blob: 3afd14d9e41a73482d417dfae86777e6ab42b02c [file] [log] [blame]
* ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptionsTest class.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @subpackage Tests
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* Test suite for ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions class.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptionsTest extends ezcTestCase
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptionsTest" );
public function testGetAccessDefaultSuccess()
$opts = new ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions();
$this->assertEquals( "Please enter a value: ", $opts->text );
$this->assertType( "ezcConsoleQuestionDialogTypeValidator", $opts->validator );
$this->assertFalse( $opts->showResults );
$this->assertEquals( "default", $opts->format );
public function testGetAccessCustomSuccess()
$opts = new ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions(
"text" => "Do you have a question?",
"validator" => new ezcConsoleQuestionDialogCollectionValidator( array( "a", "b" ) ),
"showResults" => true,
"format" => "test",
$this->assertEquals( "Do you have a question?", $opts->text );
$this->assertType( "ezcConsoleQuestionDialogCollectionValidator", $opts->validator );
$this->assertTrue( $opts->showResults );
$this->assertEquals( "test", $opts->format );
public function testGetAccessFailure()
$opts = new ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions();
echo $opts->foo;
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )
$this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid property foo." );
public function testSetAccessSuccess()
$opts = new ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions();
$opts->text = "Do you have a question?";
$opts->validator = new ezcConsoleQuestionDialogCollectionValidator( array( "a", "b" ) );
$opts->showResults = true;
$opts->format = "test";
$this->assertEquals( "Do you have a question?", $opts->text );
$this->assertType( "ezcConsoleQuestionDialogCollectionValidator", $opts->validator );
$this->assertTrue( $opts->showResults );
$this->assertEquals( "test", $opts->format );
public function testSetAccessFailure()
$opts = new ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions();
$exceptionCaught = false;
$opts->text = true;
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$exceptionCaught = true;
$this->assertTrue( $exceptionCaught, "Exception not thrown on invalid value for property text." );
$exceptionCaught = false;
$opts->validator = true;
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$exceptionCaught = true;
$this->assertTrue( $exceptionCaught, "Exception not thrown on invalid value for property validator." );
$exceptionCaught = false;
$opts->showResults = "Foo";
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$exceptionCaught = true;
$this->assertTrue( $exceptionCaught, "Exception not thrown on invalid value for property showResults." );
$exceptionCaught = false;
$opts->format = true;
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$exceptionCaught = true;
$this->assertTrue( $exceptionCaught, "Exception not thrown on invalid value for property format." );
$exceptionCaught = false;
$opts->foo = "Foo";
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )
$exceptionCaught = true;
$this->assertTrue( $exceptionCaught, "Exception not thrown on access of nonexistent property foo." );
public function testIssetAccess()
$opts = new ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions();
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opts->text ), "Property text not set." );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opts->validator ), "Property validator not set." );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opts->showResults ), "Property showResults not set." );
$this->assertTrue( isset( $opts->format ), "Property format not set." );
$this->assertFalse( isset( $opts->foo ), "Property foo set." );