blob: 3f81576fe4ee4eb7e12addac194e92ed177c5a00 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the abstract ezcDocumentRstVisitor base class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Abstract visitor base for RST documents represented by the parser AST.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
abstract class ezcDocumentRstVisitor implements ezcDocumentErrorReporting
* RST document handler
* @var ezcDocumentRst
protected $rst;
* Reference to the AST root node.
* @var ezcDocumentRstDocumentNode
protected $ast;
* Location of the currently processed RST file, relevant for inclusion.
* @var string
protected $path;
* Collected refrence targets.
* @var array
protected $references = array();
* Counter of duplicate references for duplicate references.
* @var array
protected $referenceCounter = array();
* Collected named external reference targets
* @var array
protected $namedExternalReferences = array();
* Collected anonymous externals reference targets
* @var array
protected $anonymousReferences = array();
* Index of last requested anonymous reference target.
* @var int
protected $anonymousReferenceCounter = 0;
* Collected substitutions.
* @var array
protected $substitutions = array();
* List with footnotes for later rendering.
* @var array
protected $footnotes = array();
* Label dependant foot note counters for footnote auto enumeration.
* @var array
protected $footnoteCounter = array( 0 );
* Foot note symbol signs, as defined at
* @var array
protected $footnoteSymbols = array(
* Aggregated minor errors during document processing.
* @var array
protected $errors = array();
* Array of already generated IDs, so none will be used twice.
* @var array
protected $usedIDs = array();
* Unused reference target
const UNUSED = 1;
* Used reference target
const USED = 2;
* Duplicate reference target. Will throw an error on use.
const DUBLICATE = 4;
* Create visitor from RST document handler.
* @param ezcDocumentRst $document
* @param string $path
* @return void
public function __construct( ezcDocumentRst $document, $path )
$this->rst = $document;
$this->path = $path;
* Trigger visitor error
* Emit a vistitor error, and convert it to an exception depending on the
* error reporting settings.
* @param int $level
* @param string $message
* @param string $file
* @param int $line
* @param int $position
* @return void
public function triggerError( $level, $message, $file = null, $line = null, $position = null )
if ( $level & $this->rst->options->errorReporting )
throw new ezcDocumentVisitException( $level, $message, $file, $line, $position );
// If the error should not been reported, we aggregate it to maybe
// display it later.
$this->errors[] = new ezcDocumentVisitException( $level, $message, $file, $line, $position );
* Return list of errors occured during visiting the document.
* May be an empty array, if on errors occured, or a list of
* ezcDocumentVisitException objects.
* @return array
public function getErrors()
return $this->errors;
* Docarate RST AST
* Visit the RST abstract syntax tree.
* @param ezcDocumentRstDocumentNode $ast
* @return mixed
public function visit( ezcDocumentRstDocumentNode $ast )
$this->ast = $ast;
$this->preProcessAst( $ast );
// Reset footnote counters
foreach ( $this->footnoteCounter as $label => $counter )
$this->footnoteCounter[$label] = 0;
reset( $this->footnoteSymbols );
// Reset duplicate reference counter
$this->referenceCounter = array();
* Add a reference target
* @param string $string
* @return void
private function addReferenceTarget( $string )
$id = $this->calculateId( $string );
$this->references[$id] = isset( $this->references[$id] ) ? self::DUBLICATE : self::UNUSED;
if ( $this->references[$id] === self::UNUSED )
$this->referenceCounter[$id] = 0;
return $id;
return $id . '__' . ( ++$this->referenceCounter[$id] );
* Transform a node tree into a string
* Transform a node tree, with all its subnodes into a string by only
* getting the textuual contents from ezcDocumentRstTextLineNode objects.
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @return string
public function nodeToString( ezcDocumentRstNode $node )
$text = '';
foreach ( $node->nodes as $child )
if ( ( $child instanceof ezcDocumentRstTextLineNode ) ||
( $child instanceof ezcDocumentRstLiteralNode ) )
$text .= $child->token->content;
$text .= $this->nodeToString( $child );
return $text;
* Get string from token list.
* @param array $tokens
* @return string
protected function tokenListToString( array $tokens )
$text = '';
foreach ( $tokens as $token )
$text .= $token->content;
return $text;
* Compare two list items
* Check if the given list item may be a successor in the same list, as the
* last item in the list. Returns the boolean status o the check.
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $item
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $lastItem
* @return bool
protected function compareListType( ezcDocumentRstNode $item, ezcDocumentRstNode $lastItem )
// Those always belong to each other... .oO( ♡ )
if ( $item instanceof ezcDocumentRstDefinitionListNode )
return true;
// For bullet lists, just compare the tokens
if ( $item instanceof ezcDocumentRstBulletListNode )
return ( $item->token->content === $lastItem->token->content );
// For enumerated lists, we need to check if the current value is a
// valid successor of the prior value.
if ( $item instanceof ezcDocumentRstEnumeratedListNode )
return ( $lastItem instanceof ezcDocumentRstEnumeratedListNode ) &&
( $item->listType === $lastItem->listType );
return true;
* Aggregate list items
* Aggregate list items into lists. In RST there are only list items, which
* are aggregated to lists depending on their bullet type. The related list
* items are aggregated into one list.
