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Feed specifications
This document lists the various feed types supported by the Feed component,
general information about each feed type, and the related specifications
documents and RFCs.
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:depth: 2
Feeds equivalence
Feed elements
| ezcFeed | ATOM | RSS1 | RSS2 |
| |ezcFeed-author|_ * | |ATOM-author|_ !* | x | |RSS2-managingEditor|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-category|_ * | |ATOM-category|_ ?* | x | |RSS2-category|_ ?* |
| |ezcFeed-cloud|_ | x | x | |RSS2-cloud|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-contributor|_ * | |ATOM-contributor|_ ?* | x | x |
| |ezcFeed-copyright|_ | |ATOM-rights|_ ? | x | |RSS2-copyright|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-description|_ | |ATOM-subtitle|_ ? | |RSS1-description|_ ! | |RSS2-description|_ ! |
| |ezcFeed-docs|_ | x | x | |RSS2-docs|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-generator|_ | |ATOM-generator|_ ? | x | |RSS2-generator|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-icon|_ | |ATOM-icon|_ ? | x | x |
| |ezcFeed-id|_ | |ATOM-id|_ ! | |RSS1-about|_ ! | |RSS2-id|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-image|_ | |ATOM-logo|_ ? | |RSS1-image|_ ? | |RSS2-image|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-item|_ * | |ATOM-entry|_ ?* | |RSS1-item|_ !* | |RSS2-item|_ !* |
| |ezcFeed-language|_ | |ATOM-language|_ ? | |RSS1-language|_ ? | |RSS2-language|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-link|_ * | |ATOM-link|_ !* | |RSS1-link|_ ! | |RSS2-link|_ ! |
| |ezcFeed-published|_ | x | x | |RSS2-pubDate|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-rating|_ | x | x | |RSS2-rating|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-skipDays|_ | x | x | |RSS2-skipDays|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-skipHours|_ | x | x | |RSS2-skipHours|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-textInput|_ | x | |RSS1-textinput|_ ? | |RSS2-textInput|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-title|_ | |ATOM-title|_ ! | |RSS1-title|_ ! | |RSS2-title|_ ! |
| |ezcFeed-ttl|_ | x | x | |RSS2-ttl|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-updated|_ | |ATOM-updated|_ ! | x | |RSS2-lastBuildDate|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-webMaster|_ | x | x | |RSS2-webMaster|_ ? |
| ! = required
| ? = optional
| * = can appear multiple times
| x = no equivalence
In order to generate all 3 feed types from the same ezcFeed data, these
elements must be added to an ezcFeed object:
- |ezcFeed-author|_
- |ezcFeed-description|_
- |ezcFeed-id|_
- at least one |ezcFeed-item|_ with all required elements
- |ezcFeed-link|_
- |ezcFeed-title|_
- |ezcFeed-updated|_
Item elements
| ezcFeed | ATOM | RSS1 | RSS2 |
| |ezcFeed-item-author|_ * | |ATOM-entry-author|_ !* | x | |RSS2-item-author|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-item-category|_ * | |ATOM-entry-category|_ ?* | x | |RSS2-item-category|_ ?* |
| |ezcFeed-item-comments|_ | x | x | |RSS2-item-comments|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-item-content|_ | |ATOM-entry-content|_ ? | x | x |
| |ezcFeed-item-contributor|_ * | |ATOM-entry-contributor|_ ?* | x | x |
| |ezcFeed-item-copyright|_ | |ATOM-entry-rights|_ ? | x | x |
| |ezcFeed-item-description|_ | |ATOM-entry-summary|_ ! | |RSS1-item-description|_ ! | |RSS2-item-description|_ ! |
| |ezcFeed-item-enclosure|_ * | |ATOM-entry-link|_ ?* | x | |RSS2-item-enclosure|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-item-id|_ | |ATOM-entry-id|_ ! | |RSS1-item-about|_ ! | |RSS2-item-guid|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-item-language|_ ? | |ATOM-entry-language|_ ? | |RSS1-item-language|_ ? | |RSS2-item-language|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-item-link|_ * | |ATOM-entry-link|_ !* | |RSS1-item-link|_ ! | |RSS2-item-link|_ ! |
| |ezcFeed-item-published|_ | |ATOM-entry-published|_ ? | x | |RSS2-item-pubDate|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-item-source|_ | |ATOM-entry-source|_ ? | x | |RSS2-item-source|_ ? |
| |ezcFeed-item-title|_ | |ATOM-entry-title|_ ! | |RSS1-item-title|_ ! | |RSS2-item-title|_ ! |
| |ezcFeed-item-updated|_ | |ATOM-entry-updated|_ ! | x | x |
| ! = required
| ? = optional
| * = can appear multiple times
| x = no equivalence
The language element for an item in any feed type is rendered in XML as an
*xml:lang* attribute for the item or entry XML element. Parsing an XML file
which contains *xml:lang* attributes for the item/entry XML elements will
result in the language attribute to be filled with the contents of the
*xml:lang* attribute.
In order to generate all 3 feed types from the same ezcFeed data, these
elements must be added to an ezcFeedEntryElement object:
- |ezcFeed-item-author|_
- |ezcFeed-item-description|_
- |ezcFeed-item-id|_
- |ezcFeed-item-link|_
- |ezcFeed-item-title|_
- |ezcFeed-item-updated|_
This is a minimal script to be able to generate all 3 feed types from the same
ezcFeed data::
// use eZ Components autoload mechanism
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$feed = new ezcFeed();
$author = $feed->add( 'author' );
$author->name = "Indiana Jones";
$author->email = "";
$feed->description = "This feed shows Indiana Jones movie releases";
$feed->id = "";
$link = $feed->add( 'link' );
$link->href = "";
$feed->title = "Indiana Jones movie releases";
$feed->updated = time();
// add a feed item
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$author = $item->add( 'author' );
$author->name = "Indiana Jones";
$author->email = "";
$item->description = "Indy meets ****** and has a hell of an adventure";
$item->id = "";
$link = $item->add( 'link' );
$link->href = "";
$item->title = "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull";
$item->updated = time();
$atom = $feed->generate( 'atom' );
$rss1 = $feed->generate( 'rss1 );
$rss2 = $feed->generate( 'rss2' );
Feed elements
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
One author of the feed.
Required in `ATOM`_: one author must be present at feed-level if there is one
entry which does not have an author. Optional in `RSS2`_ (recommended). Ignored
for `RSS1`_ feeds.
Multiple authors can appear in `ATOM`_ (not recommended). Can appear only once
in `RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri* (ignored in
`RSS2`_) and *email*.
In `RSS2`_ the generated XML element value will be ``email (name)``.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$author = $feed->add( 'author' );
$author->name = 'Guybrush Threepwood';
$author->email = '';
$author->uri = ''; // ATOM only
The resulting ATOM XML element will be::
<name>Guybrush Threepwood</name>
The resulting RSS2 XML element will be::
<managingEditor> (Guybrush Threepwood)</managingEditor>
Parse example::
$authors = array();
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->author ) )
foreach ( $feed->author as $author )
$authors[] = array(
'name' => isset( $author->name ) ? $author->name : null,
'uri' => isset( $author->uri ) ? $author->uri : null, // ATOM only
'email' => isset( $author->email ) ? $author->email : null // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-author`_, `ATOM-author`_, RSS1-none,
Type: array(ezcFeedCategoryElement).
