blob: 2ab46368c0306cd18f670d8b0a73994a5f27d0c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcGraphTransformation class
* @package Graph
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* @access private
* Class defining transformations
* Three dimensional matrices (3x3) may be used to specify transformation of
* points, vectors and complexer structures in a two dimensional cartesian
* coordinate system. For more details have a look here:
* There are some classes extending this basic tranformation class, to
* give you more convinient access to the creation of such transformation
* matrices, which are:
* - ezcGraphRotation (rotations of objects)
* - ezcGraphTranslation (moving of objects)
* @version //autogentag//
* @package Graph
* @access private
class ezcGraphTransformation extends ezcGraphMatrix
* Constructor
* Creates a matrix with 3x3 dimensions. Optionally accepts an array to
* define the initial matrix values. If no array is given an identity
* matrix is created.
* @param array $values
* @return void
public function __construct( array $values = null )
parent::__construct( 3, 3, $values );
* Multiplies two matrices
* Multiply current matrix with another matrix and returns the result
* matrix.
* @param ezcGraphMatrix $matrix Second factor
* @return ezcGraphMatrix Result matrix
public function multiply( ezcGraphMatrix $matrix )
$mColumns = $matrix->columns();
// We want to ensure, that the matrix stays 3x3
if ( ( $this->columns !== $matrix->rows() ) &&
( $this->rows !== $mColumns ) )
throw new ezcGraphMatrixInvalidDimensionsException( $this->columns, $this->rows, $mColumns, $matrix->rows() );
$result = parent::multiply( $matrix );
// The matrix dimensions stay the same, so that we can modify $this.
for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i )
for ( $j = 0; $j < $mColumns; ++$j )
$this->set( $i, $j, $result->get( $i, $j ) );
return $this;
* Transform a coordinate with the current transformation matrix.
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $coordinate
* @return ezcGraphCoordinate
public function transformCoordinate( ezcGraphCoordinate $coordinate )
$vector = new ezcGraphMatrix( 3, 1, array( array( $coordinate->x ), array( $coordinate->y ), array( 1 ) ) );
$vector = parent::multiply( $vector );
return new ezcGraphCoordinate( $vector->get( 0, 0 ), $vector->get( 1, 0 ) );