blob: a9707189b3a42b9e27ff26322f7cc6d97c7badb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentDocbookToRstTableHandler class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Visit tables
* The RST table rendering algorithm tries losely to fit a table in the
* provided document dimensions. This may not always work for over long words,
* or if the table cells contain literal blocks which can not be wrapped.
* For this the algorithm estiamtes the available width per column, equally
* distributes this available width over all columns (which might be far from
* optimal), and extends the total table width if some cell content exceeds the
* column width.
* The initial table cell estiation happens inside the function
* estimateColumnWidths() which you might want to extend to fit your needs
* better.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
class ezcDocumentDocbookToRstTableHandler extends ezcDocumentDocbookToRstBaseHandler
* Estimation of table column widths
* Returns an spoecification array with the column widths for the tables,
* which will be generated by this class. The array should contain as many
* values as the table contains columns, each specifying the width of the
* respective column.
* This basic implementation just divides the document width (specified by
* the wordwrap option in the converter class) by the amount of columns
* found in the given table. This might be far from optimal.
* @param ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter $converter
* @param DOMElement $table
* @return array
protected function estimateColumnWidths( ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter $converter, DOMElement $table )
// Get some row from the table
$row = $table->getElementsByTagName( 'row' )->item( 0 );
$columns = 0;
foreach ( $row->childNodes as $child )
if ( ( $child->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) &&
( $child->tagName === 'entry' ) )
$columnWidth = floor( ( $converter->options->wordWrap - ( 2 * ( $columns - 1 ) ) ) / $columns );
return array_fill( 0, $columns, $columnWidth );
* Get maximum line length
* Calculate the maximum line length from an array of textual lines.
* @param array $lines
* @return int
protected function getMaxLineLength( array $lines )
$maxLength = 0;
foreach ( $lines as $line )
$maxLength = max( $maxLength, strlen( $line ) );
return $maxLength;
* Handle a node
* Handle / transform a given node, and return the result of the
* conversion.
* @param ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter $converter
* @param DOMElement $node
* @param mixed $root
* @return mixed
public function handle( ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter $converter, DOMElement $node, $root )
$columns = $this->estimateColumnWidths( $converter, $node );
$rows = $node->getElementsByTagName( 'row' );
$table = array();
$rowLines = array();
$rowNr = 0;
$oldWidth = $converter->options->wordWrap;
// Create contents from tables cells recursively and calculate their
// content width, extending the column width, if necessary.
foreach ( $rows as $row )
$cellNr = 0;
$rowLines[$rowNr] = 1;
foreach ( $row->childNodes as $cell )
if ( ( $cell->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) &&
( $cell->tagName === 'entry' ) )
ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverter::$wordWrap = $columns[$cellNr];
$table[$rowNr][$cellNr] = $cellContent = explode( "\n", trim( $converter->visitChildren( $cell, '' ) ) );
$rowLines[$rowNr] = max( $rowLines[$rowNr], count( $cellContent ) );
$columns[$cellNr] = max( $columns[$cellNr], $this->getMaxLineLength( $cellContent ) );
ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverter::$wordWrap = $converter->options->wordWrap;
// Build table row seperator
$separator = '';
foreach ( $columns as $width )
$separator .= str_repeat( '-', $width ) . ' ';
$separator = rtrim( $separator ) . "\n";
// Check if table has a header. RST does only support the foirst row as
// a header row, so we will only check for this, and render all
// subsequent header lines as plain contents.
$hasHeader = (bool) $node->getElementsByTagName( 'thead' )->length;
// Draw table
$cellCount = count( $columns );
$root .= str_replace( '-', '=', $separator );
foreach ( $table as $rowNr => $row )
for ( $line = 0; $line < $rowLines[$rowNr]; ++$line )
for ( $cellNr = 0; $cellNr < $cellCount; ++$cellNr )
$last = ( $cellNr >= ( $cellCount - 1 ) );
$width = $columns[$cellNr] + ( $last ? 0 : 2 );
$lineContent = isset( $table[$rowNr][$cellNr][$line] ) ? $table[$rowNr][$cellNr][$line] : '';
$root .= $last ? $lineContent . "\n" : str_pad( rtrim( $lineContent ), $width, ' ' );
// Always add row seperator
if ( ( $hasHeader &&
( $rowNr === 0 ) ) ||
( $rowNr >= ( count( $table ) - 1 ) ) )
$root .= str_replace( '-', '=', $separator );
$root .= $separator;
$root .= "\n";
return $root;