A category for the feed.
Optional. Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds.
Multiple categories can appear in `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has one required attribute: *term*. It also has 2 optional attributes:
*scheme* (equivalent to `RSS2`_ *domain* attribute), *label*. The *label*
attribute will be ignored for `RSS2`_ feeds.
`RSS2`_ has one optional attribute: *domain* (equivalent to `ATOM`_ *scheme*
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$category = $feed->add( 'category' );
$category->term = 'holiday';
$category->scheme = ''; // scheme = RSS2 domain
$category->label = 'Holiday'; // ATOM only
Parse example::
$categories = array();
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->category ) )
foreach ( $feed->category as $category )
$categories[] = array(
'term' => isset( $category->term ) ? $category->term : null,
'scheme' => isset( $category->scheme ) ? $category->scheme : null,
// scheme = RSS2 domain
'label' => isset( $category->label ) ? $category->label : null // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-category`_, `ATOM-category`_, RSS1-none,
Type: ezcFeedCloudElement.
Allows processes to register with a cloud to be notified of updates to the
channel, implementing a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol for RSS feeds.
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_.
Can appear only once.
Has the required attributes: *domain*, *port*, *path*, *registerProcedure*,
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$cloud = $feed->add( 'cloud' );
$cloud->domain = '';
$cloud->port = 80;
$cloud->path = '/RPC2';
$cloud->registerProcedure = 'myCloud.rssPleaseNotify';
$cloud->protocol = 'xml-rpc';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->cloud ) )
$cloud = $feed->cloud;
$domain = isset( $cloud->domain ) ? $cloud->domain : null;
$port = isset( $cloud->port ) ? $cloud->port : null;
$path = isset( $cloud->path ) ? $cloud->path : null;
$procedure = isset( $cloud->registerProcedure ) ? $cloud->registerProcedure : null;
$protocol = isset( $cloud->protocol ) ? $cloud->protocol : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-cloud`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-cloud`_.
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
One contributor of the feed.
Optional (not recommended). Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Multiple contributors can appear.
Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$contributor = $feed->add( 'contributor' );
$contributor->name = 'Guybrush Threepwood';
$contributor->email = '';
$contributor->uri = '';
Parse example::
$contributors = array();
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->contributor ) )
foreach ( $feed->contributor as $contributor )
$contributors[] = array(
'name' => isset( $contributor->name ) ? $contributor->name : null,
'uri' => isset( $contributor->uri ) ? $contributor->uri : null,
'email' => isset( $contributor->email ) ? $contributor->email : null
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-contributor`_, `ATOM-contributor`_, RSS1-none,
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Copyright information for the feed.
Optional. Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text``
(default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and
`RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of
the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here:
`RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as
*language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->copyright = 'Copyright <company name>';
$feed->copyright->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
$feed->copyright->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->copyright ) )
$copyrightElement = $feed->copyright;
$copyright = $copyrightElement->text;
$type = isset( $copyrightElement->type ) ? $copyrightElement->type : null; // ATOM only
$language = isset( $copyrightElement->language ) ? $copyrightElement->language : null; // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-copyright`_, `ATOM-rights`_, RSS1-none,
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
A short description of the feed.
Can appear only once.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text``
(default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and
`RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of
the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here:
`RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as
*language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->description = 'Feed description';
$feed->description->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
$feed->description->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->description ) )
$descriptionElement = $feed->description;
$description = $descriptionElement->text;
$type = isset( $descriptionElement->type ) ? $descriptionElement->type : null; // ATOM only
$language = isset( $descriptionElement->language ) ? $descriptionElement->language : null; // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-description`_, `ATOM-subtitle`_, `RSS1-description`_,
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
An URL that points to the documentation for the format used in the feed file.
Optional. Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed.
It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->docs = '';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$docs = isset( $feed->docs ) ? $feed->docs->__toString() : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-docs`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-docs`_.
Type: ezcFeedGeneratorElement.
Indicates the software used to generate the feed.
Optional. Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
`ATOM`_ has 2 optional attributes: *url*, *version*. These attributes are
used in `RSS2`_ to generate the string ``name version (url)``. This element
and its attributes will be filled automatically by ezcFeed when generating
the feed with the values ``eZComponents Feed``,
```` and ``<version>``
respectively, where the version is the current version of the Feed component
(``dev`` for pre-alpha1).
`RSS2`_ will get this value automatically when generating the feed:
``eZ Components Feed <version> (``,
where the version is the current version of the Feed component (``dev`` for
Create example - this is automatically done by ezcFeed when calling the
**generate()** method::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$generator = $feed->add( 'generator' );
$generator->name = 'eZ Components Feed';
$generator->url = '';
$generator->version = '1.0';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->generator ) )
$name = isset( $feed->generator->name ) ? $feed->generator->name : null;
$url = isset( $feed->generator->url ) ? $feed->generator->url : null; // ATOM only
$version = isset( $feed->generator->version ) ? $feed->generator->version : null; // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-generator`_, `ATOM-generator`_, RSS1-none,
Type: ezcFeedImageElement.
An icon for a feed, similar with ``favicon.ico`` for websites.
Optional. Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the
feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->icon = '';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$icon = isset( $feed->icon ) ? $feed->icon->__toString : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-icon`_, `ATOM-icon`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
Type: ezcFeedIdElement.
A universally unique and permanent URI for a feed. For example, it can be an
Internet domain name.
Required. `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating
the feed. It will be rendered as an *atom:link* element in `RSS2`_ feeds
(together with the *xmlns:atom* namespace).
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->id = 'ID value';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$id = isset( $feed->id ) ? $feed->id->__toString() : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-id`_, `ATOM-id`_, `RSS1-about`_, `RSS2-id`_.
Type: ezcFeedImageElement.
An image associated with the feed.
Can appear only once.
`RSS1`_ has the required attribute *about*, which should have the same value
as the *url* sub-element.
`RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ have 3 required sub-elements: *title*, *link*, *url*
(same for both feed types). These attributes will be ignored for `ATOM`_ feeds.
`RSS2`_ has 3 optional sub-elements: *width*, *height*, *description*. These
attributes will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$image = $feed->add( 'image' );
$image->link = '';
$image->url = ''; // RSS1 and RSS2 only
$image->title = 'Click here to go to the link'; // RSS1 and RSS2 only
$image->width = 100; // RSS2 only
$image->height = 200; // RSS2 only
$image->description = 'This image is cool'; // RSS2 only
$image->about = ''; // RSS1 only
Parse example (`RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_)::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->image ) )
$image = $feed->image;
$link = isset( $image->link ) ? $image->link : null;
$url = isset( $image->url ) ? $image->url : null; // RSS1 and RSS2 only
$title = isset( $image->title ) ? $image->title : null; // RSS1 and RSS2 only
$width = isset( $image->width ) ? $image->width : null; // RSS2 only
$height = isset( $image->height ) ? $image->height : null; // RSS2 only
$description = isset( $image->description ) ? $image->description : null; // RSS2 only
$about = isset( $image->about ) ? $image->about : null; // RSS1 only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-image`_, `ATOM-logo`_, `RSS1-image`_, `RSS2-image`_.
