blob: 1e0d281ab9425b81fc42ba9ed603db7dae993f0c [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcCacheStorageFileOptions class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Cache
* @version //autogentag//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @filesource
* Option class for the ezcCacheStorageFile class.
* Instances of this class store the option of ezcCacheStorageFile implementations.
* @property int $ttl
* The time to live of cache entries.
* @property string $extension
* The (file) extension to use for the storage items.
* @property int $permissions
* Permissions to create a file with (Posix only).
* @property string $lockFile
* The name of the file used for locking in the lock() method.
* Default is '.ezcLock'.
* @property int $lockWaitTime
* Time to wait between lock availability checks. Measured in
* microseconds ({@link usleep()}). Default is 200000.
* @property int $maxLockTime
* Time before a lock is considered dead, measured in seconds.
* Default is 5.
* @property string $metaDataFile
* The name of the file used to store meta data. Default is
* '.ezcMetaData'.
* @package Cache
* @version //autogentag//
class ezcCacheStorageFileOptions extends ezcBaseOptions
* Parent storage options.
* @var ezcCacheStorageOptions
protected $storageOptions;
* Constructs a new options class.
* It also sets the default values of the format property
* @param array(string=>mixed) $options The initial options to set.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If trying to assign a property which does not exist
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If the value for the property is incorrect
public function __construct( $options = array() )
$this->properties['permissions'] = 0644;
$this->properties['lockFile'] = '.ezcLock';
$this->properties['lockWaitTime'] = 200000;
$this->properties['maxLockTime'] = 5;
$this->properties['lockFile'] = '.ezcLock';
$this->properties['metaDataFile'] = '.ezcMetaData';
$this->storageOptions = new ezcCacheStorageOptions();
parent::__construct( $options );
* Sets an option.
* This method is called when an option is set.
* @param string $key The option name.
* @param mixed $value The option value.
* @ignore
public function __set( $key, $value )
switch ( $key )
case "permissions":
if ( !is_int( $value ) || $value < 0 || $value > 0777 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $value, "int > 0 and <= 0777" );
case "lockFile":
if ( !is_string( $value ) || strlen( $value ) < 1 || strlen( $value ) > 250 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'string, length > 0 and < 250'
case "lockWaitTime":
if ( !is_int( $value ) || $value < 1 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'int > 0'
case "maxLockTime":
if ( !is_int( $value ) || $value < 1 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'int > 0'
case "metaDataFile":
if ( !is_string( $value ) || strlen( $value ) < 1 || strlen( $value ) > 250 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'string, length > 0 and < 250'
// Delegate
$this->storageOptions->$key = $value;
$this->properties[$key] = $value;
* Property get access.
* Simply returns a given option.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If trying to assign a property which does not exist
* @param string $key The name of the option to get.
* @return mixed The option value.
* @ignore
public function __get( $key )
if ( isset( $this->properties[$key] ) )
return $this->properties[$key];
// Delegate
return $this->storageOptions->$key;
* Returns if a option exists.
* @param string $key Option name to check for.
* @return void
* @ignore
public function __isset( $key )
// Delegate
return ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->properties ) || isset( $this->storageOptions->$key ) );
* Merge an ezcCacheStorageOptions object into this object.
* @param ezcCacheStorageOptions $options The options to merge.
* @return void
* @ignore
public function mergeStorageOptions( ezcCacheStorageOptions $options )
$this->storageOptions = $options;