blob: 263f35cec4e5e6548584b094c0a5de5b36ae840c [file] [log] [blame]
* ezcCacheStackOptionsTest
* @package Cache
* @subpackage Tests
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* Configurator class.
require_once 'stack_test_configurator.php';
* Test suite for the ezcCacheStackOptions class.
* @package Cache
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcCacheStackOptionsTest extends ezcTestCase
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ );
public function testCtorDefaultSuccess()
$opts = new ezcCacheStackOptions();
'configurator' => null,
'metaStorage' => null,
'replacementStrategy' => 'ezcCacheStackLruReplacementStrategy',
'bubbleUpOnRestore' => false,
'Default options incorrect.'
public function testCtorNonDefaultSuccess()
$optArray = array(
'configurator' => 'ezcCacheStackTestConfigurator',
// @TODO: Should be a valid storage object.
'metaStorage' => null,
'replacementStrategy' => 'ezcCacheStackLfuReplacementStrategy',
'bubbleUpOnRestore' => true,
$opts = new ezcCacheStackOptions( $optArray );
'Options set via ctor incorrect.'
public function testSetSuccess()
$metaDataStorage = $this->getMock( 'ezcCacheStackMetaDataStorage' );
$opts = new ezcCacheStackOptions();
array( 'ezcCacheStackTestConfigurator', null )
array( $metaDataStorage )
array( 'ezcCacheStackLfuReplacementStrategy', 'ezcCacheStackLruReplacementStrategy' )
array( true, false )
public function testSetFailure()
$nonMetaDataStorage = $this->getMock(
$opts = new ezcCacheStackOptions();
array( true, false, 23, 42.23, 'Foo', array(), 'stdClass', new stdClass() )
array( true, false, 23, 42.23, 'Foo', array(), 'stdClass', new stdClass(), $nonMetaDataStorage )
array( null, true, false, 23, 42.23, 'Foo', array(), 'stdClass', new stdClass() )
array( null, 23, 42.23, 'Foo', array(), 'stdClass', new stdClass() )
$opts->fooBar = 23;
$ths->fail( 'Exception not thrown on access to unknown option.' );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) {}
public function testGetSuccess()
$opts = new ezcCacheStackOptions();
$this->assertEquals( null, $opts->configurator );
$this->assertEquals( null, $opts->metaStorage );
$this->assertEquals( 'ezcCacheStackLruReplacementStrategy', $opts->replacementStrategy );
$this->assertEquals( false, $opts->bubbleUpOnRestore );
public function testGetFailure()
$opts = new ezcCacheStackOptions();
echo $opts->fooBar;
$ths->fail( 'Exception not thrown on access to unknown option.' );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) {}