blob: 0ace5ea77df0084149971baf45dcfed9d0be2ea5 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcFeedRss1 class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Feed
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @filesource
* Class providing parsing and generating of RSS1 feeds.
* Specifications:
* {@link RSS1 Specifications}
* @package Feed
* @version //autogentag//
class ezcFeedRss1 extends ezcFeedProcessor implements ezcFeedParser
* Defines the feed type of this processor.
const FEED_TYPE = 'rss1';
* Defines the feed content type of this processor.
const CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/rss+xml';
* Defines the namespace for RSS1 (RDF) feeds.
const NAMESPACE_URI = '';
* Creates a new RSS1 processor.
* @param ezcFeed $container The feed data container used when generating
public function __construct( ezcFeed $container )
$this->feedContainer = $container;
$this->feedType = self::FEED_TYPE;
$this->contentType = self::CONTENT_TYPE;
* Returns an XML string from the feed information contained in this
* processor.
* @return string
public function generate()
$this->xml = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'utf-8' );
$this->xml->formatOutput = 1;
$this->createRootElement( '2.0' );
$this->generateFeedModules( $this->channel );
return $this->xml->saveXML();
* Returns true if the parser can parse the provided XML document object,
* false otherwise.
* @param DOMDocument $xml The XML document object to check for parseability
* @return bool
public static function canParse( DOMDocument $xml )
if ( strpos( $xml->documentElement->tagName, 'RDF' ) === false )
return false;
$namespaceUri = $xml->documentElement->lookupNamespaceURI( null );
// RSS 0.90
if ( $namespaceUri === "" )
return false;
return true;
* Parses the provided XML document object and returns an ezcFeed object
* from it.
* @throws ezcFeedParseErrorException
* If an error was encountered during parsing.
* @param DOMDocument $xml The XML document object to parse
* @return ezcFeed
public function parse( DOMDocument $xml )
$feed = new ezcFeed( self::FEED_TYPE );
$rssChildren = $xml->documentElement->childNodes;
$channel = null;
$this->usedPrefixes = $this->fetchUsedPrefixes( $xml );
foreach ( $rssChildren as $rssChild )
if ( $rssChild->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE
&& $rssChild->tagName === 'channel' )
$channel = $rssChild;
if ( $channel === null )
throw new ezcFeedParseErrorException( null, "No channel tag" );
if ( $channel->hasAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ) )
$feed->id = $channel->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' );
foreach ( $channel->childNodes as $channelChild )
if ( $channelChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE )
$tagName = $channelChild->tagName;
switch ( $tagName )
case 'title':
case 'link':
case 'description':
$feed->$tagName = $channelChild->textContent;
case 'items':
$seq = $channelChild->getElementsByTagNameNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'Seq' );
if ( $seq->length === 0 )
$lis = $seq->item( 0 )->getElementsByTagNameNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'li' );
foreach ( $lis as $el )
$resource = $el->getAttribute( 'resource' );
if ( empty( $resource ) )
// some RSS1 (RDF) feeds specify the "resource" attribute as "rdf:resource"
// see issue #13109
$resource = $el->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'resource' );
$item = $this->getNodeByAttributeNS( $xml->documentElement, 'item', self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about', $resource );
if ( $item instanceof DOMElement )
$element = $feed->add( 'item' );
$this->parseItem( $feed, $element, $item );
case 'image':
$resource = $channelChild->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'resource' );
$image = $this->getNodeByAttributeNS( $xml->documentElement, 'image', self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about', $resource );
$this->parseImage( $feed, $image );
case 'textinput':
$resource = $channelChild->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'resource' );
$textInput = $this->getNodeByAttributeNS( $xml->documentElement, 'textinput', self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about', $resource );
$this->parseTextInput( $feed, $textInput );
// check if it's part of a known module/namespace
$this->parseModules( $feed, $channelChild, $tagName );
if ( $channel->hasAttribute( 'xml:lang' ) )
$feed->language = $channel->getAttribute( 'xml:lang' );
return $feed;
* Creates a root node for the XML document being generated.
* @param string $version The RSS version for the root node
private function createRootElement( $version )
$rss = $this->xml->createElementNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'rdf:RDF' );
$this->addAttribute( $rss, 'xmlns', '' );
$this->channel = $channelTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'channel' );
$rss->appendChild( $channelTag );
$this->root = $this->xml->appendChild( $rss );
* Adds the required feed elements to the XML document being generated.
