blob: 85d4845b5e490ac27c6ae04e9b1a081d39d17bbc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package MvcTools
* @subpackage Tests
require_once 'MvcTools/tests/testfiles/testclasses.php';
* Test the handler classes.
* @package MvcTools
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcMvcToolsHttpResponseWriterTest extends ezcTestCase
public function setUp()
if ( !extension_loaded( 'xdebug' ) || !function_exists( 'xdebug_get_headers' ) )
self::markTestSkipped( "Xdebug is required, with xdebug_get_headers() available." );
public static function doTest( $response )
$writer = new ezcMvcHttpResponseWriter( $response );
$contents = ob_get_contents();
return array( xdebug_get_headers(), $contents );
public static function testSimple()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testGenerator()
$result = new ezcMvcResult;
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->generator = "Albert";
$response->body = "Ze body.";
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: Albert",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testCookie()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->cookies[] = new ezcMvcResultCookie( 'simple', 'one' );
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
'Content-Length: 8',
"Set-Cookie: simple=one",
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testCookies()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->cookies[] = new ezcMvcResultCookie( 'simple', 'one' );
$response->cookies[] = new ezcMvcResultCookie(
'complex', 'e=mc^2', new DateTime( 'August 30th, 2008 UTC' ),
'', '/test', true, true );
$response->cookies[] = new ezcMvcResultCookie(
'speed', 'v=9.8*(m/s^2)', null, '', '', false, true );
$response->cookies[] = new ezcMvcResultCookie( 'warp', 'G=(8*pi/c^4)GT' );
$response->cookies[3]->expire = new DateTime( 'Dec 12, 2034 UTC' );
$response->cookies[3]->secure = true;
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
'Content-Length: 8',
"Set-Cookie: simple=one",
"Set-Cookie: complex=e%3Dmc%5E2; expires=Sat, 30-Aug-2008 00:00:00 GMT; path=/test;; secure; httponly",
"Set-Cookie: speed=v%3D9.8%2A%28m%2Fs%5E2%29; httponly",
"Set-Cookie: warp=G%3D%288%2Api%2Fc%5E4%29GT; expires=Tue, 12-Dec-2034 00:00:00 GMT; secure",
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testDate()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->date = new DateTime( '2008-07-22 15:03 Europe/Oslo' );
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 13:03:00 GMT",
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testCache()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->cache = new ezcMvcResultCache;
$response->cache->vary = '*';
$response->cache->expire = new DateTime( '2008-12-22 09:15 Europe/Amsterdam' );
$response->cache->controls = array( 'no-cache', 'must-revalidate' );
$response->cache->pragma = 'no-cache';
$response->cache->lastModified = new DateTime( '2008-07-22 09:15 Europe/Amsterdam' );
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Vary: *",
"Expires: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 08:15:00 GMT",
"Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate",
"Pragma: no-cache",
"Last-Modified: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 07:15:00 GMT",
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testContentLanguage()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->language = 'en-GB';
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Content-Language: en-GB",
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testContentLanguage2()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->language = 'en-US';
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Content-Language: en-US",
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testContentTypeCharset1()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->type = 'text/html+test';
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Content-type: text/html+test;charset=utf-8",
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testContentTypeCharset2()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->type = 'text/html+test';
$response->content->charset = 'latin1';
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Content-Type: text/html+test; charset=latin1",
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testContentTypeCharset3()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->body = "Ze body.";
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->charset = 'utf-8';
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8",
'Content-Length: 8',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
self::assertSame( "Ze body.", $body );
public static function testContentDispositionSimple1()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->disposition = new ezcMvcResultContentDisposition;
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Content-Disposition: inline",
'Content-Length: 0',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
public static function testContentDispositionSimple2()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->disposition = new ezcMvcResultContentDisposition;
$response->content->disposition->type = 'attachment';
$response->content->disposition->size = 42;
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Content-Disposition: attachment; size=42",
'Content-Length: 0',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
public static function testContentDispositionDates()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->disposition = new ezcMvcResultContentDisposition;
$response->content->disposition->creationDate = new DateTime( '-1 day' );
$response->content->disposition->modificationDate = new DateTime( '-1 hour' );
$response->content->disposition->readDate = new DateTime();
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
'Content-Disposition: inline' .
'; creation-date="' . date_create()->modify( '-1 day' )->format( DateTime::RFC2822 ) . '"' .
'; modification-date="' . date_create()->modify( '-1 hour' )->format( DateTime::RFC2822 ) . '"' .
'; read-date="' . date_create()->format( DateTime::RFC2822 ) . '"',
'Content-Length: 0',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
public static function testContentDispositionFilenameAscii()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->disposition = new ezcMvcResultContentDisposition;
$response->content->disposition->filename = "kake.pdf";
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
'Content-Disposition: inline; filename=kake.pdf',
'Content-Length: 0',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
public static function testContentDispositionFilenameAsciiWithSpecials()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->disposition = new ezcMvcResultContentDisposition;
$response->content->disposition->filename = "banan kake er <godt>.pdf";
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="banan kake er <godt>.pdf"',
'Content-Length: 0',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
public static function testContentDispositionFilenameUTF8()
$response = new ezcMvcResponse;
$response->content = new ezcMvcResultContent;
$response->content->disposition = new ezcMvcResultContentDisposition;
$response->content->disposition->filename = "blåbær kake er godt.pdf";
list( $headers, $body ) = self::doTest( $response );
$expectedHeaders = array(
"X-Powered-By: eZ Components MvcTools",
"Date: " . date_create("UTC")->format( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ),
"Content-Disposition: inline; filename*=utf-8''bl%C3%A5b%C3%A6r+kake+er+godt.pdf",
'Content-Length: 0',
self::assertSame( $expectedHeaders, $headers );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ );