blob: 7ef21645a24695e85f7f730a1158b78cb23bd339 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Configuration
* @subpackage Tests
* @package Configuration
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcConfigurationIniReaderTest extends ezcTestCase
public function testConfigSettingUseComments()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader();
$backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => true ) );
$backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => false ) );
public function testConfigSettingUseCommentsWrongType()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader();
$backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => 'tests/translations' ) );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcBaseSettingValueException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The value 'tests/translations' that you were trying to assign to setting 'useComments' is invalid. Allowed values are: bool", $e->getMessage() );
public function testGetOptions()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader();
$backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => true ) );
$this->assertEquals( array ( 'useComments' => true ), $backend->getOptions() );
public function testConfigSettingBroken()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader();
$backend->setOptions( array ( 'lOcAtIOn' => 'tests/translations' ) );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The setting 'lOcAtIOn' is not a valid configuration setting.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testInitCtor1()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'files/basic.ini' );
$this->assertEquals( 'files', $backend->getLocation() );
$this->assertEquals( 'basic', $backend->getName() );
public function testInitCtor2()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( '' );
$this->assertEquals( '', $backend->getLocation() );
$this->assertEquals( 'basic', $backend->getName() );
public function testInitCtor3()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( '' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcConfigurationInvalidSuffixException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The path '' has an invalid suffix (should be '.ini').", $e->getMessage() );
public function testInitCtor4()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'basic.ini' );
$this->assertEquals( 'files', $backend->getLocation() );
$this->assertEquals( 'basic', $backend->getName() );
public function testInitCtor5()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'initctor5.ini' );
$this->assertEquals( '.', $backend->getLocation() );
$this->assertEquals( 'initctor5', $backend->getName() );
public function testInitMethod1()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader();
$backend->init( 'files', 'basic' );
$this->assertEquals( 'files', $backend->getLocation() );
$this->assertEquals( 'basic', $backend->getName() );
public function testConfigExistsCtor()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/basic.ini' );
$this->assertEquals( true, $backend->configExists() );
public function testConfigExistsInitMethod()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader();
$backend->init( 'Configuration/tests/files', 'basic' );
$this->assertEquals( true, $backend->configExists() );
public function testConfigNotExistsCtor()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/non-existent.ini' );
$this->assertEquals( false, $backend->configExists() );
public function testConfigNotExistsInitMethod()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader();
$backend->init( 'Configuration/tests/files', 'non-existent' );
$this->assertEquals( false, $backend->configExists() );
public function testUnexistingFile()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/non-existent.ini' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The file 'Configuration/tests/files/non-existent.ini' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testEmptyFile()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/empty.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$this->assertEquals( new ezcConfiguration(), $return );
public function testOneGroup()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/one-group.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'TheOnlyGroup' => array(
'Setting1' => true,
'SettingNoComment' => 42,
'MultiRow' => false,
$comments = array(
'TheOnlyGroup' => array(
'#' => "Just one group",
'Setting1' => " This setting sucks",
'MultiRow' => " Multi\n row\n comment",
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function testOneGroupWithGetConfig()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/one-group.ini' );
$return = $backend->getConfig();
$settings = array(
'TheOnlyGroup' => array(
'Setting1' => true,
'SettingNoComment' => 42,
'MultiRow' => false,
$comments = array(
'TheOnlyGroup' => array(
'#' => "Just one group",
'Setting1' => " This setting sucks",
'MultiRow' => " Multi\n row\n comment",
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function testTwoGroups()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/two-groups.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'NotTheOnlyGroup' => array(
'Setting1' => true,
'TheSecond' => array(
'Setting1' => false,
$comments = array(
'NotTheOnlyGroup' => array(
'#' => " Not just one group",
'TheSecond' => array(
'#' => " The second group",
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function testKake()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/kake.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'SettingsBlock' => array(
'Kake' => array(
'mann' => array( 'sjokolade', 'blåbær' ),
'fyll' => array( 'pære', 'øl' ),
$comments = array(
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function testFormats()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/formats.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'FormatTest' => array(
'Decimal1' => 42,
'Decimal2' => 0,
'MaxSize' => 400,
'MinSize' => 0,
