blob: 477da91338f148e5ddc357fe96d48ebf84808095 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDbFactory class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Database
* @version //autogentag//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* ezcDbFactory manages the list of known database drivers
* and is used to create their instances.
* Example:
* <code>
* $dbparams = array(
* 'type' => 'mysql',
* 'dbname' => 'test',
* 'user' => 'john',
* 'pass' => 'topsecret' );
* $db = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams );
* $db->query( 'SELECT * FROM tbl' );
* </code>
* Instead of passing an array with those parameters, you can also pass a DSN:
* <code>
* $dsn = "mysql://root@localhost/geolocation";
* $db = ezcDbFactory::create( $dsn );
* </code>
* Other examples of DSNs are:
* <code>
* $dsn = "sqlite:///tmp/ezc.sqlite"; // Disk based databases for SQLite.
* $dsn = "sqlite://:memory:"; // In memory databases for SQLite.
* </code>
* Note that this class does not deal with character sets automatically, you
* have to make sure that you do that yourself. For MySQL that means running
* a query "SET NAMES" for example. See the tutorial for some hints on this.
* @see create()
* @package Database
* @version //autogentag//
class ezcDbFactory
* List of supported database implementations.
* The list is an array with the form 'dbname' => 'HandlerClassName'
* This list may be extended using {@link addImplementation()}.
* @var array(string=>string)
static private $implementations = array( 'mysql' => 'ezcDbHandlerMysql',
'pgsql' => 'ezcDbHandlerPgsql',
'oracle' => 'ezcDbHandlerOracle',
'sqlite' => 'ezcDbHandlerSqlite',
'mssql' => 'ezcDbHandlerMssql', );
* Adds a database implementation to the list of known implementations.
* $implementationName is the name of the implemenation. This name should
* be short and uniquely identify the database. $className is the class name
* of the class that implements the handler for this database.
* Example:
* <code>
* class DB2Handler
* {
* }
* ezcDbFactory::addImplementation( 'db2', 'DB2Handler' );
* // ...
* $dbparams = array( 'handler' => 'db2', ... );
* $db = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams );
* </code>
* @param string $implementationName
* @param string $className
* @return void
static public function addImplementation( $implementationName, $className )
self::$implementations[$implementationName] = $className;
* Returns a list with supported database implementations.
* Example:
* <code>
* ezcDbFactory::getImplementations();
* </code>
* @return array(string)
static public function getImplementations()
$list = array();
foreach ( self::$implementations as $name => $className )
$list[] = $name;
return $list;
* Creates and returns an instance of the specified ezcDbHandler implementation.
* Supported database parameters are:
* - phptype|type|handler|driver: Database implementation
* - user|username: Database user name
* - pass|password: Database user password
* - dbname|database: Database name
* - host|hostspec: Name of the host database is running on
* - port: TCP port
* - charset: Client character set
* - socket: UNIX socket path
* The list above is actually driver-dependent and may be extended in the future.
* You can specify any parameters your database handler supports.
* @throws ezcDbHandlerNotFoundException if the requested database handler could not be found.
* @param mixed $dbParams Database parameters
* (driver, host, port, user, pass, etc).
* May be specified either as array (key => val ....) or as DSN string.
* Format of the DSN is the same as accepted by PEAR::DB::parseDSN().
* @return ezcDbHandler
static public function create( $dbParams )
if ( is_string( $dbParams ) )
$dbParams = self::parseDSN( $dbParams );
else if ( !is_array( $dbParams ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'dbParams', $dbParams, 'string or array', 'parameter' );
$impName = null; // implementation name
foreach ( $dbParams as $key => $val )
if ( in_array( $key, array( 'phptype', 'type', 'handler', 'driver' ) ) )
$impName = $val;
if ( $impName === null || !array_key_exists( $impName, self::$implementations ) )
throw new ezcDbHandlerNotFoundException( $impName, array_keys( self::$implementations ) );
$className = self::$implementations[$impName];
$instance = new $className( $dbParams );
return $instance;
* Returns the Data Source Name as a structure containing the various parts of the DSN.
* Additional keys can be added by appending a URI query string to the
* end of the DSN.