Type: array(ezcFeedEntryElement).
Feed entry.
Required for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Optional (recommended) for `ATOM`_
Multiple entries can appear.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
// set $item properties, for example:
$item->title = 'Item title';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
foreach ( $feed->item as $item )
// get $item properties, for example:
$title = isset( $item->title ) ? $item->title->__toString() : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item`_, `ATOM-entry`_, `RSS1-item`_, `RSS2-item`_.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
The language for the feed.
Optional (recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
In `ATOM`_ you can assign the language to each element instead.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->language = 'en';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$language = isset( $feed->language ) ? $feed->language->__toString() : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-language`_, ATOM-*xml:lang* for each element, RSS1-none,
Type: array(ezcFeedLinkElement).
An URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed.
Required for all feed types. In `ATOM`_ a link back to the feed itself must be
present (with ``rel="self"``).
Multiple links can appear in `ATOM`_ (not recommended).
Required attributes: *href*. Optional attributes for `ATOM`_: *rel* (possible
values: ``alternate`` (default), ``enclosure``, ``related``, ``self``,
``via``), *type*, *hreflang*, *title*, *length*.
A maximum of one link with ``rel="alternate"`` can appear per *type* and
These attributes will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$link = $feed->add( 'link' );
$link->href = '';
$link->rel = 'self'; // ATOM only
$link->type = 'text/html'; // ATOM only
$link->hreflang = 'en'; // ATOM only
$link->title = 'Link to the homepage'; // ATOM only
$link->length = 12345; // ATOM only
Parse example::
$links = array();
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
foreach ( $feed->link as $link )
$links[] = array(
'href' => isset( $link->href ) ? $link->href : null,
'rel' => isset( $link->rel ) ? $link->rel : null, // ATOM only
'type' => isset( $link->type ) ? $link->type : null, // ATOM only
'hreflang' => isset( $link->hreflang ) ? $link->hreflang : null, // ATOM only
'title' => isset( $link->title ) ? $link->title : null, // ATOM only
'length' => isset( $link->length ) ? $link->length : null, // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-link`_, `ATOM-link`_, `RSS1-link`_, `RSS2-link`_.
Type: ezcFeedDateElement.
The time the feed was published.
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Can be assigned with an integer timestamp, a string date or a DateTime object.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->published = time();
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$published = isset( $feed->published ) ? $feed->published->date->format( 'c' ) : null;
Other formats can be used also instead of ``'c'``, see the documentation for
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-published`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-pubDate`_.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
The `PICS`_ rating for the channel.
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->rating = '(PICS-1.1 "" labels
on "1994.11.05T08:15-0500"
exp "1995.12.31T23:59-0000"
for ""
by "George Sanderson, Jr."
ratings (suds 0.5 density 0 color/hue 1))';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$rating = isset( $feed->rating ) ? $feed->rating->__toString() : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-rating`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-rating`_.
Type: ezcFeedSkipDaysElement.
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip when reading the
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Can have up to 7 *day* elements, each with a value from ``Monday`` to ``Sunday``.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$skip = $feed->add( 'skipDays' );
$skip->days = array( 'Saturday', 'Sunday' );
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$days = array( 'Monday' => false, /*...*/ 'Sunday' => false );
foreach ( $feed->skipDays->days as $skip )
$days[$skip] = true;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-skipDays`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-skipDays`_.
Type: ezcFeedSkipHoursElement.
A hint for aggregators telling them which hours they can skip when reading the
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Can have up to 24 *hour* elements, each with an integer value from ``0``
(midnight) to ``23``. The value ``24`` can also be used for midnight.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$skip = $feed->add( 'skipHours' );
$skip->hours = array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$hours = array( '0' => false, /*...*/ '24' => false );
foreach ( $feed->skipHours->hours as $skip )
$hours[$skip] = true;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-skipHours`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-skipHours`_.
Type: ezcFeedTextInputElement.
Specifies a text input box that can be displayed with the feed.
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this
element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
For `RSS1`_ it has the required attribute *about*, which should have the same
value as the *link* sub-element.
Has four required sub-elements: *title*, *description*, *name*, *link* (same
for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_).
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$textInput = $feed->add( 'textInput' );
$textInput->title = 'Text input title';
$textInput->description = 'Text input description';
$textInput->name = 'Text input name';
$textInput->link = 'Text input link';
$textInput->about = 'Text input link'; // RSS1 only, ignored in RSS2
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->textInput ) )
$textInput = $feed->textInput;
$title = isset( $textInput->title ) ? $textInput->title : null;
$description = isset( $textInput->description ) ? $textInput->description : null;
$name = isset( $textInput->name ) ? $textInput->name : null;
$link = isset( $textInput->link ) ? $textInput->link : null;
$about = isset( $textInput->about ) ? $textInput->about : null; // RSS1 only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-textInput`_, ATOM-none, `RSS1-textinput`_,
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Human readable title for the feed. For example, it can be the same as the
website title.
Can appear only once.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text``
(default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and
`RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of
the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here:
`RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*.
This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->title = 'Feed title';
$feed->title->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
$feed->title->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->title ) )
$element = $feed->title;
$title = isset( $element->text ) ? $element->text : null;
$type = isset( $element->type ) ? $element->type : null; // ATOM only
$language = isset( $element->language ) ? $element->language : null; // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-title`_, `ATOM-title`_, `RSS1-title`_, `RSS2-title`_.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Number of minutes that indicates how long a channel can be cached before
refreshing from the source.
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->ttl = '60'; // minutes
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$ttl = isset( $feed->ttl ) ? $feed->ttl->__toString() : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-ttl`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-ttl`_.
Type: ezcFeedDateElement.
The last time the feed was updated.
Required for `ATOM`_. Optional for `RSS2`_. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_
feeds. ezcFeed will add automatically the *updated* element with the value the
current time in `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Can be assigned with an integer timestamp, a string date or a DateTime object.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$feed->updated = 'Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$updated = isset( $feed->updated ) ? $feed->updated->date->format( 'c' ) : null;
Other formats can be used also instead of ``'c'``, see the documentation for
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-updated`_, `ATOM-updated`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-lastBuildDate`_.
Type: ezcFeedPersonElement.
The email address of the webmaster responsible for the feed.
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
It is a good practice to include the name and email of the webmaster,
for example `` (John Doe)``.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$webMaster = $feed->add( 'webMaster' );
$webMaster->name = 'John Doe';
$webMaster->email = '';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->webMaster ) )
$name = isset( $feed->webMaster->name ) ? $feed->webMaster->name : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-webMaster`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-webMaster`_.