private function generateChannel()
$data = $this->id;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/@about" );
$aboutAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:about' );
$aboutVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $data );
$aboutAttr->appendChild( $aboutVal );
$this->channel->appendChild( $aboutAttr );
$elements = array( 'title', 'link', 'description' );
foreach ( $elements as $element )
$data = $this->$element;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/{$element}" );
switch ( $element )
case 'link':
$this->generateMetaData( $this->channel, $element, $data );
case 'title':
case 'description':
$this->generateMetaData( $this->channel, $element, $data );
if ( !is_null( $this->language ) )
$this->addAttribute( $this->channel, 'xml:lang', $this->language );
$items = $this->item;
if ( count( $items ) === 0 )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/item" );
$itemsTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'items' );
$this->channel->appendChild( $itemsTag );
$seqTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'rdf:Seq' );
$itemsTag->appendChild( $seqTag );
foreach ( $items as $item )
$about = $item->id;
$liTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'rdf:li' );
$resourceAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'resource' );
$resourceVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $about );
$resourceAttr->appendChild( $resourceVal );
$liTag->appendChild( $resourceAttr );
$seqTag->appendChild( $liTag );
$image = $this->image;
if ( $image !== null )
$imageTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'image' );
$about = $image->about;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/image/@about" );
$resourceAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:resource' );
$resourceVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $about );
$resourceAttr->appendChild( $resourceVal );
$imageTag->appendChild( $resourceAttr );
$this->channel->appendChild( $imageTag );
$textInput = $this->textInput;
if ( $textInput !== null )
$textInputTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'textinput' );
$about = $textInput->about;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/textinput/@about" );
$resourceAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:resource' );
$resourceVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $about );
$resourceAttr->appendChild( $resourceVal );
$textInputTag->appendChild( $resourceAttr );
$this->channel->appendChild( $textInputTag );
* Adds the feed items to the XML document being generated.
private function generateItems()
foreach ( $this->item as $element )
$itemTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'item' );
$this->root->appendChild( $itemTag );
$data = $element->id;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/item/@about" );
$aboutAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:about' );
$aboutVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $data );
$aboutAttr->appendChild( $aboutVal );
$itemTag->appendChild( $aboutAttr );
$elements = array( 'title', 'link' );
foreach ( $elements as $attribute )
$data = $element->$attribute;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/item/{$attribute}" );
$this->generateMetaData( $itemTag, $attribute, $data );
$elements = array( 'description', 'language' );
foreach ( $elements as $attribute )
$data = $element->$attribute;
if ( !is_null( $data ) )
switch ( $attribute )
case 'description':
$this->generateMetaData( $itemTag, $attribute, $data );
case 'language':
$this->addAttribute( $itemTag, 'xml:lang', $data );
$this->generateItemModules( $element, $itemTag );
* Adds the feed image to the XML document being generated.
private function generateImage()
$image = $this->image;
if ( $image !== null )
$imageTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'image' );
$this->root->appendChild( $imageTag );
$data = $image->about;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/image/@about" );
$aboutAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:about' );
$aboutVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $data );
$aboutAttr->appendChild( $aboutVal );
$imageTag->appendChild( $aboutAttr );
$elements = array( 'title', 'url', 'link' );
foreach ( $elements as $attribute )
$data = $image->$attribute;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/image/{$attribute}" );
$this->generateMetaData( $imageTag, $attribute, $data );
* Adds the feed textinput to the XML document being generated.
private function generateTextInput()
$textInput = $this->textInput;
if ( $textInput !== null )
$textInputTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'textinput' );
$this->root->appendChild( $textInputTag );
$data = $textInput->about;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/textinput/@about" );
$aboutAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:about' );
$aboutVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $data );
$aboutAttr->appendChild( $aboutVal );
$textInputTag->appendChild( $aboutAttr );
$elements = array( 'title', 'description', 'name', 'link' );
foreach ( $elements as $attribute )
$data = $textInput->$attribute;
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/textinput/{$attribute}" );
$this->generateMetaData( $textInputTag, $attribute, $data );
* Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed item in
* the provided ezcFeed object.
* @param ezcFeed $feed The feed object in which to store the parsed XML element as a feed item
* @param ezcFeedElement $element The feed element object that will contain the feed item
* @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse
private function parseItem( ezcFeed $feed, $element, DOMElement $xml )
if ( $xml->hasAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ) )
$element->id = $xml->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' );
foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $itemChild )
if ( $itemChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE )
$tagName = $itemChild->tagName;
switch ( $tagName )
case 'title':
case 'link':
case 'description':
$element->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent;
// check if it's part of a known module/namespace
$this->parseModules( $element, $itemChild, $tagName );
if ( $xml->hasAttribute( 'xml:lang' ) )
$element->language = $xml->getAttribute( 'xml:lang' );
* Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed image in
* the provided ezcFeed object.
* @param ezcFeed $feed The feed object in which to store the parsed XML element as a feed image
* @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse
private function parseImage( ezcFeed $feed, DOMElement $xml = null )
$image = $feed->add( 'image' );
if ( $xml !== null )
foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $itemChild )
if ( $itemChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE )
$tagName = $itemChild->tagName;
switch ( $tagName )
case 'title':
case 'link':
case 'url':
$image->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent;
if ( $xml->hasAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ) )
$image->about = $xml->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' );
* Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed textinput in
* the provided ezcFeed object.
* @param ezcFeed $feed The feed object in which to store the parsed XML element as a feed textinput
* @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse
private function parseTextInput( ezcFeed $feed, DOMElement $xml = null )
$textInput = $feed->add( 'textInput' );
if ( $xml !== null )
foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $itemChild )
if ( $itemChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE )
$tagName = $itemChild->tagName;
switch ( $tagName )
case 'title':
case 'description':
case 'name':
case 'link':
$textInput->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent;
if ( $xml->hasAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ) )
$textInput->about = $xml->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' );