* Get current page.
* Return the currently used page.
* @return ezcDocumentPdfPage
public function currentPage()
if ( !isset( $this->transactions[$this->transaction] ) ||
!isset( $this->pages[$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage] ) )
return null;
return $this->pages[$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage];
* Go back one page.
* If something has been rendered on the next page, but the actual pointer
* should stay at the current page, this function can be used to revert the
* pointer to the last page.
public function goBackOnePage()
* Select page given by its ordered ID.
* Set the page given by its ordered ID active. If page could not be found
* the method will return false, and true otherwise.
* @param int $orderedId
* @return bool
public function selectPage( $orderedId )
foreach ( $this->pages as $nr => $page )
if ( $page->orderedId === $orderedId )
$this->transactions[$this->transaction]->currentPage = $nr;
return true;
return false;
* Create a new page.
* Create a new page in the PDF document with the given width and height.
* @param float $width
* @param float $height
public function createPage( $width, $height )
// Just record this write call
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $width, $height ) );
* Set text formatting option.
* Set a text formatting option. The names of the options are the same used
* in the PCSS files and need to be translated by the driver to the proper
* backend calls.
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $value
public function setTextFormatting( $type, $value )
// This call can be relevant for the size estimation, so it needs to be
// proxied and recorded
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $type, $value ) );
return $this->driver->setTextFormatting( $type, $value );
* Calculate the rendered width of the current word.
* Calculate the width of the passed word, using the currently set text
* formatting options.
* @param string $word
* @return float
public function calculateWordWidth( $word )
// Just required to read rendering properties of the current driver, no
// recording required.
return $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( $word );
* Get current line height.
* Return the current line height in millimeter based on the current font
* and text rendering settings.
* @return float
public function getCurrentLineHeight()
// Just required to read rendering properties of the current driver, no
// recording required.
return $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight();
* Draw word at given position.
* Draw the given word at the given position using the currently set text
* formatting options.
* The coordinate specifies the left bottom edge of the words bounding box.
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param string $word
public function drawWord( $x, $y, $word )
// Just record this write call
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $x, $y, $word ) );
* Draw image.
* Draw image at the defined position. The first parameter is the
* (absolute) path to the image file, and the second defines the type of
* the image. If the driver cannot handle this aprticular image type, it
* should throw an exception.
* The further parameters define the location where the image should be
* rendered and the dimensions of the image in the rendered output. The
* dimensions do not neccesarily match the real image dimensions, and might
* require some kind of scaling inside the driver depending on the used
* backend.
* @param string $file
* @param string $type
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $width
* @param float $height
public function drawImage( $file, $type, $x, $y, $width, $height )
// Just record this write call
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $file, $type, $x, $y, $width, $height ) );
* Draw a fileld polygon.
* Draw any filled polygon, filled using the defined color. The color
* should be passed as an array with the keys "red", "green", "blue" and
* optionally "alpha". Each key should have a value between 0 and 1
* associated.
* The polygon itself is specified as an array of two-tuples, specifying
* the x and y coordinate of the point.
* @param array $points
* @param array $color
public function drawPolygon( array $points, array $color )
// Just record this write call
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $points, $color ) );
* Draw a polyline.
* Draw any non-filled polygon, filled using the defined color. The color
* should be passed as an array with the keys "red", "green", "blue" and
* optionally "alpha". Each key should have a value between 0 and 1
* associated.
* The polyline itself is specified as an array of two-tuples, specifying
* the x and y coordinate of the point.
* The thrid parameter defines the width of the border and the last
* parameter may optionally be set to false to not close the polygon (draw
* another line from the last point to the first one).
* @param array $points
* @param array $color
* @param float $width
* @param bool $close
public function drawPolyline( array $points, array $color, $width, $close = true )
// Just record this write call
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $points, $color, $width, $close ) );
* Add an external link.
* Add an external link to the rectangle specified by its top-left
* position, width and height. The last parameter is the actual URL to link
* to.
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $width
* @param float $height
* @param string $url
public function addExternalLink( $x, $y, $width, $height, $url )
// Just record this write call
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $x, $y, $width, $height, $url ) );
* Add an internal link.
* Add an internal link to the rectangle specified by its top-left
* position, width and height. The last parameter is the target identifier
* to link to.
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $width
* @param float $height
* @param string $target
public function addInternalLink( $x, $y, $width, $height, $target )
// Just record this write call
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $x, $y, $width, $height, $target ) );
* Add an internal link target.
* Add an internal link to the current page. The last parameter
* is the target identifier.
* @param string $id
public function addInternalLinkTarget( $id )
// Just record this write call
$this->recordCall( __FUNCTION__, array( $id ) );
* Register a font.
* Registers a font, which can be used by its name later in the driver. The
* given type is either self::FONT_PLAIN or a bitwise combination of self::FONT_BOLD
* and self::FONT_OBLIQUE.
* The third paramater specifies an array of pathes with references to font
* definition files. Multiple pathes may be specified to provide the same
* font using different types, because not all drivers may process all font
* types.
* @param string $name
* @param int $type
* @param array $pathes
public function registerFont( $name, $type, array $pathes )
return $this->driver->registerFont( $name, $type, $pathes );
* Set metadata.
* Set document meta data. The meta data types are identified by a list of
* keys, common to PDF, like: title, author, subject, created, modified.
* The values are passed like embedded in the docbook document and might
* need to be reformatted.
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
public function setMetaData( $key, $value )
return $this->driver->setMetaData( $key, $value );
* Generate and return PDF.
* Return the generated binary PDF content as a string.
* @return string
public function save()
// The ultimate write call. We can try to recommit an then just proxy
// the call.
return $this->driver->save();