Item elements
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
One author of the feed entry.
Required in `ATOM`_: one author must be present in each entry in case the feed
does not contain an author. Optional in `RSS2`_ (recommended). Ignored for
`RSS1`_ feeds.
Multiple authors can appear in `ATOM`_ (not recommended). Can appear only once
in `RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri* (ignored in
`RSS2`_) and *email*.
In `RSS2`_ the generated XML element value will be ``email (name)``.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$author = $item->add( 'author' );
$author->name = 'Guybrush Threepwood';
$author->email = '';
$author->uri = ''; // ATOM only
The resulting ATOM XML element will be::
<name>Guybrush Threepwood</name>
The resulting RSS2 XML element will be::
<author> (Guybrush Threepwood)</author>
Parse example::
$authors = array();
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->author ) )
foreach ( $item->author as $author )
$authors[] = array(
'name' => isset( $author->name ) ? $author->name : null,
'uri' => isset( $author->uri ) ? $author->uri : null, // ATOM only
'email' => isset( $author->email ) ? $author->email : null // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-author`_, `ATOM-entry-author`_, RSS1-none,
Type: array(ezcFeedCategoryElement).
A category for the feed entry.
Optional. Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds.
Multiple categories can appear in `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has one required attribute: *term*. Optional attributes: *scheme*
(*domain* in `RSS2`_) and *label* (ignored in `RSS2`_).
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$category = $item->add( 'category' );
$category->term = 'holiday';
$category->scheme = ''; // scheme = RSS2 domain
$category->label = 'Holiday'; // ATOM only
Parse example::
$categories = array();
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->category ) )
foreach ( $item->category as $category )
$categories[] = array(
'term' => isset( $category->term ) ? $category->term : null,
'scheme' => isset( $category->scheme ) ? $category->scheme : null, // scheme = RSS2 domain
'label' => isset( $category->label ) ? $category->label : null // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-category`_, `ATOM-entry-category`_, RSS1-none,
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
A link to a webpage for comments.
Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$item->comments = '';
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$comments = isset( $item->comments ) ? $item->comments->__toString() : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-comments`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none,
Type: ezcFeedContentElement.
A short description for the feed item.
Optional (not recommended). Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Can be
substituted with |ezcFeed-item-description|_ (recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default),
``html``, ``xhtml``, or other mime values, depending on the data it contains.
Has an optional attribute *src* which specifies the URI where the full content
is located.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*. A list of allowed
languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
If *src* is present, the *type* attribute, if present, is the media type of the
Otherwise, if the type attribute ends in ``+xml`` or ``/xml``, then an XML
document of this type is contained inline.
Otherwise, if the type attribute starts with ``text``, then an escaped document
of this type is contained inline.
Otherwise, a base64 encoded document of the indicated media type is contained
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$item->content = 'Content';
$item->content->type = 'text';
$item->content->language = 'de';
$item->content->src = '';
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->content ) )
$contentElement = $item->content;
$content = $descriptionElement->text;
$type = isset( $contentElement->type ) ? $contentElement->type : null;
$language = isset( $contentElement->language ) ? $contentElement->language : null;
$src = isset( $contentElement->src ) ? $contentElement->src : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-content`_/`ezcFeed-item-description`_,
`ATOM-entry-content`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
One contributor of the feed entry.
Optional (not recommended). Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after
generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Multiple contributors can appear.
Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$contributor = $item->add( 'contributor' );
$contributor->name = 'Guybrush Threepwood';
$contributor->uri = '';
$contributor->email = '';
Parse example::
$contributors = array();
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->contributor ) )
foreach ( $item->contributor as $contributor )
$contributors[] = array(
'name' => isset( $contributor->name ) ? $contributor->name : null,
'uri' => isset( $contributor->uri ) ? $contributor->uri : null,
'email' => isset( $contributor->email ) ? $contributor->email : null
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-contributor`_, `ATOM-entry-contributor`_,
RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Copyright information for the feed entry.
Optional. Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed.
It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. For `RSS2`_ the copyright is
specified for the whole feed, not for any feed items (see
Can appear only once.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text``
(default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and
`RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of
the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here:
`RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as
*language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$item->copyright = 'Copyright <company name>';
$item->copyright->type = 'text'; // ATOM only
$item->copyright->language = 'de'; // ATOM only
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->copyright ) )
$copyrightElement = $item->copyright;
$copyright = $copyrightElement->text;
$type = isset( $copyrightElement->type ) ? $copyrightElement->type : null; // ATOM only
$language = isset( $copyrightElement->language ) ? $copyrightElement->language : null; // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-copyright`_, `ATOM-entry-rights`_, RSS1-none,
RSS2-none (`RSS2-copyright`_ for the whole feed).
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
A short description of the feed item.
Required. In `ATOM`_ it can be substituted with `ATOM-entry-content`_ (not
recommended) (see `ezcFeed-item-content`_).
Can appear only once.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text``
(default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and
`RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of
the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here:
`RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as
*language*. This attribute will ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$item->description = 'Feed description';
$item->description->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
$item->description->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->description ) )
$desc = $item->description;
$description = $desc->text;
$type = isset( $desc->type ) ? $desc->type : null; // ATOM only
$language = isset( $desc->language ) ? $desc->language : null; // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_,
`RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_.
Type: array(ezcFeedEnclosureElement).
A link to a multimedia file attached to the feed item.
Optional. Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed.
It will be ignored for `RSS1`_. For `ATOM`_ feeds the enclosure elements will
be converted to |ATOM-entry-link|_ elements with the attribute
Can appear only once in `RSS2`_ and multiple times in `ATOM`_ (as
Has 3 required attributes: *url*, *length*, *type*.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$enclosure = $item->add( 'enclosure' );
$enclosure->url = '';
$enclosure->length = 49099054; // bytes
$enclosure->type = 'audio/x-mp3';
`RSS2`_ output::
<enclosure url=""
`ATOM`_ output::
<link href=""
Parse example (`RSS2`_)::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->enclosure ) )
$enclosure = $item->enclosure[0];
$url = isset( $enclosure->url ) ? $enclosure->url : null;
$length = isset( $enclosure->length ) ? $enclosure->length : null;
$type = isset( $enclosure->type ) ? $enclosure->type : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_, ATOM-none (`ATOM-entry-link`_ for
similar functionality), RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-enclosure`_.
Type: ezcFeedIdElement.
A unique identifier in respect to other *id* values of entries in the feed. It
identifies the entry.
Required for `ATOM`_ and `RSS1`_. Optional for `RSS2`_ (recommended).
`RSS2`_ has the optional attribute *isPermLink*. This attribute is ignored for
`RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$item->id = 'ID value';
$item->id->isPermLink = false; // RSS2 only, it will be ignored for RSS1 and ATOM
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->id ) )
$id = isset( $feed->id->id ) : $feed->id->id : null;
$isPermLink = isset( $feed->id->isPermLink ) ? $feed->id->isPermLink : null; // RSS2 only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-id`_, `ATOM-entry-id`_, `RSS1-item-about`_,
Type: array(ezcFeedLinkElement).