'Hex1' => 11189196,
'Hex2' => 11189196,
'Hex3' => 11189196,
'Hex4' => 11189196,
'TextColor' => 66302,
'Octal1' => 1,
'Octal2' => 458,
'Permission' => 438,
'Float1' => 0.2,
'Float2' => .8123,
'Float3' => 42.,
'Float4' => 314e-2,
'Float5' => 3.141592654e1,
'Price' => 10.4,
'Seed' => 10e5,
'String1' => 'Blah blah blah',
'String2' => 'Derick "Tiger" Rethans',
'String3' => 'Foo \\ Bar',
'String4' => 'Foo \\',
$comments = array(
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function test2D()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/multi-dim.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'2D-numbered' => array(
'Decimal' => array( 42, 0 ),
'Mixed' => array( 42, 0.812, false, "Derick \"Tiger\" Rethans" ),
'2D-associative' => array(
'Decimal' => array( 'a' => 42, 'b' => 0 ),
'Mixed' => array( 'a' => 42, 1 => 0.812, 'b' => false, 2 => "Derick \"Tiger\" Rethans" ),
$comments = array(
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function test3D()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/multi-dim2.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'3D' => array(
'Decimal' => array( 42, 0 ),
'Array' => array(
'Decimal' => array( 'a' => 42, 'b' => 0 ),
'Mixed' => array( 'b' => false, 2 => "Derick \"Tiger\" Rethans" ),
'Quote' => array( "quo\nted" => 'string' ),
$comments = array(
'3D' => array(
'Decimal' => array( " One with a comment", " Second one with a comment" ),
'Array' => array(
'Mixed' => array( 2 => " One with a comment" ),
'Quote' => array( "quo\nted" => ' One with a quoted hash key' ),
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function test3DSemiColonComment()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/multi-dim3.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'3D' => array(
'Decimal' => array( 42, 0 ),
'Array' => array(
'Decimal' => array( 'a' => 42, 'b' => 0 ),
'Mixed' => array( 'b' => false, 2 => "Derick \"Tiger\" Rethans" ),
'Quote' => array( "quo\nted" => 'string' ),
$comments = array(
'3D' => array(
'Decimal' => array( " One with a comment", " Second one with a comment" ),
'Array' => array(
'Mixed' => array( 2 => " One with a comment\n multiple lines" ),
'Quote' => array( "quo\nted" => ' One with a quoted hash key' ),
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function testIntegerRanges32Bit()
if ( PHP_INT_SIZE !== 4 )
$this->markTestSkipped( "Only for 32 bit machines" );
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/int-range.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'int32' => array(
'InRange1' => -51,
'InRange2' => 59,
'InRangeJust0' => -2147483647,
'InRangeJust1' => (int) '-2147483648',
'InRangeJust2' => 2147483647,
'OutRangeJust1' => '-2147483649',
'OutRangeJust2' => '2147483648',
'OutRange1' => '-21474836480',
'OutRange2' => '21474836480',
'int64' => array(
'InRange1' => -51,
'InRange2' => 59,
'InRangeJust0' => '-9223372036854775807',
'InRangeJust1' => '-9223372036854775808',
'InRangeJust2' => '9223372036854775807',
'OutRangeJust1' => '-9223372036854775809',
'OutRangeJust2' => '9223372036854775808',
'OutRange1' => '-92233720368547758080',
'OutRange2' => '92233720368547758080',
$comments = array(
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertSame( $expected->getAllSettings(), $return->getAllSettings() );
$this->assertSame( -2147483647, $expected->getSetting( 'int32', 'InRangeJust0' ) );
$this->assertSame( '-2147483649', $expected->getStringSetting( 'int32', 'OutRangeJust1' ) );
$this->assertSame( '-2147483649', $expected->getNumberSetting( 'int32', 'OutRangeJust1' ) );
catch ( ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException $e )
self::assertSame( "The expected type for the setting 'int32', 'OutRangeJust1' is 'double or integer'. The setting was of type 'string'.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testIntegerRanges64Bit()
if ( PHP_INT_SIZE !== 8 )
$this->markTestSkipped( "Only for 64 bit machines" );
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/int-range.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'int32' => array(
'InRange1' => -51,
'InRange2' => 59,
'InRangeJust0' => -2147483647,
'InRangeJust1' => -2147483648,
'InRangeJust2' => 2147483647,
'OutRangeJust1' => -2147483649,
'OutRangeJust2' => 2147483648,
'OutRange1' => -21474836480,
'OutRange2' => 21474836480,
'int64' => array(
'InRange1' => -51,
'InRange2' => 59,
'InRangeJust0' => -9223372036854775807,
'InRangeJust1' => (int) '-9223372036854775808', // yes, this is really necessary
'InRangeJust2' => 9223372036854775807,
'OutRangeJust1' => '-9223372036854775809',
'OutRangeJust2' => '9223372036854775808',
'OutRange1' => '-92233720368547758080',
'OutRange2' => '92233720368547758080',
$comments = array(
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertSame( $expected->getAllSettings(), $return->getAllSettings() );
$this->assertSame( -9223372036854775807, $expected->getSetting( 'int64', 'InRangeJust0' ) );
$this->assertSame( '-9223372036854775809', $expected->getStringSetting( 'int64', 'OutRangeJust1' ) );
$this->assertSame( '-9223372036854775809', $expected->getNumberSetting( 'int64', 'OutRangeJust1' ) );
catch ( ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException $e )
self::assertSame( "The expected type for the setting 'int64', 'OutRangeJust1' is 'double or integer'. The setting was of type 'string'.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testTimestamp()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/empty.ini' );
@touch( 'Configuration/tests/files/empty.ini', 1130859680 );
$ts = $backend->getTimestamp();
$this->assertEquals( 1130859680, $ts );
public function testTimestampNonExistingFile()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/non-existent.ini' );
$ts = $backend->getTimestamp();
$this->assertEquals( false, $ts );
public function testSimpleErrors()
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( 'Configuration/tests/files/simple-errors.ini' );
$return = $backend->load();