* The format of the supplied DSN is in its fullest form:
* <code>
* phptype(dbsyntax)://username:password@protocol+hostspec/database?option=8&another=true
* </code>
* Most variations are allowed:
* <code>
* phptype://username:password@protocol+hostspec:110//usr/db_file.db?mode=0644
* phptype://username:password@hostspec/database_name
* phptype://username:password@hostspec
* phptype://username@hostspec
* phptype://hostspec/database
* phptype://hostspec
* phptype(dbsyntax)
* phptype
* </code>
* This function is 'borrowed' from PEAR /DB.php .
* @param string $dsn Data Source Name to be parsed
* @return array an associative array with the following keys:
* + phptype: Database backend used in PHP (mysql, odbc etc.)
* + dbsyntax: Database used with regards to SQL syntax etc.
* + protocol: Communication protocol to use (tcp, unix etc.)
* + hostspec: Host specification (hostname[:port])
* + database: Database to use on the DBMS server
* + username: User name for login
* + password: Password for login
public static function parseDSN( $dsn )
$parsed = array(
'phptype' => false,
'dbsyntax' => false,
'username' => false,
'password' => false,
'protocol' => false,
'hostspec' => false,
'port' => false,
'socket' => false,
'database' => false,
if ( is_array( $dsn ) )
$dsn = array_merge( $parsed, $dsn );
if ( !$dsn['dbsyntax'] )
$dsn['dbsyntax'] = $dsn['phptype'];
return $dsn;
// Find phptype and dbsyntax
if ( ( $pos = strpos( $dsn, '://' ) ) !== false )
$str = substr( $dsn, 0, $pos );
$dsn = substr( $dsn, $pos + 3 );
$str = $dsn;
$dsn = null;
// Get phptype and dbsyntax
// $str => phptype(dbsyntax)
if ( preg_match( '|^(.+?)\((.*?)\)$|', $str, $arr ) )
$parsed['phptype'] = $arr[1];
$parsed['dbsyntax'] = !$arr[2] ? $arr[1] : $arr[2];
$parsed['phptype'] = $str;
$parsed['dbsyntax'] = $str;
if ( !count( $dsn ) )
return $parsed;
// Get (if found): username and password
// $dsn => username:password@protocol+hostspec/database
if ( ( $at = strrpos( (string) $dsn, '@' ) ) !== false )
$str = substr( $dsn, 0, $at );
$dsn = substr( $dsn, $at + 1 );
if ( ( $pos = strpos( $str, ':' ) ) !== false )
$parsed['username'] = rawurldecode( substr( $str, 0, $pos ) );
$parsed['password'] = rawurldecode( substr( $str, $pos + 1 ) );
$parsed['username'] = rawurldecode( $str );
// Find protocol and hostspec
if ( preg_match( '|^([^(]+)\((.*?)\)/?(.*?)$|', $dsn, $match ) )
// $dsn => proto(proto_opts)/database
$proto = $match[1];
$proto_opts = $match[2] ? $match[2] : false;
$dsn = $match[3];
// $dsn => protocol+hostspec/database (old format)
if ( strpos( $dsn, '+' ) !== false )
list( $proto, $dsn ) = explode( '+', $dsn, 2 );
if ( strpos( $dsn, '/' ) !== false )
list( $proto_opts, $dsn ) = explode( '/', $dsn, 2 );
$proto_opts = $dsn;
$dsn = null;
// process the different protocol options
$parsed['protocol'] = ( !empty( $proto ) ) ? $proto : 'tcp';
$proto_opts = rawurldecode( $proto_opts );
if ( $parsed['protocol'] == 'tcp' )
if ( strpos( $proto_opts, ':' ) !== false )
list( $parsed['hostspec'], $parsed['port'] ) = explode( ':', $proto_opts );
$parsed['hostspec'] = $proto_opts;
elseif ( $parsed['protocol'] == 'unix' )
$parsed['socket'] = $proto_opts;
// Get dabase if any
// $dsn => database
if ( $dsn )
if ( ( $pos = strpos( $dsn, '?' ) ) === false )
// /database
$parsed['database'] = rawurldecode( $dsn );
// /database?param1=value1&param2=value2
$parsed['database'] = rawurldecode( substr( $dsn, 0, $pos ) );
$dsn = substr( $dsn, $pos + 1 );
if ( strpos( $dsn, '&') !== false )
$opts = explode( '&', $dsn );
{ // database?param1=value1
$opts = array( $dsn );
foreach ( $opts as $opt )
list( $key, $value ) = explode( '=', $opt );
if ( !isset( $parsed[$key] ) )
// don't allow params overwrite
$parsed[$key] = rawurldecode( $value );
return $parsed;