A link to a resource related to the feed entry.
Multiple links can appear in `ATOM`_ (not recommended). Can appear only once
in `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Enclosures of media files (used mainly for podcasts) can be added with this
element. In `RSS2`_ use `ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_. `RSS1`_ does not support
`ATOM`_ has required attributes: *href*. Optional attributes: *rel* (possible
values: ``alternate`` (default), ``enclosure``, ``related``, ``self``,
``via``), *type*, *hreflang*, *title*, *length*.
A maximum of one link with ``rel="alternate"`` can appear per *type* and
Recommended only one ``rel="enclosure"`` link to keep compatibility with
`RSS2`_ |RSS2-item-enclosure|_.
These attributes are ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$link = $item->add( 'link' );
$link->href = '';
$link->rel = 'self'; // ATOM only
$link->type = 'text/html'; // ATOM only
$link->hreflang = 'en'; // ATOM only
$link->title = 'Link to the article'; // ATOM only
$link->length = '20:14'; // ATOM only
Parse example::
$links = array();
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
foreach ( $item->link as $link )
$links[] = array(
'href' => isset( $link->href ) ? $link->href : null,
'rel' => isset( $link->rel ) ? $link->rel : null, // ATOM only
'type' => isset( $link->type ) ? $link->type : null, // ATOM only
'hreflang' => isset( $link->hreflang ) ? $link->hreflang : null, // ATOM only
'title' => isset( $link->title ) ? $link->title : null, // ATOM only
'length' => isset( $link->length ) ? $link->length : null, // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-link`_/`ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_,
`ATOM-entry-link`_, `RSS1-item-link`_, `RSS2-item-link`_/
Type: ezcFeedDateElement.
The time the feed item was published.
Optional (recommended). Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this
element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Can be assigned with an integer timestamp, a string date or a DateTime object.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$item->published = time();
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$published = isset( $item->published ) ? $item->published->date->format( 'c' ) : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-published`_, `ATOM-entry-published`_, RSS1-none,
Type: ezcFeedSourceElement.
The source (another feed) of the feed item.
Optional (not recommended). Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this
element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds.
For `ATOM`_ feeds, all `ATOM`_ feed-level elements can be added, minus the
|ezcFeed-item|_ element. `RSS2`_ feeds have the attributes *source* and *url*.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$source = $item->add( 'source' );
$source->source = 'Source feed name'; // RSS2 only, ignored for ATOM
$source->url = 'http://source.feed.url/'; // RSS2 only, ignored for ATOM
$author = $source->add( 'author' ); // ATOM only, ignored for RSS2
$author->name = 'Author of the source feed';
$author->email = 'Email address of the author of the source feed';
// more elements which pertain to ATOM feeds can be added
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedSourceElement object
if ( isset( $item->source ) )
$source = $item->source;
$rss2SourceName = isset( $source->source ) ? $source->source : null;
$rss2SourceUrl = isset( $source->url ) ? $source->url : null;
$atomSourceTitle = isset( $source->title ) ? $source->title->__toString() : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-source`_, `ATOM-entry-source`_, RSS1-none,
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Human readable title for the feed item.
Can appear only once.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text``
(default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and
`RSS2`_ feeds.
`ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of
the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here:
`RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as
*language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$item->title = 'Feed title';
$item->title->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
$item->title->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
if ( isset( $item->title ) )
$titleElement = $item->title;
$title = $titleElement->text;
$type = isset( $titleElement->type ) ? $titleElement->type : null; // ATOM only
$language = isset( $titleElement->language ) ? $titleElement->language : null; // ATOM only
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-title`_, `ATOM-entry-title`_, `RSS1-item-title`_,
Type: ezcFeedDateElement.
The last time the feed entry was updated.
Required. Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the
feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds.
Can appear only once.
Can be assigned with an integer timestamp, a string date or a DateTime object.
Create example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$item->updated = 'Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT';
Parse example::
// $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
$updated = isset( $item->updated ) ? $item->updated->date->format( 'c' ) : null;
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-updated`_, `ATOM-entry-updated`_, RSS1-none,
Feed types
`RFC 4287`_
Content type
All ATOM feeds should be identified with the ``application/atom+xml`` content
General information:
- All elements must be in the namespace
- The top level element is called *feed*
- All timestamps must conform to `RFC 3339`_ (eg. ``2003-12-13T18:30:02Z``)
- Unless otherwise specified, all values must be plain text
- *xml:lang* may be used to identify the language of text (the property
*language* for the ATOM elements |ATOM-rights|_, |ATOM-subtitle|_,
|ATOM-title|_, |ATOM-entry-content|_, |ATOM-entry-rights|_,
|ATOM-entry-summary|_, |ATOM-entry-title|_).
- *xml:base* may be used to control how relative URIs are resolved (not
Sample ATOM feed:
.. include:: tutorial/atom_example.xml
Feed elements
One author of the feed.
Required: one author must be present unless all items contain at least one
Multiple authors can appear.
Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*.
<name>John Doe</name>
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-author`_, `ATOM-author`_, RSS1-none,
A category for the feed.
Multiple categories can appear.
Has one required attribute: *term*. Has 2 optional attributes: *scheme*,
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-category`_, `ATOM-category`_, RSS1-none,
One contributor of the feed.
Optional (not recommended).
Multiple contributors can appear.
Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*.
<name>John Doe</name>
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-contributor`_, `ATOM-contributor`_, RSS1-none,
Feed entry.
Optional (recommended).
Multiple entries can appear.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item`_, `ATOM-entry`_, `RSS1-item`_, `RSS2-item`_.
Indicates the software used to generate the feed.
Can appear only once.
Has 2 optional attributes: *url*, *version*.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-generator`_, `ATOM-generator`_, RSS1-none,
An icon for a feed, similar with ``favicon.ico`` for websites.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-icon`_, `ATOM-icon`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
A universally unique and permanent URI for a feed. For example, it can be an
Internet domain name.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-id`_, `ATOM-id`_, `RSS1-about`_, `RSS2-id`_.
An URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed.
Required: a link back to the feed itself must be present (with ``rel="self"``).
Multiple links can appear.
Required attributes: *href*. Optional attributes: *rel* (possible values:
``alternate`` (default), ``enclosure``, ``related``, ``self``, ``via``),
*type*, *hreflang*, *title*, *length*.
A maximum of one link with ``rel="alternate"`` can appear per *type* and
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-link`_, `ATOM-link`_, `RSS1-link`_, `RSS2-link`_.
An image associated with the feed. The value is an URL to an image.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-image`_, `ATOM-logo`_, `RSS1-image`_, `RSS2-image`_.
Copyright information for the feed.
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default),
``html``, ``xhtml``.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-copyright`_, `ATOM-rights`_, RSS1-none,
A short description of the feed.
Optional (recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default),
``html``, ``xhtml``.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-description`_, `ATOM-subtitle`_, `RSS1-description`_,
Human readable title for the feed. For example, it can be the same as the
website title.
