blob: c1390de74698529eaf8e7b95b92bfd117e6f1ea7 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentWikiTokenizer
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Tokenizer for wiki documents
* The tokenizer used for all wiki documents should prepare a token array,
* which can be used by the wiki parser, without any wiki language specific
* handling in the parser itself required. For this the tokenizing is performed
* in two steps:
* 1) Extract tokens from text
* 2) Filter tokens
* Token extraction
* ----------------
* For the token extraction the reqular expressions in the $tokens property are
* used. The $tokens array has to be build like, and can be created in the
* constrctor:
* <code>
* array(
* array(
* 'class' => Class name of token,
* 'match' => Regular expression to match,
* ),
* ...
* )
* </code>
* The array is evaluated in the given order, until one of the regular
* expressions match. The regular expression should have at least one named
* match (?P<value> ... ), with the name "value", which will be assigned to the
* token, created form the given class name, as its content. The matched
* contents will be removed from the beginning of the string.
* Optionally a second named match, called "match", may be used inside the
* regular expression. If so, only the contents inside this match will be
* removed from the beginning of the string. This enables you to perform a
* trivial lookahead inside the tokenizer.
* If no expression matches, an exception will be thrown.
* Token filtering
* ---------------
* After all tokens are extracted from the text, they may miss some values,
* which may be required by the parser, like the level of title tokens. Those
* should be extracted and assigned during the filtering stage. For this the
* filterTokens() method should be implemented, which may iterate over the
* token stream and assign the required values.
* If the wiki markup language supports plugins you may also want to "parse"
* the plugin contents to extract type, parameters and its text here.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
abstract class ezcDocumentWikiTokenizer
* List with tokens and a regular expression matching the given token.
* The tokens are matched in the given order.
* @var array
protected $tokens = array();
* Construct tokenizer
* Create token array with regular repression matching the respective
* token.
* @return void
abstract public function __construct();
* Tokenize the given file
* The method tries to tokenize the passed files and returns an array of
* ezcDocumentWikiToken struct on succes, or throws a
* ezcDocumentTokenizerException, if something could not be matched by any
* token.
* @param string $file
* @return array
public function tokenizeFile( $file )
if ( !file_exists( $file ) || !is_readable( $file ) )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $file );
return $this->tokenizeString( file_get_contents( $file ) );
* Convert tabs to spaces
* Convert all tabs to spaces, as defined in:
* @param ezcDocumentWikiToken $token
* @return void
protected function convertTabs( ezcDocumentWikiToken $token )
while ( ( $position = strpos( $token->content, "\t" ) ) !== false )
$token->content =
substr( $token->content, 0, $position ) .
str_repeat( ' ', 9 - ( ( $position + $token->position ) % 8 ) ) .
substr( $token->content, $position + 1 );
* Filter tokens
* Method to filter tokens, after the input string ahs been tokenized. The
* filter should extract additional information from tokens, which are not
* generally available yet, like the depth of a title depending on the
* title markup.
* @param array $tokens
* @return array
abstract protected function filterTokens( array $tokens );
* Tokenize the given string
* The method tries to tokenize the passed strings and returns an array of
* ezcDocumentWikiToken struct on succes, or throws a
* ezcDocumentTokenizerException, if something could not be matched by any
* token.
* @param string $string
* @return array
public function tokenizeString( $string )
$line = 0;
$position = 1;
$tokens = array();
$string = "\n" . $string;
// Normalize newlines
$string = preg_replace( '([\x20\\t]*(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n))', "\n", $string );
while ( strlen( $string ) > 0 )
foreach ( $this->tokens as $match )
if ( preg_match( $match['match'], $string, $matches ) )
// If the first part of the match is a
// newline, add a respective token to the
// stack.
if ( ( $matches[0][0] === "\n" ) &&
( $match['class'] !== 'ezcDocumentWikiNewLineToken' ) )
$tokens[] = new ezcDocumentWikiNewLineToken( $matches[0][0], $line, $position );
$position = 0;
// A token matched, so add the matched token to the token
// list and update all variables.
$class = $match['class'];
$newToken = new $class(
( isset( $matches['value'] ) ? $matches['value'] : null ),
$match = isset( $matches['match'] ) ? $matches['match'] : $matches[0];
// Removed matched stuff from input string
$string = substr( $string, $length = strlen( $match ) );
// On a newline token reset the line position and increase the line value
if ( $newToken instanceof ezcDocumentWikiNewLineToken )
$position = 0;
// Otherwise still update the line
// value, when there is at minimum
// one newline in the match. This may
// lead to a false position value.
if ( ( $newLines = substr_count( $match, "\n" ) ) > 0 )
$line += $newLines;
$position = 0;
// Convert tabs to spaces for whitespace tokens
if ( $newToken instanceof ezcDocumentWikiWhitespaceToken )
$this->convertTabs( $newToken );
// If we found an explicit EOF token, just exit the parsing process.
if ( $newToken instanceof ezcDocumentWikiEndOfFileToken )
break 2;
// Add token to extracted token list
$tokens[] = $newToken;
// Update position, not before converting tabs to spaces.
$position += ( $newToken instanceof ezcDocumentWikiNewLineToken ) ? 1 : strlen( $newToken->content );
// Restart the while loop, because we matched a token and
// can retry with shortened string.
continue 2;
// None of the token definitions matched the input string. We throw
// an exception with the position of the content in the input
// string and the contents we could not match.
// This should never been thrown, but it is hard to prove that
// there is nothing which is not matched by the regualr expressions
// above.
throw new ezcDocumentWikiTokenizerException(
// Finally append ainother newline token and a end of file token, to
// make parsing the end easier.
$tokens[] = new ezcDocumentWikiNewLineToken( "\n", $line, $position );
$tokens[] = new ezcDocumentWikiNewLineToken( "\n", $line, $position );
$tokens[] = new ezcDocumentWikiEndOfFileToken( null, $line, $position );
return $this->filterTokens( $tokens );