blob: 464f399d5e27d2930b60f4769aa3ae815dcb0dbc [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDebugHtmlFormatter class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Debug
* @version //autogentag//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* ezcDebugHtmlFormatter class implements a HTML debug formatter that outputs
* debug information nicely formated for inclusion on your web page.
* @package Debug
* @version //autogentag//
class ezcDebugHtmlFormatter implements ezcDebugOutputFormatter
* Stores a mapping between the a verbosity level and the color to print it with.
* Format array(verbosity_level=>'color_name_using_css_names')
* @var array(int=>string)
private $verbosityColors = array();
* Constructs a new HTML reporter.
public function __construct()
* Sets the output $color of debug messages of the verbosity $verbosity.
* $color must be specified in a CSS color value.
* @param int $verbosity
* @param string $color
* @deprecated This method does not have any effect anymore. Use CSS instead.
public function setVerbosityColor( $verbosity, $color )
$this->verbosityColors[$verbosity] = $color;
* Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output.
* Returns the data submitted in $timerData and $writerData as an HTML
* formatted string to be displayed in a web browser.
* @param array $writerData
* @param array(ezcDebugStructure) $timerData
* @return string
public function generateOutput( array $writerData, array $timerData )
$str = '<div class="ezc-debug-output">';
$str .= $this->getLog( $writerData );
$str .= $this->getTimingsAccumulator( $timerData );
$str .= "</div>\n";
return $str;
* Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output based on $writerData.
* @param array $writerData
* @return string
public function getLog( array $writerData )
$str = "<table class='log'>\n";
foreach ( $writerData as $w )
$color = isset( $this->verbosityColors[$w->verbosity]) ? $this->verbosityColors[$w->verbosity] : "";
$date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s O', $w->datetime );
$str .= <<<ENDT
<tr class='debugheader'>
<td class='source'>
<span class='verbosity{$w->verbosity}'>{$w->verbosity}: {$w->source}::{$w->category}</span>
<td class='date'>{$date}</td>
<tr class='debugbody'>
<td colspan='2'>{$w->message}</td>
if ( isset( $w->stackTrace ) )
$str .= "<tr class='debugstacktrace'>";
$str .= "<td colspan='2'>";
$str .= $this->formatStackTrace( $w->stackTrace );
$str .= "</td>";
$str .= "</tr>";
$str .= "</table>\n";
return $str;
* Returns an HTML formatted representation of the given $stackTrace.
* Iterates through the given $stackTrace and returns an HTML formatted
* string representation.
* @param ezcDebugStacktraceIterator $stackTrace
* @return string
public function formatStackTrace( ezcDebugStacktraceIterator $stackTrace )
$res = <<<EOT
<table class='stacktrace'>
<th class='stacktraceno'>
<th class='stacktracefunction'>
<th class='stacktracelocation'>
foreach ( $stackTrace as $index => $element )
$function = ( isset( $element['class'] ) ? "{$element['class']}::" : '' )
. $element['function'] . '('
. implode( ', ', $element['params'] )
. ')';
$location = "{$element['file']}:{$element['line']}";
$res .= <<<EOT
<td class='stacktraceno'>
<td class='stacktracefunction'>
<td class='stacktracelocation'>
$res .= "</table>\n";
return $res;
* Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output based on $timerData.
* @param array(ezcDebugStructure) $timerData
* @return string
public function getTimingsAccumulator( array $timerData )
$groups = $this->getGroups( $timerData );
if ( sizeof( $groups ) > 0 )
$str = <<<ENDT
<table class='accumulator'>
foreach ( $groups as $groupName => $group )
$str .= <<<ENDT
<tr class='group-header'>
<th colspan='5'>{$groupName}</th>
// Calculate the total time.
foreach ( $group->elements as $name => $element )
$elapsedTime = sprintf( '%.5f', $element->elapsedTime );
$percent = sprintf( '%.2f', (100 * ($element->elapsedTime / $group->elapsedTime ) ) );
$average = sprintf( '%.5f', ( $element->elapsedTime / $element->count ) );
$str .= <<<ENDT
<tr class='group'>
<td class='tp-name'>{$name}</td>
<td class='tp-elapsed'>{$elapsedTime}</td>
<td class='tp-percent'>{$percent} %</td>
<td class='tp-count'>{$element->count}</td>
<td class='tp-average'>{$average}</td>
foreach ( $element->switchTime as $switch )
$elapsedTime = sprintf( '%.5f', $switch->time - $element->startTime );
$percent = sprintf( '%.2f', ( 100 * ( $elapsedTime / $group->elapsedTime ) ) );
$str .= <<<ENDT
<tr class='switch'>
<td class='tp-name'>{$switch->name}</td>
<td class='tp-elapsed'>{$elapsedTime}</td>
<td class='tp-percent'>{$percent} %</td>
<td class='tp-empty'>-</td>
<td class='tp-empty'>-</td>
if ( $group->count > 1 )
$elapsedTime = sprintf( '%.5f', $group->elapsedTime );
$average = sprintf( '%.5f', ( $group->elapsedTime / $group->count ) );
$str .= <<<ENDT
<tr class='totals'>
<th class='tp-total'>Total:</th>
<td class='tp-elapsed'>{$elapsedTime}</td>
<td class='tp-percent'>100.00 %</td>
<td class='tp-count'>{$group->count}</td>
<td class='tp-average'>{$average}</td>
$str .= "</table>";
return $str;
return "";
* Returns the timer groups of the given $timers.
* @param array(ezcDebugStructure) $timers
* @return array(ezcDebugStructure)
private function getGroups( array $timers )
$groups = array();
foreach ( $timers as $time )
if ( !isset( $groups[$time->group] ) )
$groups[$time->group] = new ezcDebugStructure();
$groups[$time->group]->elements = array();
$groups[$time->group]->count = 0;
$groups[$time->group]->elapsedTime = 0;
$groups[$time->group]->startTime = INF; // Infinite high number.
$groups[$time->group]->stopTime = 0;
// $groups[$time->group]->elements[] = $time;
$this->addElement( $groups[$time->group]->elements, $time );
$groups[$time->group]->elapsedTime += $time->elapsedTime;
$groups[$time->group]->startTime = min( $groups[$time->group]->startTime, $time->startTime );
$groups[$time->group]->stopTime = max( $groups[$time->group]->stopTime, $time->stopTime );
return $groups;
* Prepares $element to contain $timeStruct information.
* @param array $element
* @param ezcDebugTimerStruct $timeStruct
private function addElement( &$element, $timeStruct )
if ( !isset( $element[$timeStruct->name] ) )
$element[$timeStruct->name] = new ezcDebugStructure();
$element[$timeStruct->name]->count = 0;
$element[$timeStruct->name]->elapsedTime = 0;
$element[$timeStruct->name]->startTime = INF;
$element[$timeStruct->name]->stopTime = 0;
$element[$timeStruct->name]->elapsedTime += $timeStruct->elapsedTime;
$element[$timeStruct->name]->startTime = min( $element[$timeStruct->name]->startTime, $timeStruct->startTime );
$element[$timeStruct->name]->stopTime = max( $element[$timeStruct->name]->stopTime, $timeStruct->stopTime );
$element[$timeStruct->name]->switchTime = $timeStruct->switchTime;