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default),
``html``, ``xhtml``.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-title`_, `ATOM-title`_, `RSS1-title`_, `RSS2-title`_.
The last time the feed was updated.
Can appear only once.
Must conform to `RFC 3339`_ (eg. ``2003-12-13T18:30:02Z``).
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-updated`_, `ATOM-updated`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-lastBuildDate`_.
Item elements
One author of the feed entry.
Required: one author must be present in each entry in case the feed does not
contain an author.
Multiple authors can appear.
Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*.
<name>John Doe</name>
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-author`_, `ATOM-entry-author`_, RSS1-none,
A category for the feed entry.
Multiple categories can appear.
Has one required attribute: *term*. Has 2 optional attributes: *scheme*,
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-category`_, `ATOM-entry-category`_, RSS1-none,
A short description for the feed item.
Optional (not recommended). It is required if |ATOM-entry-summary|_ is
absent). Can be substituted with |ATOM-entry-summary|_ (recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default),
``html``, ``xhtml``, or other mime values, depending on the data it contains.
Has an optional attribute *src* which specifies the URI where the full content
is located.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here:
`RSS language codes`_.
If *src* is present, the *type* attribute, if present, is the media type of the
Otherwise, if the type attribute ends in ``+xml`` or ``/xml``, then an XML
document of this type is contained inline.
Otherwise, if the type attribute starts with ``text``, then an escaped document
of this type is contained inline.
Otherwise, a base64 encoded document of the indicated media type is contained
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_/
`ATOM-entry-content`_, `RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_.
One contributor of the feed entry.
Optional (not recommended).
Multiple contributors can appear.
Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*.
<name>John Doe</name>
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-contributor`_, `ATOM-entry-contributor`_,
RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
A unique identifier in respect to other *id* values of entries in the feed. It
identifies the entry.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-id`_, `ATOM-entry-id`_, `RSS1-item-about`_,
A link to a resource related to the feed entry.
Multiple links can appear.
Required attributes: *href*. Optional attributes: *rel* (possible values:
``alternate`` (default), ``enclosure``, ``related``, ``self``, ``via``),
*type*, *hreflang*, *title*, *length*.
A maximum of one link with ``rel="alternate"`` can appear per *type* and
Recommended only one ``rel="enclosure"`` link to keep compatibility with RSS2
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-link`_/`ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_,
`ATOM-entry-link`_, `RSS1-item-link`_, `RSS2-item-link`_/
The time the feed item was published.
Optional (recommended).
Can appear only once.
Must conform to `RFC 3339`_ (eg. ``2003-12-13T18:30:02Z``).
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-published`_, `ATOM-entry-published`_, RSS1-none,
Copyright information for the feed entry.
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default),
``html``, ``xhtml``.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-copyright`_, `ATOM-entry-rights`_, RSS1-none,
RSS2-none (`RSS2-copyright`_ for the whole feed).
A short description for the feed item.
Required. Can be substituted with |ATOM-entry-content|_ (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default),
``html``, ``xhtml``.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_/
`ATOM-entry-content`_, `RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_.
The source feed of the feed item.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Can have the same elements which are present at feed-level in ATOM, minus the
|ATOM-entry|_ element:
- |ATOM-author|_
- |ATOM-category|_
- |ATOM-contributor|_
- |ATOM-rights|_
- |ATOM-subtitle|_
- |ATOM-generator|_
- |ATOM-icon|_
- |ATOM-id|_
- |ATOM-logo|_
- |ATOM-link|_
- |ATOM-title|_
- |ATOM-updated|_
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-source`_, `ATOM-entry-source`_, RSS1-none,
A title for the feed item.
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default),
``html``, ``xhtml``.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-title`_, `ATOM-entry-title`_, `RSS1-item-title`_,
The last time the feed entry was updated.
Can appear only once.
Must conform to `RFC 3339`_ (eg. ``2003-12-13T18:30:02Z``).
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-updated`_, `ATOM-entry-updated`_, RSS1-none,
RSS1 = RDF Site Summary
RDF = Resource Description Framework
`RSS1 specifications`_
Content type
All RSS1 feeds should be identified with the ``application/rss+xml`` content
type (not a standard yet).
Sample RSS1 feed:
.. include:: tutorial/rss1_example.xml
Feed elements
A universally unique and permanent URI for a feed. For example, it can be an
Internet domain name.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-id`_, `ATOM-id`_, `RSS1-about`_, `RSS2-id`_.
A short description of the feed.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-description`_, `ATOM-subtitle`_, `RSS1-description`_,
An image associated with the feed.
Can appear only once.
Has the required attribute *about*, which should have the same value as the
*url* sub-element.
Has 3 required sub-elements: *title*, *link*, *url*.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-image`_, `ATOM-logo`_, `RSS1-image`_, `RSS2-image`_.
A feed entry.
Multiple entries can appear.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item`_, `ATOM-entry`_, `RSS1-item`_, `RSS2-item`_.
The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-link`_, `ATOM-link`_, `RSS1-link`_, `RSS2-link`_.
Specifies a text input box that can be displayed with the feed.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has the required attribute *about*, which should have the same value as the
*link* sub-element.
Has four required sub-elements: *title*, *description*, *name*, *link*.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-textInput`_, ATOM-none, `RSS1-textinput`_,
Human readable title for the feed. For example, it can be the same as the
website title.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-title`_, `ATOM-title`_, `RSS1-title`_, `RSS2-title`_.
Item elements
A unique identifier in respect to other *about* values in the feed. It
identifies the item. Should be identical to the *link* value of the item, if
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-id`_, `ATOM-entry-id`_, `RSS1-item-about`_,
A short description of the feed item.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_,
`RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_.
The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed item.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-link`_, `ATOM-entry-link`_, `RSS1-item-link`_,
A title for the feed item.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-title`_, `ATOM-entry-title`_, `RSS1-item-title`_,
RSS2 = Really Simple Syndication
`RSS2 specifications`_
Content type
All RSS2 feeds should be identified with the ``application/rss+xml`` content
type (not a standard yet).
Sample RSS2 feed:
.. include:: tutorial/rss2_example.xml
Feed elements
A category for the feed.
Multiple categories can appear.
Has one optional attribute: *domain*.
The value of the category element must be specified.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-category`_, `ATOM-category`_, RSS1-none,
Allows processes to register with a cloud to be notified of updates to the
channel, implementing a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol for RSS feeds.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has the required attributes: *domain*, *port*, *path*, *registerProcedure*,
<cloud domain="" port="80" path="/RPC2" registerProcedure="myCloud.rssPleaseNotify" protocol="xml-rpc" />
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-cloud`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-cloud`_.
Copyright information for the feed.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-copyright`_, `ATOM-rights`_, RSS1-none,
A short description of the feed.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-description`_, `ATOM-subtitle`_, `RSS1-description`_,
An URL that points to the documentation for the format used in the RSS file. It
is usually
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-docs`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-docs`_.
