blob: 9567840f4c0aab19fd64e4aabd8636417c7ca7c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentPdfMediaObjectRenderer class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Media object renderer.
* Renders a media object, an image, at the current text rendering position.
* The image is automatically scaled down to the available dimensions.
* Explicit width and height definitions for the image are not yet taken into
* account. The image won't be scaled down explicitely, but it is left to the
* driver to handle the ccaling, so that also high resolution images could be
* embedded.
* Also renders an optional image title, if set as a caption in the docbook
* source.
* @package Document
* @access private
* @version //autogen//
class ezcDocumentPdfMediaObjectRenderer extends ezcDocumentPdfRenderer
* Render a media object.
* @param ezcDocumentPdfPage $page
* @param ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator
* @param ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $media
* @param ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer $mainRenderer
* @return bool
public function renderNode( ezcDocumentPdfPage $page, ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator, ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer, ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $media, ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer $mainRenderer )
// Inference page styles
$styles = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $media );
// Locate image file
$imageData = $media->getElementsByTagName( 'imagedata' )->item( 0 );
$imageFile = $mainRenderer->locateFile( (string) $imageData->getAttribute( 'fileref' ) );
$image = ezcDocumentPdfImage::createFromFile( $imageFile );
// Estimate size of image box
$width = $this->getMediaBoxWidth( $styles, $page, $image );
// Get available height with the estimated width
$dimensions = $this->scaleImage( $styles, $image, $page, $width );
$switchBack = false;
if ( ( $space = $page->testFitRectangle( $page->x, $page->y, $dimensions[0], $dimensions[1] ) ) === false )
// Image with estimated dimensions does not fit on current page any
// more.
$page = $mainRenderer->getNextRenderingPosition(
( $pWidth = $width->get() ) + $styles['text-column-spacing']->value,
$switchBack = true;
// Get maximum available space
$space = $page->testFitRectangle( $page->x, $page->y, $width->get(), null );
// Apply margin of mediaobject
$space->x += $styles['margin']->value['left'];
$space->y += $styles['margin']->value['top'];
$space->width -= $styles['margin']->value['left'] + $styles['margin']->value['right'];
$space->height -= $styles['margin']->value['top'] + $styles['margin']->value['bottom'];
// Estimate required height of text blocks
$captions = $media->getElementsByTagName( 'caption' );
$captionHeight = 0;
$textRenderer = new ezcDocumentPdfTextBlockRenderer( $this->driver, $this->styles );
foreach ( $captions as $caption )
$captionHeight += $textRenderer->estimateHeight( $space->width, $hyphenator, $tokenizer, $caption );
if ( ( $imageHeight = ( $space->height - $captionHeight ) ) < 0 )
return false;
// Reduce the image size, of it does not fit any more because of the captions
if ( $imageHeight < $dimensions[1] )
$dimensions[0] *= $imageHeight / $dimensions[1];
$dimensions[1] = $imageHeight;
// Render image
$imageFile, $image->getMimeType(),
$space->x + ( $space->width - $dimensions[0] ) / 2, $space->y,
$dimensions[0], $dimensions[1]
$space->y += $dimensions[1];
// Render captions
foreach ( $captions as $caption )
$space->y += $textRenderer->renderBlock( $space, $hyphenator, $tokenizer, $caption );
// Set covered space covered
new ezcDocumentPdfBoundingBox(
$page->x, $page->y,
$space->width, $space->y - $page->y
$page->y = $space->y;
// Go back to previous page, if requested
if ( $switchBack )
return true;
* Calculate width of media box.
* @param array $styles
* @param ezcDocumentPdfPage $page
* @param ezcDocumentPdfImage $image
* @return ezcDocumentPcssMeasure
public function getMediaBoxWidth( array $styles, ezcDocumentPdfPage $page, ezcDocumentPdfImage $image )
if ( $styles['text-columns']->value <= 1 )
// Just use the full inner width, we do not support floating yet.
return new ezcDocumentPcssMeasure( $page->innerWidth );
$imageWidth = $image->getDimensions();
$imageWidth = $imageWidth[0]->get();
$columns = $styles['text-columns']->value;
$spacing = $styles['text-column-spacing']->value;
$columnWidth = ( $page->innerWidth - ( $spacing * ( $columns - 1 ) ) ) / $columns;
$width = $columnWidth;
$spanning = 1;
while ( ( $imageWidth > $width ) &&
( $spanning < $columns ) )
$width += $columnWidth + $spacing;
return $this->width = new ezcDocumentPcssMeasure( $width );
* Calculate scale of image.
* Calculates the output size of the image, depending on the available
* space and the image dimensions.
* @param array $styles
* @param ezcDocumentPdfImage $image
* @param ezcDocumentPdfPage $page
* @param flaot $width
* @return array
protected function scaleImage( array $styles, ezcDocumentPdfImage $image, ezcDocumentPdfPage $page, $width )
$imageDimensions = $image->getDimensions();
// Scale image down, if exceeds the maximum available width
$imageSize = array( $imageDimensions[0]->get(), $imageDimensions[1]->get() );
if ( $imageSize[0] > $width->get() )
$imageSize[1] *= $width->get() / $imageSize[0];
$imageSize[0] = $width->get();
// @todo: Apply styles for image scaling.
// Check if image would fit on a new page using its default size.
if ( $page->innerHeight > $imageSize[1] )
return $imageSize;
// Otherwise we need to scale the image down even further
$imageSize[0] *= $page->innerHeight / $imageSize[1];
$imageSize[1] = $page->innerHeight;
return $imageSize;