blob: 16678ac40787ad24703ba3eb4ee711515bed66dc [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcAuthenticationGmpLibrary class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @filesource
* @package Authentication
* @version //autogen//
* Wrapper class for the PHP gmp extension.
* @package Authentication
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcAuthenticationGmpLibrary extends ezcAuthenticationBignumLibrary
* Creates a new big number from $number in the base $base.
* The number $number can be integer or string.
* @param mixed $number The number from which to create the result
* @param int $base The base in which the result will be
* @return resource
public function init( $number, $base = 10 )
return gmp_init( $number, $base );
* Adds two numbers.
* @param resource $a The first number
* @param resource $b The second number
* @return resource
public function add( $a, $b )
return gmp_add( $a, $b );
* Substracts two numbers.
* @param resource $a The first number
* @param resource $b The second number
* @return resource
public function sub( $a, $b )
return gmp_sub( $a, $b );
* Multiplies two numbers.
* @param resource $a The first number
* @param resource $b The second number
* @return resource
public function mul( $a, $b )
return gmp_mul( $a, $b );
* Divides two numbers.
* @param resource $a The first number
* @param resource $b The second number
* @return resource
public function div( $a, $b )
return gmp_div_q( $a, $b );
* Computes $base modulo $modulus.
* @param resource $base The number to apply modulo to
* @param resource $modulus The modulo value to be applied to $base
* @return resource
public function mod( $base, $modulus )
return gmp_mod( $base, $modulus );
* Computes $base to the power of $exponent.
* Warning! The $exponent cannot be a GMP number resource! It must be an
* integer (or a string as it would be converted to an integer).
* @param resource $base The number to be exponentiated
* @param int $exponent The exponent to apply to $base
* @return resource
public function pow( $base, $exponent )
return gmp_pow( $base, $exponent );
* Computes $base to the power of $exponent and then applies modulo $modulus.
* Warning! The $exponent cannot be a GMP number resource! It must be an
* integer or a string.
* @param resource $base The number to be exponentiated
* @param int $exponent The exponent to apply to $base
* @param resource $modulus The modulo value to be applied to the result
* @return resource
public function powmod( $base, $exponent, $modulus )
return gmp_powm( $base, $exponent, $modulus );
* Computes the inverse of $number in modulo $modulus.
* @param resource $number The number for which to calculate the inverse
* @param resource $modulus The modulo value in which the inverse is calculated
* @return resource
public function invert( $number, $modulus )
return gmp_invert( $number, $modulus );
* Finds the greatest common denominator of two numbers using the extended
* Euclidean algorithm.
* The returned array is ( a0, b0, gcd( a, b ) ), where
* a0 * a + b0 * b = gcd( a, b )
* @param resource $a The first number
* @param resource $b The second number
* @return array(resource)
public function gcd( $a, $b )
$result = gmp_gcdext( $a, $b );
return array( $result['s'], $result['t'], $result['g'] );
* Compares two numbers.
* Returns an integer:
* - a positive value if $a > $b
* - zero if $a == $b
* - a negative value if $a < $b
* @param resource $a The first number
* @param resource $b The second number
* @return int
public function cmp( $a, $b )
return gmp_cmp( $a, $b );
* Returns the string representation of number $a.
* @param resource $a The number to be represented as a string
* @return string
public function toString( $a )
return gmp_strval( $a );