Indicates the software used to generate the feed.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-generator`_, `ATOM-generator`_, RSS1-none,
Most `feed validator`_ applications will recommend to include in an RSS2 feed
a link to the location of the feed. For example, if the XML document
containing the RSS2 feed is located at '', then this
URL should be contained in the feed itself in an *atom:link* element, since
RSS2 does not offer a mechanism to specify self-links.
Use the `ezcFeed-id`_ to specify this self-link::
$feed->id = '';
This will be rendered in XML as::
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
Optional (although recommended because `ezcFeed-id`_ is recommended). The
*id* feed element does not appear in the `RSS2 specifications`_, but it is
added to comply with `feed validator`_ recommendations and it is rendered as
an `ATOM`_ element as discussed above.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-id`_, `ATOM-id`_, `RSS1-about`_, `RSS2-id`_.
An image associated with the feed.
Can appear only once.
Has 3 required sub-elements: *title*, *link*, *url*.
Has 3 optional sub-elements: *width*, *height*, *description*.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-image`_, `ATOM-logo`_, `RSS1-image`_, `RSS2-image`_.
Feed entry.
Multiple entries can appear.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item`_, `ATOM-entry`_, `RSS1-item`_, `RSS2-item`_.
The language for the feed.
Optional (recommended).
Can appear only once.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-language`_, ATOM-*xml:lang* for each element, RSS1-none,
The last time the feed was updated.
Optional (recommended).
Can appear only once.
Must conform to `RFC 822`_ (eg. ``Sat, 07 Sep 2002 09:42:31 GMT``).
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-updated`_, `ATOM-updated`_, RSS1-none,
The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-link`_, `ATOM-link`_, `RSS1-link`_, `RSS2-link`_.
One author of the feed.
Optional (recommended).
Can appear only once.
It is a good practice to include the name and email of the managing editor,
for example `` (John Doe)``.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-author`_, `ATOM-author`_, RSS1-none,
The time the feed was published.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Must conform to `RFC 822`_ (eg. ``Sat, 07 Sep 2002 09:42:31 GMT``).
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-published`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-pubDate`_.
The `PICS`_ rating for the channel.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-rating`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-rating`_.
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip when reading the
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Can have up to 7 *day* elements, each with a value from ``Monday`` to ``Sunday``.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-skipDays`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-skipDays`_.
A hint for aggregators telling them which hours they can skip when reading the
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Can have up to 24 *hour* elements, each with an integer value from ``0``
(midnight) to ``23``. The value ``24`` can also be used for midnight.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-skipHours`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-skipHours`_.
Specifies a text input box that can be displayed with the feed.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has four required sub-elements: *title*, *description*, *name*, *link*.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-textInput`_, ATOM-none, `RSS1-textinput`_,
Human readable title for the feed. For example, it can be the same as the
website title.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-title`_, `ATOM-title`_, `RSS1-title`_, `RSS2-title`_.
Number of minutes that indicates how long a channel can be cached before
refreshing from the source.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-ttl`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-ttl`_.
The email address of the webmaster responsible for the feed.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
It is a good practice to include the name and email of the webmaster,
for example `` (John Doe)</webMaster>``.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-webMaster`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-webMaster`_.
Item elements
The email address of the person who created the feed item.
Optional (recommended).
Can appear only once.
It is a good practice to include the name and email of the author, for
example `` (John Doe)</author>``.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-author`_, `ATOM-entry-author`_, RSS1-none,
A category for the feed.
Multiple categories can appear.
Has one optional attribute: *domain*.
The value of the category element must be specified.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-category`_, `ATOM-entry-category`_, RSS1-none,
A link to a webpage for comments.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-comments`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none,
A short description of the feed item.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_,
`RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_.
A link to a multimedia file attached to the feed item.
Can appear only once.
Has 3 required attributes: *url*, *length*, *type*.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_, ATOM-none (`ATOM-entry-link`_ for
similar functionality), RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-enclosure`_.
A unique identifier in respect to other *guid* values of items in the feed. It
identifies the item.
Optional (recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has an optional attribute *isPermaLink* with possible values ``true`` or
``false`` (default), which specifies if the *guid* value is an URL.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-id`_, `ATOM-entry-id`_, `RSS1-item-about`_,
The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed item.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-link`_, `ATOM-entry-link`_, `RSS1-item-link`_,
The time the feed item was published.
Optional (recommended).
Can appear only once.
Must conform to `RFC 822`_ (eg. ``Sat, 07 Sep 2002 09:42:31 GMT``).
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-published`_, `ATOM-entry-published`_, RSS1-none,
The source feed of the feed item.
Optional (not recommended).
Can appear only once.
Has 2 optional attributes: *source*, *url*.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-source`_, `ATOM-entry-source`_, RSS1-none,
A title for the feed item.
Can appear only once.
Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-title`_, `ATOM-entry-title`_, `RSS1-item-title`_,
`Content specifications`_
Feed elements
Item elements
Type: ezcFeedContentElement.
HTML-encoded text.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// use eZ Components autoload mechanism
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$module = $item->addModule( 'Content' );
$module->encoded = 'text content';
Parse example::
// $item is a feed item (ezcFeedEntryElement)
$text = $item->Content->encoded->__toString();
`CreativeCommons specifications`_
Feed elements
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
An URL to a license description.
Can appear only once.
A list of possible licenses are found on the `CreativeCommons licenses`_ page,
but other licenses can be used as well.
Create example::
// use eZ Components autoload mechanism
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$module = $feed->addModule( 'CreativeCommons' );
$module->license = 'text content';
Parse example::
// $item is a feed object (ezcFeed)
$text = $feed->CreativeCommons->license->__toString();
Item elements
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
An URL to a license description.
Can appear only once.
A list of possible licenses are found on the `CreativeCommons licenses`_ page,
but other licenses can be used as well.
Create example::
// use eZ Components autoload mechanism
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$module = $item->addModule( 'CreativeCommons' );
$module->license = 'text content';
Parse example::
// $item is a feed item (ezcFeedEntryElement)
$text = $item->CreativeCommons->license->__toString();
`DublinCore specifications`_
Feed elements
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. Usually the
name of a person, organization or service.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Create example::
// use eZ Components autoload mechanism
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$module = $feed->addModule( 'DublinCore' );
$element = $module->add( 'contributor' );
$element->name = 'Contributor name';
$element->language = 'no'; // optional language specification
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
foreach ( $feed->DublinCore->contributor as $element )
echo $element->name;
echo $element->language;
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of
the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant. A
recommended practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as `TGN`_.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
An entity responsible for making the resource. Usually the name of a person or
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedDateElement).
A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the
resource. Usual date format is `ISO 8601`_.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
A description of the resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. Recommended
best practices is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of
`Internet Media Types`_ (MIME).
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedIdElement).
An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
A language of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled
vocabulary such as `RFC 4646`_.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
An entity responsible for making the resource available. Usually the name of a
person, organization or service.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
A related resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
Information about rights held in and over the resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedSourceElement).
