blob: b1218d4682f1da7871a79cdf18790b8f5187e9b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentOdtStyleInferencer class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* An instance of this class inferences a style for an ODT element.
* An instance of this class parses the styles of an ODT document defined for a
* certain element and returns an object representation of this style.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcDocumentOdtStyleInferencer
* ODT DOMDocument.
* @var DOMDocument
protected $odtDocument;
* Style extractor.
* @var ezcDocumentOdtStyleExtractor
protected $styleExtractor;
* Style parser.
* @var ezcDocumentOdtStyleParser
protected $styleParser;
* Maps ODT DOMElements to style families.
* @var array(string=>array(string=>const))
protected $styleFamilyMap = array(
ezcDocumentOdt::NS_ODT_TEXT => array(
'h' => ezcDocumentOdtStyle::FAMILY_PARAGRAPH,
'p' => ezcDocumentOdtStyle::FAMILY_PARAGRAPH,
'span' => ezcDocumentOdtStyle::FAMILY_TEXT,
* Maps ODT namespaces to style name attributes
* @var array(const=>array(const,string))
protected $styleNameAttributeMap = array(
ezcDocumentOdt::NS_ODT_TEXT => array(
'namespace' => ezcDocumentOdt::NS_ODT_TEXT,
'attribute' => 'style-name'
* Create a new style inferencer for the given document.
* @param DOMDocument $odtDocument
public function __construct( DOMDocument $odtDocument )
$this->odtDocument = $odtDocument;
$this->styleExtractor = new ezcDocumentOdtStyleExtractor( $odtDocument );
$this->styleParser = new ezcDocumentOdtStyleParser();
* Returns the style for the given $odtElement.
* Inferences the complete styling information for the given $odtElement.
* @param DOMElement $odtElement
* @return ezcDocumentOdtStyle
public function getStyle( DOMElement $odtElement )
$family = $this->getStyleFamily( $odtElement );
$name = $this->getStyleName( $odtElement );
$styleDom = $this->styleExtractor->extractStyle( $family, $name );
// @todo: Inference parent / default styles
return $this->styleParser->parseStyle( $styleDom, $family, $name );
* Returns the list-style for the given $odtElement.
* $odtElement must be a <list /> element, otherwise null is returned since
* other elements do not have a list style attached.
* @param DOMElement $odtElement
* @return ezcDocumentOdtListStyle|null
* @todo Paragraphs may have a list style defined in their properties,
* which is used by default for new lists created in the paragraph.
* This is actually not significant for us, since lists do always
* have a dedicated style attached. Anyway, we might want to include
* it sometimes.
public function getListStyle( DOMElement $odtElement )
$name = $this->getListStyleName( $odtElement );
$styleDom = $this->styleExtractor->extractListStyle( $name );
return $this->styleParser->parseListStyle( $styleDom, $name );
* Extracts the style family from $odtElement.
* Detects the style family the style for $odtElement resides in.
* @param DOMElement $odtElement
* @return string
protected function getStyleFamily( DOMElement $odtElement )
if ( !isset( $this->styleFamilyMap[$odtElement->namespaceURI][$odtElement->localName] ) )
throw new RuntimeException( "Could not map style family for element '{$odtElement->localName}' in namespace '{$odtElement->namespaceURI}'." );
return $this->styleFamilyMap[$odtElement->namespaceURI][$odtElement->localName];
* Extracts the style name from the given $odtElement.
* Tries to determine the correct attribute for the style name from the
* given $odtElement. If a style name is specified, it is returned.
* Otherwise null is returned to indicate that the default style must be
* used.
* @param DOMElement $odtElement
* @return string|null
protected function getStyleName( DOMElement $odtElement )
if ( !isset( $this->styleNameAttributeMap[$odtElement->namespaceURI] ) )
throw new RuntimeException( "Could not map style name attribute for namespace '{$odtElement->namespaceURI}'." );
$styleAttrDef = $this->styleNameAttributeMap[$odtElement->namespaceURI];
$styleName = null;
if ( $odtElement->hasAttributeNS( $styleAttrDef['namespace'], $styleAttrDef['attribute'] ) )
$styleName = $odtElement->getAttributeNS(
return $styleName;
* Returns the list style name of the given $odtElement.
* Recursively searches for the style name of the given list element. The
* style name is only present at the top most list (for nested lists).
* @param DOMElement $odtElement
* @return string
protected function getListStyleName( DOMElement $odtElement )
if ( $odtElement->namespaceURI === ezcDocumentOdt::NS_ODT_TEXT
&& $odtElement->localName === 'list'
&& $odtElement->hasAttributeNS( ezcDocumentOdt::NS_ODT_TEXT, 'style-name' )
return $odtElement->getAttributeNS(
if ( $odtElement->parentNode === null )
throw new RuntimeException( 'No list style name found.' );
return $this->getListStyleName( $odtElement->parentNode );