blob: 1bc0c0832c920f877f4f5ac57fde5faa9152f346 [file] [log] [blame]
* ezcCacheStorageFileOptionsTest
* @package Cache
* @subpackage Tests
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* Abstract base test class for ezcCacheStorageFileOptions tests.
* @package Cache
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcCacheStorageFileOptionsTest extends ezcTestCase
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcCacheStorageFileOptionsTest" );
public function testConstructor()
$fake = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions(
'ttl' => 86400,
'extension' => '.cache',
'permissions' => 0644,
'lockFile' => '.ezcLock',
'lockWaitTime' => 200000,
'maxLockTime' => 5,
'metaDataFile' => '.ezcMetaData',
new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions(),
'Default values incorrect for ezcCacheStorageFileOptions.'
public function testNewAccess()
$opt = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
$this->assertEquals( $opt['ttl'], 86400 );
$this->assertEquals( $opt['extension'], '.cache' );
$this->assertEquals( $opt['permissions'], 0644 );
$this->assertEquals( $opt['lockFile'], '.ezcLock' );
$this->assertEquals( $opt['lockWaitTime'], 200000 );
$this->assertEquals( $opt['maxLockTime'], 5 );
$this->assertEquals( $opt['metaDataFile'], '.ezcMetaData' );
public function testGetAccessSuccess()
$opt = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
$this->assertEquals( $opt->ttl, 86400 );
$this->assertEquals( $opt->extension, ".cache" );
$this->assertEquals( $opt->permissions, 0644 );
$this->assertEquals( $opt->lockFile, '.ezcLock' );
$this->assertEquals( $opt->metaDataFile, '.ezcMetaData' );
public function testGetAccessFailure()
$opt = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
echo $opt->foo;
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )
$this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on access to invalid property foo." );
public function testSetAccessSuccess()
$opt = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
array( 0, 23, false )
array( 0, 0777 )
array( '.foo' )
array( '.foo' )
array( 100000 )
array( 10 )
array( '.foo' )
public function testSetAccessFailure()
$opt = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
array( true, 23.42, 'foo', array(), new stdClass() )
array( true, 23.42, 'foo', array(), new stdClass() )
array( true, false, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() )
array( true, false, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() )
array( true, false, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() )
array( true, false, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() )
array( true, false, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() )
$opt->foo = "bar";
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )
$this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on set access to invalid property." );
public function testIssetAccess()
$opt = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->ttl ) );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->extension ) );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->permissions ) );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->lockFile ) );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->lockWaitTime ) );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->maxLockTime ) );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->metaDataFile ) );
$this->assertFalse( isset( $opt->foo ) );
public function testMergeOptions()
$options = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
$optionsNew = new ezcCacheStorageOptions();
$optionsNew->ttl = 30;
$options->mergeStorageOptions( $optionsNew );
$this->assertEquals( 30, $options->ttl );
public function testOptions()
$obj = new ezcCacheStorageFileArray( $this->createTempDir( __CLASS__ ) );
$options = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
$optionsGeneral = new ezcCacheStorageOptions();
$this->assertEquals( $options, $obj->getOptions() );
$obj->options = $optionsGeneral;
$this->assertEquals( $options, $obj->getOptions() );
$obj->options = $options;
$this->assertEquals( $options, $obj->getOptions() );
$obj->setOptions( $optionsGeneral );
$this->assertEquals( $options, $obj->getOptions() );
$obj->setOptions( $options );
$this->assertEquals( $options, $obj->getOptions() );
$obj->setOptions( 'wrong value' );
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown." );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
"The value 'wrong value' that you were trying to assign to "
. "setting 'options' is invalid. Allowed values are: "
. "instance of ezcCacheStorageFileOptions or (deprecated) "
. "ezcCacheStorageOptions.",
public function testProperties()
$obj = new ezcCacheStorageFileArray( $this->createTempDir( __CLASS__ ) );
$options = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions();
isset( $obj->options )
$obj->options = $options;
array( true, false, 23, 42.23, 'foo', new stdClass() )
protected function genericSetFailureTest( $obj, $property, $value )
$obj->$property = $value;
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$this->fail( "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid value '$value' for " . get_class( $obj ) . "->$property." );