blob: dec4a6d8cc42839a8efda472fa5965b724db4bb5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Database
* @subpackage Tests
* Testing the SQL expression abstraction layer for INSERT queries.
* @package Database
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcQueryUpdateTest extends ezcTestCase
private $q;
protected function setUp()
try {
$db = ezcDbInstance::get();
catch ( Exception $e )
$this->assertNotNull( $db, 'Database instance is not initialized.' );
$this->q = new ezcQueryUpdate( $db );
$db->exec( 'DROP TABLE query_test' );
catch ( Exception $e ) {} // eat
// insert some data
$db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE query_test ( id int, company VARCHAR(255), section VARCHAR(255), employees int )' );
protected function tearDown()
$db = ezcDbInstance::get();
$db->exec( 'DROP TABLE query_test' );
public function testSingle()
$reference = "UPDATE legends SET Gretzky = 99";
$this->q->update( 'legends' )
->set( 'Gretzky', '99' );
$this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() );
public function testMulti()
$reference = "UPDATE legends SET Gretzky = 99, Lindros = 88";
$this->q->update( 'legends' )
->set( 'Gretzky', '99' )
->set( 'Lindros', '88' );
$this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() );
public function testWithWhere()
$reference = "UPDATE legends SET Gretzky = 99, Lindros = 88 WHERE Gretzky = Lindros";
$this->q->update( 'legends' )
->set( 'Gretzky', '99' )
->set( 'Lindros', '88' )
->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'Gretzky', 'Lindros' ) );
$this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() );
public function testWithSeveralWhere()
$reference = "UPDATE legends SET Gretzky = 99, Lindros = 88 WHERE Gretzky = Lindros AND 1 = 1";
$this->q->update( 'legends' )
->set( 'Gretzky', '99' )
->set( 'Lindros', '88' )
->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'Gretzky', 'Lindros' ) )
->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 1, 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() );
public function testInvalidWhereCall()
$this->q->update( 'legends' )
->set( 'Gretzky', '99' )
->set( 'Lindros', '88' )
catch ( ezcQueryException $e )
$this->fail( "Got no exception when an exception was expected" );
public function testNoTable()
$this->q->set( 'Gretzky', '99' )->set( 'Lindros', '88' );
catch ( Exception $e )
$this->fail( "Update query with no table did not fail!" );
public function testNoValues()
$this->q->update( 'MyTable' );
catch ( Exception $e )
$this->fail( "Update query with no values did not fail!" );
// test on a real database.
public function testOnDatabaseWithoutWhere()
$q = new ezcQueryInsert( ezcDbInstance::get() );
// insert some data we can update
$q->insertInto( 'query_test' )
->set( 'id', 1 )
->set( 'company', $q->bindValue( 'eZ systems' ) )
->set( 'section', $q->bindValue( 'Norway' ) )
->set( 'employees', 20 );
$stmt = $q->prepare();
$this->q->update( 'query_test' )
->set( 'employees', 50 );
$stmt = $this->q->prepare();
// check that it was actually correctly updated
$db = ezcDbInstance::get();
$q = $db->createSelectQuery(); // get select query
$q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' )
->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) );
$stmt = $q->prepare();
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
$this->assertEquals( 50, (int)$result[0][3] );
public function testOnDatabaseWithWhere()
$q = new ezcQueryInsert( ezcDbInstance::get() );
$company = 'eZ systems';
$section = 'Norway';
// insert some data we can update
$q->insertInto( 'query_test' )
->set( 'id', 1 )
->set( 'company', $q->bindParam( $company ) )
->set( 'section', $q->bindParam( $section ) )
->set( 'employees', 20 );
$stmt = $q->prepare();
$q->insertInto( 'query_test' );
$q->set( 'id', 2 );
$q->set( 'employees', 70 );
$company = 'trolltech';
$section = 'Norway';
$stmt = $q->prepare();
$this->q->update( 'query_test' )
->set( 'employees', 50 )
->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) );
$stmt = $this->q->prepare();
// check that entry 1 was updated correctly
// but not two
$db = ezcDbInstance::get();
$q = $db->createSelectQuery(); // get select query
$q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' )->orderBy( 'company' );
$stmt = $q->prepare();
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
$this->assertEquals( 50, (int)$result[0][3] );
$this->assertEquals( 70, (int)$result[1][3] );
// test for bug 10777
function testUpdateWithFalseTest()
// create the database
$db = ezcDbInstance::get();
// open schema
$schema = ezcDbSchema::createFromFile( 'array', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/bug10777.dba' );
$schema->writeToDb( $db );
// insert data
$q = $db->createInsertQuery();
$s = $q->insertInto( 'bug10777' )
->set( 'bar', $q->bindValue( false, null, PDO::PARAM_BOOL ) )
$q = $db->createInsertQuery();
$s = $q->insertInto( 'bug10777' )
->set( 'bar', $q->bindValue( true ) )
// first test: select with where being false.
$q = $db->createSelectQuery();
$s = $q->select( 'bar' )
->from( 'bug10777' )
->where( $q->expr->eq( 'bar', $q->bindValue( false, null, PDO::PARAM_BOOL ) ) )
$s->bindColumn( 1, $returnValue, PDO::PARAM_BOOL );
$s->fetch( PDO::FETCH_BOUND );
self::assertEquals( false, $returnValue );
// second test: update with set to true
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$s = $q->update( 'bug10777' )
->set( 'bar', $q->bindValue( true, null, PDO::PARAM_BOOL ) )
$q = $db->createSelectQuery();
$s = $q->select( 'bar' )
->from( 'bug10777' )
$s->bindColumn( 1, $returnValue, PDO::PARAM_BOOL );
$s->fetch( PDO::FETCH_BOUND );
self::assertEquals( true, $returnValue );
$s->fetch( PDO::FETCH_BOUND );
self::assertEquals( true, $returnValue );
// third test: update with set to false
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$s = $q->update( 'bug10777' )
->set( 'bar', $q->bindValue( false, null, PDO::PARAM_BOOL ) )
$q = $db->createSelectQuery();
$s = $q->select( 'bar' )
->from( 'bug10777' )
$s->bindColumn( 1, $returnValue, PDO::PARAM_BOOL );
$s->fetch( PDO::FETCH_BOUND );
self::assertEquals( false, $returnValue );
$s->fetch( PDO::FETCH_BOUND );
self::assertEquals( false, $returnValue );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( 'ezcQueryUpdateTest' );