blob: fe34a3bae444aeb7a77dc4294a76977f5fb51548 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package MvcTools
* @subpackage Tests
require_once 'MvcTools/tests/testfiles/configurable-dispatcher.php';
* Test the configurable dispatcher.
* @package MvcTools
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcMvcToolsConfigurableDispatcherTest extends ezcTestCase
function test1()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR])", $config->store );
function testInternalRedirect()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->route = 'IRController';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR] 'nonRedirVar' => 4,[CR] 'ReqRedirVar' => 4,[CR])", $config->store );
function testExternalRedirect()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->route = 'IRController';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR] 'nonRedirVar' => 4,[CR] 'ReqRedirVar' => 4,[CR])", $config->store );
function testRoutingException()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->requestParser = 'FaultyRoutes';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR] 'fatal' => 'Very fatal',[CR])", $config->store );
function testInvalidResultObject()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->route = 'FaultyAction';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMvcControllerException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The action 'no-return' of controller 'testController' did not return an ezcMvcResult object.", $e->getMessage() );
function testPreRoutingFilter()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->preRoutingFilter = true;
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR] 'newVar' => 'yes, we did the pre-routing filter',[CR])", $config->store );
function testInternalRedirectRequestFilter()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->internalRedirectRequestFilter = true;
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR] 'fatal' => 'Very fatal',[CR])", $config->store );
function testInternalRedirectRequestFilterException()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->internalRedirectRequestFilter = 'exception';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
catch ( PHPUnit_Framework_Error $e )
self::assertRegExp( "/^Argument 1 passed to simpleConfiguration::runPreRoutingFilters\(\) must be an instance of ezcMvcRequest, null given, called in/", $e->getMessage() );
function testViewException()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->view = 'ExceptionView';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR] 'fatal' => 'Very fatal',[CR])", $config->store );
function testEndlessLoop()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->route = 'EndlessIR';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::fail( "Expected exception was not thrown." );
catch ( ezcMvcInfiniteLoopException $e )
self::assertEquals( "25 redirects have occurred, there is a possible infinite redirect loop.", $e->getMessage() );
function testControllerActionException()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->route = 'ExceptionInAction';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR] 'fatal' => 'Very fatal',[CR])", $config->store );
function testFatalInFatal()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->route = 'FatalInfatal';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::fail( "Expected exception was not thrown." );
catch ( ezcMvcFatalErrorLoopException $e )
self::assertEquals( 'The request "", "/fatal" () results in an infinite fatal error loop.', $e->getMessage() );
// test for issue #13939
public function testNoReturnedVariables()
$config = new simpleConfiguration();
$config->controller = 'EmptyResultController';
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::assertEquals( "BODY: Name: name, Vars: array ([CR])", $config->store );
public function testAllIsWell()
$config = new testWrongObjectsConfiguration();
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
public function commonWrongTest( $type )
$config = new testWrongObjectsConfiguration();
$config->fail = $type;
$dispatcher = new ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher( $config );
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." );
catch ( ezcMvcInvalidConfiguration $e )
return $e->getMessage();
public function testWrongRequestParserClass()
$e = self::commonWrongTest( 'request-parser' );
self::assertEquals( "The configuration returned an invalid object for 'requestParser', instance of ezcMvcRequestParser expected, but instance of class stdClass found.", $e );
public function testWrongRouterClass()
$e = self::commonWrongTest( 'router' );
self::assertEquals( "The configuration returned an invalid object for 'router', instance of ezcMvcRouter expected, but instance of class stdClass found.", $e );
public function testWrongViewClass()
$e = self::commonWrongTest( 'view' );
self::assertEquals( "The configuration returned an invalid object for 'view', instance of ezcMvcView expected, but instance of class stdClass found.", $e );
public function testWrongControllerClass()
$e = self::commonWrongTest( 'controller' );
self::assertEquals( "The configuration returned an invalid object for 'controller', instance of ezcMvcController expected, but instance of class stdClass found.", $e );
public function testWrongResponseWriter()
$e = self::commonWrongTest( 'response-writer' );
self::assertEquals( "The configuration returned an invalid object for 'responseWriter', instance of ezcMvcResponseWriter expected, but instance of class stdClass found.", $e );
public function testWrongFatalRedirectClass()
$e = self::commonWrongTest( 'fatal' );
self::assertEquals( "The configuration returned an invalid object for 'request', instance of ezcMvcRequest expected, but instance of class stdClass found.", $e );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ );