blob: c8d3de1fcf8c9dd90f516c500a5fd7caaadae300 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Debug
* @subpackage Tests
require_once 'test_classes.php';
function testErrorHandler( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline )
ezcDebug::debugHandler( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline );
return true;
* @package Debug
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcDebugTest extends ezcTestCase
private $dbg;
protected function setUp()
$this->dbg = ezcDebug::getInstance();
$this->dbg->setOutputFormatter( new TestReporter() );
protected function tearDown()
public function testGetAccessSuccess()
new ezcDebugOptions(),
'Property $options does not have proper default value.'
public function testGetAccessFailures()
echo $this->dbg->foobar;
$this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on get access to unknown property $foobar.' );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )
public function testSetAccessSuccess()
array( new ezcDebugOptions(), )
public function testSetAccessFailure()
array( null, true, 23, 23.42, 'foobar', array(), new stdClass )
$this->dbg->foo = 23;
$this->fail( 'ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not throwen on set access to non-existent property.' );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) {}
public function testIssetAccessSuccess()
isset( $this->dbg->options ),
'Property $options does not seem to be set.'
public function testIssetAccessFailure()
isset( $this->dbg->foobar ),
'Property $foobar seems to be set.'
// Messages are already tested in DebugMemoryWriterTest.
// Quick test if the basics work.
public function testSimpleMessage()
$dbg = $this->dbg;
$dbg->log("Running testSimpleMessage", 0, array("source" => "src", "category" => "cat") );
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(1, count( $struct[0] ) );
$this->assertEquals("Running testSimpleMessage", $struct[0][0]->message );
public function testMultipleMessages()
$dbg = $this->dbg;
$dbg->log("msg1", 0, array("source" => "src", "category" => "cat") );
$dbg->log("msg2", 0, array("source" => "src", "category" => "cat") );
$dbg->log("msg3", 1, array("source" => "src", "category" => "cat") );
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(3, count( $struct[0] ) );
$this->assertEquals("msg1", $struct[0][0]->message );
$this->assertEquals("msg2", $struct[0][1]->message );
$this->assertEquals("msg3", $struct[0][2]->message );
// Timer is already tested in DebugTimerTest.
// Quick test if the basics work.
public function testTimers()
$dbg = $this->dbg;
$dbg->startTimer("a", "c");
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(1, count( $struct[1] ) );
$this->assertEquals("a", $struct[1][0]->name );
$this->assertEquals("c", $struct[1][0]->group );
public function testTimersSwitch()
$dbg = $this->dbg;
$dbg->startTimer("a", "c");
$dbg->switchTimer( "b", "a" );
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(1, count( $struct[1] ) );
$this->assertEquals("a", $struct[1][0]->name );
$this->assertEquals("c", $struct[1][0]->group );
public function testDefaultTimers()
$dbg = $this->dbg;
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(1, count( $struct[1] ) );
$this->assertEquals("a", $struct[1][0]->name );
$this->assertEquals("", $struct[1][0]->group );
public function testDefaultSourceAndCategory()
$dbg = $this->dbg;
$dbg->log("bla", 1);
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(1, count( $struct[0] ) );
$this->assertEquals("default", $struct[0][0]->category );
// Changing the default source from the log.
$dbg->getEventLog()->source = "bla";
$dbg->log("bla", 1);
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(2, count( $struct[0] ) );
$this->assertEquals("bla", $struct[0][1]->source );
public function testIndependentFromEventLog()
$dbg = $this->dbg;
$dbg->log("bla", 1);
ezcLog::getInstance()->setMapper( new MyFakeMapper() );
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(1, count( $struct[0] ) );
$this->assertEquals("default", $struct[0][0]->category );
$dbg->log("bla", 1);
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
$this->assertEquals(2, count( $struct[0] ) );
public function testLogStackTrace()
$dbg = $this->dbg;
$dbg->log( "bla", 1, array(), true );
ezcLog::getInstance()->setMapper( new MyFakeMapper() );
$struct = $dbg->generateOutput();
public function testDebugErrorHandler()
$beforeTime = time();
set_error_handler( 'testErrorHandler' );
trigger_error( '[Paynet, templates] Cannot load template', E_USER_WARNING );
$afterTime = time();
$struct = $this->dbg->generateOutput();
// Local spefics
// Unify results
$struct[0][0]->datetime = null;
$fakeStruct = array(
new ezcDebugStructure(),
$fakeStruct[0][0]->message = 'Cannot load template';
$fakeStruct[0][0]->severity = 1;
$fakeStruct[0][0]->source = 'Paynet';
$fakeStruct[0][0]->category = 'templates';
$fakeStruct[0][0]->datetime = null;
$fakeStruct[0][0]->verbosity = false;
$fakeStruct[0][0]->file = __FILE__;
$fakeStruct[0][0]->line = 221;
public function testDebugStructureToString()
$struct = new ezcDebugStructure();
$struct->message = 'Cannot load template';
$struct->severity = 1;
$struct->source = 'Paynet';
$struct->category = 'templates';
$struct->datetime = time();
$struct->verbosity = false;
$struct->file = __FILE__;
$struct->line = 232;
$fakeRes = <<<EOT
message => {$struct->message}
severity => {$struct->severity}
source => {$struct->source}
category => {$struct->category}
datetime => {$struct->datetime}
verbosity => {$struct->verbosity}
file => {$struct->file}
line => {$struct->line}
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite("ezcDebugTest");