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcConfigurationParseErrorException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$' in 'Configuration/tests/files/simple-errors.ini', line '8'.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testBug7855()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/bug7855.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->load();
$settings = array(
'TestSettings' => array(
'SettingA' => 1,
'SettingB' => 2,
$comments = array(
'TestSettings' => array(
'SettingB' => " This setting has no new line behind it - make sure it stays like this in this\n test file"
$expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
/* Validation with a non-strict validator */
public function testValidationNonStrict()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/simple-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( false );
$expected = new ezcConfigurationValidationResult( $backend->getLocation(), $backend->getName(), $path );
$expected->isValid = false;
$item = new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $path, 8, false, "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'", "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'" );
$expected->appendItem( $item );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function testValidationNonStrictGetResultList()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/simple-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( false );
$resultList = $return->getResultList();
$expected = array( new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $path, 8, false, "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'", "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'" ) );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $resultList );
public function testValidationNonStrictGetResultList2()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/more-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( false );
$resultList = $return->getResultList();
$expected = array(
new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $path, 2, false, "Group ID 'Error Chars' has invalid characters", "Group ID 'Error Chars' has invalid characters" ),
new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $path, 3, false, "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'", "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'" ),
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $resultList );
public function testValidationNonStrictWarningErrorCount1()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/simple-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( false );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $return->getErrorCount() );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $return->getWarningCount() );
public function testValidationNonStrictWarningErrorCount2()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/more-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( false );
$this->assertEquals( 2, $return->getErrorCount() );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $return->getWarningCount() );
/* Validation with a strict validator */
public function testValidationStrict()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/simple-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( true );
$expected = new ezcConfigurationValidationResult( $backend->getLocation(), $backend->getName(), $path );
$expected->isValid = false;
$item = new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $path, 8, false, "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'", "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'" );
$expected->appendItem( $item );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $return );
public function testValidationStrictGetResultList()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/simple-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( true );
$resultList = $return->getResultList();
$expected = array( new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $path, 8, false, "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'", "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'" ) );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $resultList );
public function testValidationStrictGetResultList2()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/more-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( true );
$resultList = $return->getResultList();
$expected = array(
new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $path, 2, false, "Group ID 'Error Chars' has invalid characters", "Group ID 'Error Chars' has invalid characters" ),
new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $path, 3, false, "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'", "Invalid data: 'c8756*&%&^%&%$&C%$%C*@%C*$'" ),
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $resultList );
public function testValidationStrictWarningErrorCount1()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/simple-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( true );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $return->getErrorCount() );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $return->getWarningCount() );
public function testValidationStrictWarningErrorCount2()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/more-errors.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->validate( true );
$this->assertEquals( 2, $return->getErrorCount() );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $return->getWarningCount() );
// test for issue #15309: A simple quote in an index hash, in ini files
public function testQuoteInHashKey()
$path = 'Configuration/tests/files/bug15309.ini';
$backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $path );
$return = $backend->load();
$this->assertEquals( array( "CÔTE D'IVOIRE" => 'Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej' ), $return->getSetting( 'TestSettings', "Countries" ) );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( 'ezcConfigurationIniReaderTest' );