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @return void
protected function aggregateListItems( ezcDocumentRstNode $node )
$listTypeMapping = array(
'ezcDocumentRstBulletListNode' => 'ezcDocumentRstBulletListListNode',
'ezcDocumentRstEnumeratedListNode' => 'ezcDocumentRstEnumeratedListListNode',
'ezcDocumentRstDefinitionListNode' => 'ezcDocumentRstDefinitionListListNode',
$lastItem = null;
$list = null;
$children = array();
foreach ( $node->nodes as $nr => $child )
if ( isset( $listTypeMapping[$class = get_class( $child )] ) )
if ( ( $lastItem === null ) ||
( $list === null ) ||
( !$this->compareListType( $child, $lastItem ) ) )
// Create a new list.
$listType = $listTypeMapping[$class];
$list = new $listType( $child->token );
$list->nodes[] = $child;
$children[] = $list;
// Append to current list
$list->nodes[] = $child;
$lastItem = $child;
$children[] = $child;
$lastItem = null;
$node->nodes = $children;
* Add footnote
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @return void
protected function addFootnote( ezcDocumentRstNode $node )
$identifier = $this->tokenListToString( $node->name );
switch ( $node->footnoteType )
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::NUMBERED:
$label = 0;
$number = (int) $identifier;
$this->footnoteCounter[0] = max( $number, $this->footnoteCounter[0] );
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::AUTO_NUMBERED:
$label = 0;
$number = !isset( $this->footnoteCounter[$label] ) ? ( $this->footnoteCounter[$label] = 1 ) : ++$this->footnoteCounter[$label];
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::LABELED:
$label = substr( $identifier, 1 );
$number = !isset( $this->footnoteCounter[$label] ) ? ( $this->footnoteCounter[$label] = 1 ) : ++$this->footnoteCounter[$label];
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::SYMBOL:
$label = '*';
$number = next( $this->footnoteSymbols );
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::CITATION:
$label = '#';
$number = $identifier;
// Store footnote for later rendering in footnote array
$node->name = $label;
$node->number = $number;
$this->footnotes[$label][$number] = $node;
* Pre process AST
* Performs multiple preprocessing steps on the AST:
* Collect all possible reference targets in the AST to know the actual
* destianation for references while decorating. The references are stored
* in an internal structure and you may request the actual link by using
* the getReferenceTarget() method.
* Aggregate list items into lists. In RST there are only list items, which
* are aggregated to lists depending on their bullet type. The related list
* items are aggregated into one list.
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @return void
protected function preProcessAst( ezcDocumentRstNode $node )
switch ( true )
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstDocumentNode:
$this->aggregateListItems( $node );
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstSectionNode:
$node->reference = $this->addReferenceTarget( $this->nodeToString( $node->title ) );
$this->aggregateListItems( $node );
// Also recurse into special title subtree
foreach ( $node->title->nodes as $child )
$this->preProcessAst( $child );
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstTableCellNode:
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstBulletListNode:
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstEnumeratedListNode:
$this->aggregateListItems( $node );
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstTargetNode:
$this->addReferenceTarget( $target = $this->nodeToString( $node ) );
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstNamedReferenceNode:
if ( count( $node->nodes ) )
// This is a direct reference to an external URL, just add
// to the list of named external references.
$this->namedExternalReferences[$this->calculateId( $this->tokenListToString( $node->name ) )] =
trim( $this->nodeToString( $node ) );
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstAnonymousReferenceNode:
$this->anonymousReferences[] = trim( $this->nodeToString( $node ) );
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstSubstitutionNode:
$substitutionName = strtolower( $this->tokenListToString( $node->name ) );
$this->substitutions[$substitutionName] = $node->nodes;
case $node instanceof ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode:
$this->addFootnote( $node );
// Check for forward references of empty named references.
$children = $node->nodes;
reset( $children );
while ( $child = next( $children ) )
$stack = array();
while ( ( $child instanceof ezcDocumentRstNamedReferenceNode ) &&
( count( $child->nodes ) === 0 ) )
$stack[] = $child;
$child = next( $children );
if ( $child && count( $stack ) )
// We found a element, which is not an empty named reference
// node, so get the identifier from it and assign it to all
// named references on the stack.
if ( $child instanceof ezcDocumentRstNamedReferenceNode )
// Child is a named reference with content, so use the
// content as assignement.
$reference = trim( $this->nodeToString( $child ) );
// Generate a reference name and assign it to the element.
$last = end( $stack );
$reference = $this->calculateId( $this->tokenListToString( $last->name ) );
$child->identifier = $reference;
// Assign calculated reference to all aggregated stack
// elements.
foreach ( $stack as $refNode )
$this->namedExternalReferences[$this->calculateId( $this->tokenListToString( $refNode->name ) )] = $reference;
// Recurse into childs to collect reference targets all over the
// document.
foreach ( $node->nodes as $child )
$this->preProcessAst( $child );
* Check for internal footnote reference target
* Returns the target name, when an internal reference target exists and
* sets it to used, and false otherwise.
