blob: 360c4612ec0526589ac83b67bf9b3a2270e15449 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcConfigurationIniParser class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Configuration
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* This class provides functionality for parsing INI files
* @package Configuration
* @version //autogen//
class ezcConfigurationIniParser implements Iterator
* A constant to mark this parser as a reader
const PARSE = 1;
* A constant to mark this parser as a validator
const VALIDATE = 2;
* A constant to mark this parser as a strict validator
* A regexp that matches the rules that are defined for an ID
const ID_REGEXP = '([A-Za-z0-9_.-]+)';
* A regexp that matches the rules that are defined for an dimension extension
const DIM_REGEXP = '((\[[^\]]*\])*)';
* Contains the file pointer to the INI file that is being parsed
private $fp;
* The path of the INI file to be parsed
private $path;
* The last parsed item
private $item = null;
* The current line number
private $lineNr = null;
* Stores the current parser's type (PARSE, VALIDATE, VALIDATE_STRICT)
private $parserType = null;
* Stores the last parsed INI settings group's name
private $currentGroup = null;
* Stores the last comments the parser found
private $currentComments = array();
* Stores whether an item has been found on the last parser run
private $itemFound = false;
* Constructs the parser object
* Constructs the parser and initializes it with the file to read. After
* construction use it as an iterator with foreach () to iterate over the
* settings in the file.
* @param int $type What type of parser it is (PARSE, VALIDATE, VALIDATE_STRICT)
* @param string $path The relative or absolute path to where the configuration
* should be read from. Using PHP streams is also possible, e.g.
* compress.gz://site.ini.gz
public function __construct( $type, $path )
$this->fp = @fopen( $path, 'rt' );
if ( !$this->fp )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $path );
$this->parserType = $type;
$this->path = $path;
$this->lineNr = 0;
* Creates an new ezcConfigurationValidationItem to be returned by the current() method.
* @param string $message The error message
private function raiseError( $message )
$this->item = new ezcConfigurationValidationItem( ezcConfigurationValidationItem::ERROR, $this->path, $this->lineNr, false, $message, $message );
* Creates a group header INI item to be returned by the current() method.
* The return value is used to tell the calling function to determine
* whether to signal that a new item is available or not.
* @param string $group The group's name
* @param string $comments The comments belonging to this group
* @return bool Whether an item was created or not.
private function emitGroupHeader( $group, $comments )
if ( $this->parserType == ezcConfigurationIniParser::PARSE )
$this->item = new ezcConfigurationIniItem( ezcConfigurationIniItem::GROUP_HEADER, $group, '#', null, $comments, null );
return true;
return false;
* Parses a raw INI setting's value
* This method parses the raw string value $value and converts it to a
* proper variable type.
* @param string $value The raw value
* @return mixed The parsed value
private static function parseIniValue( $value )
/* Check for booleans */
if ( $value == 'false' )
return false;
if ( $value == 'true' )
return true;
/* Check for numbers - decimal */
if ( preg_match( '@^-?(([1-9][0-9]*)|(0))$@', $value ) )
/* Check the integer range, if it falls out of the range, return a string instead. */
if ( (string) $value === (string)(int) $value )
return (int) $value;
return (string) $value;
/* Check for hexadecimals */
if ( preg_match( '@^0x([0-9a-f]+)$@i', $value, $match ) )
return hexdec( $match[1] );
/* Check for octals */
if ( preg_match( '@^0([0-7]+)$@i', $value, $match ) )
return octdec( $match[1] );
/* Check for floats */
if ( preg_match( '@^(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?))(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?$@i', $value, $match ) )
return (float) $value;
/* Check for quoted string */
if ( strlen( $value ) && $value[0] == '"' && $value[strlen( $value ) - 1] == '"' )
$value = substr( $value, 1, -1 );
return stripslashes( $value );
return $value;
* Creates a INI setting item to be returned by the current() method.
* The return value is used to tell the calling function to determine
* whether to signal that a new item is available or not.
* @param string $group The group this setting belongs in
* @param string $setting The name of the setting
* @param string $dimensions The dimension suffix for the setting name
* @param string $comments The comments belonging to this group
* @param mixed $value The setting's value
* @return bool Whether an item was created or not.