* @param string $string
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @return ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode
public function hasFootnoteTarget( $string, ezcDocumentRstNode $node )
switch ( $node->footnoteType )
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::NUMBERED:
$label = 0;
$string = (int) $string;
$this->footnoteCounter[0] = max( $string, $this->footnoteCounter[0] );
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::AUTO_NUMBERED:
$label = 0;
$string = ++$this->footnoteCounter[$label];
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::LABELED:
$label = substr( $string, 1 );
$string = ++$this->footnoteCounter[$label];
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::SYMBOL:
$label = '*';
$string = next( $this->footnoteSymbols );
case ezcDocumentRstFootnoteNode::CITATION:
$label = '#';
if ( isset( $this->footnotes[$label][$string] ) )
return $this->footnotes[$label][$string];
return $this->triggerError(
E_WARNING, "Unknown reference target '{$string}'.", null,
( $node !== null ? $node->token->line : null ),
( $node !== null ? $node->token->position : null )
* Check for internal reference target
* Returns the target name, when an internal reference target exists and
* sets it to used, and false otherwise. For duplicate reference targets
* and missing reference targets an error will be triggered.
* An optional third parameter may enforce the fetching of the reference,
* even if there are duplicates, so that they still can be referenced in
* some way.
* @param string $string
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @param bool $force
* @return string
public function hasReferenceTarget( $string, ezcDocumentRstNode $node = null, $force = false )
$id = $this->calculateId( $string );
if ( isset( $this->references[$id] ) &&
( $this->references[$id] !== self::DUBLICATE ) )
$this->references[$id] = self::USED;
return $id;
if ( !isset( $this->references[$id] ) )
return $this->triggerError(
E_WARNING, "Missing reference target '{$id}'.", null,
( $node !== null ? $node->token->line : null ),
( $node !== null ? $node->token->position : null )
elseif ( $force === true )
// Check if the reference target has been force-requested.
if ( !isset( $this->referenceCounter[$id] ) )
$this->referenceCounter[$id] = 0;
return $id;
return $id . '__' . ( ++$this->referenceCounter[$id] );
return $this->triggerError(
E_NOTICE, "Duplicate reference target '{$id}'.", null,
( $node !== null ? $node->token->line : null ),
( $node !== null ? $node->token->position : null )
* Return named external reference target
* Get the target value of a named external reference.
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function getNamedExternalReference( $name )
$name = $this->calculateId( $name );
if ( isset( $this->namedExternalReferences[$name] ) )
return $this->namedExternalReferences[$name];
return false;
* Get anonymous reference target
* Get the target URL of an anonomyous reference target.
* @return string
public function getAnonymousReferenceTarget()
if ( isset( $this->anonymousReferences[$this->anonymousReferenceCounter] ) )
return $this->anonymousReferences[$this->anonymousReferenceCounter++];
return $this->triggerError(
E_WARNING, "Too few anonymous reference targets.", null
* Get substitution contents
* @param string $string
* @return void
protected function substitute( $string )
$string = strtolower( $string );
if ( isset( $this->substitutions[$string] ) )
return $this->substitutions[$string];
E_ERROR, "Could not find substitution for '{$string}'.", null
return array();
* Get a valid identifier string
* Get a valid identifier string from an arbritrary string.
* @param string $string
* @return string
protected function calculateId( $string )
$id = trim( preg_replace( '([^a-z0-9-]+)', '_', strtolower( trim( $string ) ) ), '_' );
if ( !preg_match( '(^[a-z])', $id ) )
$id = 'id_' . $id;
return $id;
* Calculate unique ID
* Calculate a valid identifier, which is unique for this document.
* @param string $string
* @return string
protected function calculateUniqueId( $string )
$id = $this->calculateId( $string );
// Ensure uniqueness of IDs
if ( isset( $this->usedIDs[$id] ) )
$i = 2;
do {
$tryId = $id . '_' . $i++;
} while ( isset( $this->usedIDs[$tryId] ) );
$id = $tryId;
$this->usedIDs[$id] = true;
return $id;
* Visit text node
* @param DOMNode $root
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @return void
protected function visitText( DOMNode $root, ezcDocumentRstNode $node )
new DOMText( $node->token->content )
* Visit children
* Just recurse into node and visit its children, ignoring the actual
* node.
* @param DOMNode $root
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @return void
protected function visitChildren( DOMNode $root, ezcDocumentRstNode $node )
foreach ( $node->nodes as $child )
$this->visitNode( $root, $child );
* Visit substitution reference node
* @param DOMNode $root
* @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node
* @return void
protected function visitSubstitutionReference( DOMNode $root, ezcDocumentRstNode $node )
if ( ( $substitution = $this->substitute( $this->nodeToString( $node ) ) ) !== null )
foreach ( $substitution as $child )
$this->visitNode( $root, $child );