private function emitSetting( $group, $setting, $dimensions, $comments, $value )
if ( $this->parserType == ezcConfigurationIniParser::PARSE )
if ( !is_null( $value ) )
$value = self::parseIniValue( $value );
/* If we have dimensions, we need to modify the array a bit so that
* it is valid PHP code, as we're going to use evil eval() here. */
$dimensionString = '';
if ( strlen( $dimensions ) > 0 )
$dimensions = preg_split( '@\]\[@', substr( $dimensions, 1, -1 ) );
foreach ( $dimensions as $dimension )
if ( strlen( $dimension ) == 0 )
$dimensionString .= '[]';
if ( $dimension[0] == '"' && $dimension[strlen( $dimension ) - 1] == '"' )
$dimension = substr( $dimension, 1, -1 );
/* Ugly hack to convert '\n' to "\n" */
$dimension = eval( "return \"$dimension\";" );
$dimension = addslashes( $dimension );
$dimensionString .= "['$dimension']";
$this->item = new ezcConfigurationIniItem( ezcConfigurationIniItem::SETTING, $group, $setting, $dimensionString, $comments, $value );
return true;
return false;
* Returns the last parsed item
* Returns the last parsed item, as parsed by the next() method. Depending
* on the type of parser (selectable in the constructor) it returns either
* an configuration item or an configuration warning item.
* @return ezcConfigurationIniItem or ezcConfigurationValidationItem
* depending on the type of parser
public function current()
return $this->item;
* Returns the "key" for each element.
* This is used by the Iterator to assign a key to each "array" element. As
* we don't use that we simply return 0.
* @return int
public function key()
return 0;
* Returns the collected comments.
* This function returns the collected comments that were stored with the
* storeComment() method. It's called when a group header or setting is
* found while parsing.
* @return string A string containing the comments or "null" when there is
* no stored comment.
private function fetchComments()
if ( count( $this->currentComments ) )
$comments = join( "\n", $this->currentComments );
$this->currentComments = array();
return $comments;
return null;
* Stores a the parsed $commentLine into the currentComments array
* @param string $commentLine
private function storeComment( $commentLine )
$this->currentComments[] = $commentLine;
* Parses until the next found group header or setting name
* This method reads from the file until a header or setting name was
* found. It checks for the four different elements that are allowed: Group
* Header, Setting, Comment and Whitespace. If other data is found it will
* store an validation element and abort/continue depending on which type
* of parser is being used.
private function parseNext()
$commentArray = array();
$this->itemFound = false;
$line = trim( fgets( $this->fp ) );
/*** HEADER DETECTION *******************************************/
if ( preg_match( '@^\[([^\]]+)\]@', $line, $matches ) )
/* We found a new group header */
$groupID = trim( $matches[1] );
/* Check if it is a valid ID */
if ( preg_match( '@^'. self::ID_REGEXP . '$@', $groupID ) )
$this->currentGroup = $groupID;
$headerComments = $this->fetchComments();
if ( $this->emitGroupHeader( $this->currentGroup, $headerComments ) )
$this->itemFound = true;
$this->raiseError( "Group ID '{$groupID}' has invalid characters" );
/*** COMMENT DETECTION ******************************************/
else if ( preg_match( '@^[#;](.*)@', $line, $matches ) )
/* We found a comment, process it */
$this->storeComment( $matches[1] );
/*** SETTING DETECTION ******************************************/
else if ( preg_match( '@^('. self::ID_REGEXP . self::DIM_REGEXP . ')\s*=\s*(.*)@', $line, $matches ) )
$settingID = $matches[2];
$settingDimensions = $matches[3];
$settingValue = $matches[5];
/* There could be a check if the setting name is not valid ID,
* but that is unnecesary because the previous regexps
* filter this out already.:
if ( !preg_match( '@'. self::ID_REGEXP . '@', $settingID ) )
$this->raiseError( "Setting ID '{$settingID}' has invalid characters" );
} */
$settingComments = $this->fetchComments();
if ( $this->emitSetting( $this->currentGroup, $settingID, $settingDimensions, $settingComments, $settingValue ) )
$this->itemFound = true;
/*** WHITESPACE DETECTION ***************************************/
else if ( preg_match( '@^\s*$@', $line, $matches ) )
/* do nothing with whitespace */
/*** CATCH ALL *************************************************/
$this->raiseError( "Invalid data: '{$line}'" );
while ( !feof( $this->fp ) );
* Advances until the next parser element has been found
* This is used by the Iterator to advance to the next element. It calls
* the parseNext() method which returns when a Group Header, Setting or
* Validation error has been found.
public function next()
* Throws an Exception saying that this should not be used.
* This is used by the Iterator to rewind to the start of the array. As
* this implementation of the Iterator interface does not allow this, and
* can only be used together with the NoRewindIterator mechanism it simply
* throws an Exception.
* @throws Exception whenever this method is called.
public function rewind()
throw new Exception( 'You can only use this implementation of the iterator with a NoRewindIterator.' );
* Returns whether there are more valid elements in the file.
* This is used by the Iterator to check whether the end of the array has
* been reached. We simply check for the end-of-file marker as "valid
* condition".
* @return bool Whether the end of file has been reached.
public function valid()
return !feof( $this->fp ) || $this->itemFound;