A related resource from which the described resource is derived.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The topic of the resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The name given to the resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The nature or genre of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a
controlled vocabulary such as the `DCMI Type Vocabulary`_.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Item elements
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. Usually the
name of a person, organization or service.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Create example::
// use eZ Components autoload mechanism
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$feed = new ezcFeed();
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$module = $item->addModule( 'DublinCore' );
$element = $module->add( 'contributor' );
$element->name = 'Contributor name';
$element->language = 'no'; // optional language specification
Parse example::
// $item is a feed item (ezcFeedEntryElement) object
foreach ( $item->DublinCore->contributor as $element )
echo $element->name;
echo $element->language;
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of
the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant. A
recommended practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as `TGN`_.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
An entity responsible for making the resource. Usually the name of a person or
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedDateElement).
A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the
resource. Usual date format is `ISO 8601`_.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
A description of the resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. Recommended
best practices is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of
`Internet Media Types`_ (MIME).
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedIdElement).
An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
A language of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled
vocabulary such as `RFC 4646`_.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement).
An entity responsible for making the resource available. Usually the name of a
person, organization or service.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
A related resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
Information about rights held in and over the resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedSourceElement).
A related resource from which the described resource is derived.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The topic of the resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The name given to the resource.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement).
The nature or genre of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a
controlled vocabulary such as the `DCMI Type Vocabulary`_.
Can appear multiple times.
Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text.
A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This
attribute is accessed as *language*.
`Geo specifications`_
Feed elements
Item elements
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Altitude in decimal meters above the local reference ellipsoid.
Can appear only once.
Create example::
// use eZ Components autoload mechanism
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$module = $item->addModule( 'Geo' );
$module->alt = 509.2;
Parse example::
$locations = array();
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
foreach ( $feed->item as $item )
if ( isset( $item->Geo ) )
$locations[] = array(
'title' => $item->title->__toString(),
'alt' => isset( $item->Geo->alt ) ? $item->Geo->alt->__toString() : null,
'lat' => isset( $item->Geo->lat ) ? $item->Geo->lat->__toString() : null,
'long' => isset( $item->Geo->long ) ? $item->Geo->long->__toString() : null
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
`WGS84`_ latitude on the globe as decimal degrees (eg. 25.03358300).
Can appear only once.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
`WGS84`_ longitude on the globe as decimal degrees (eg. 121.56430000).
Can appear only once.
`iTunes specifications`_
- All values should be plain text (no markup or HTML)
- Values are limited to 255 characters, except for *summary* which can be up
to 4000 characters
- Whitespace in values is significant, i.e. it will show in `iTunes`_, so
don't add leading or trailing whitespace to your values
- CDATA sections are strongly discouraged
Feed elements
Type: ezcFeedPersonElement.
The author of a podcast.
Can appear only once.
If missing, `iTunes`_ will use the |ezcFeed-author|_ element from the feed.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Prevents a podcast to appear in the podcast listing.
Can appear only once.
Valid values are ``yes`` and ``no``, default ``no``.
Type: array(ezcFeedCategoryElement).
Categories for a podcast.
Can appear multiple times. Categories can have sub-categories (*category* in
The category name is specified in the attribute *text* (*term* in
The ampersands (``&``) in categories must be escaped to ``&amp;``.
Valid values for categories are found in the `iTunes categories`_ section of
the `iTunes specifications`_. A maximum of 3 categories are recommended.
Create example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
$iTunes = $feed->addModule( 'iTunes' );
// add the podcast in one or more categories + sub-categories
$category = $iTunes->add( 'category' );
$category->term = 'iTunes category';
$subCategory = $category->add( 'category' );
$subCategory->term = 'iTunes sub-category';
Parse example::
// $feed is an ezcFeed object
if ( isset( $feed->iTunes ) )
$iTunes = $feed->iTunes;
if ( isset( $iTunes->category ) )
foreach ( $iTunes->category as $category )
echo $category->term;
if ( isset( $category->category ) )
foreach ( $category->category as $subCategory )
echo $subCategory->term;
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Specifies if a podcast contains explicit content.
Can appear only once.
Valid values are ``clean``, ``no`` and ``yes``, default ``no``.
Type: ezcFeedImageElement.
A link to an image for the podcast.
Can appear only once.
The URL to the image is specified in the attribute *href*.
If missing, `iTunes`_ will use the |ezcFeed-image|_ element from the feed.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
A list of keywords for a podcast.
Can appear only once.
The keywords should be separated by commas. A maximum of 12 keywords is
Type: ezcFeedLinkElement.
A new URL for the podcast.
Can appear only once.
Accessed as *newfeedurl*.
Recommendation: the old URL of the podcast should redirect to the new URL.
Type: ezcFeedPersonElement.
The owner of the podcast.
Can appear only once.
Has the sub-elements *email* and *name*.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Short description of the podcast.
Can appear only once.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Longer description of a podcast.
Can appear only once.
If missing, `iTunes`_ will use the |ezcFeed-description|_ element from the
Item elements
Type: ezcFeedPersonElement.
The author of a podcast entry.
Can appear only once.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Prevents a podcast entry to appear in the podcast listing.
Can appear only once.
Valid values are ``yes`` and ``no``, default ``no``.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
The duration of a podcast entry.
Can appear only once.
Can be specified as ``S``, ``M:SS``, ``MM:SS``, ``H:MM:SS`` or ``HH:MM:SS``
(H = hours, M = minutes, S = seconds).
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Specifies if a podcast entry contains explicit content.
Can appear only once.
Valid values are ``clean``, ``no`` and ``yes``, default ``no``.
Type: ezcFeedImageElement.
A link to an image for the podcast entry.
Can appear only once.
The URL to the image is specified in the attribute *href*.
NOTE: The `iTunes specifications`_ say that image is supported at
podcast-level only, but there are many podcasts using image at podcast entry
(item) level also, and there are software applications supporting that too.
Use *image* at item-level at your own risk, as some software applications
might not support it. The Feed component supports parsing and generating
feeds with image at both podcast-level and item-level.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
A list of keywords for a podcast entry.
Can appear only once.
The keywords should be separated by commas. A maximum of 12 keywords is
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Short description of a podcast entry.
Can appear only once.
Type: ezcFeedTextElement.
Longer description of a podcast entry.
Can appear only once.
If missing, `iTunes`_ will use the |ezcFeed-item-description|_ element from
the feed.
- `RFC 4287`_ ATOM specifications.
- `RSS1 specifications`_.
- `RSS2 specifications`_.
- `Content specifications`_.
- `CreativeCommons specifications`_.
- `DublinCore specifications`_.
- `Geo specifications`_.
- `iTunes specifications`_.
.. _RSS1 specifications:
.. _RSS2 specifications:
.. _RFC 4287:
.. _Content specifications:
.. _CreativeCommons specifications:
.. _DublinCore specifications:
.. _Geo specifications:
.. _iTunes specifications:
.. _RFC 3339:
.. _RFC 822:
.. _PICS:
.. _TGN:
.. _ISO 8601:
.. _Internet Media Types:
.. _RFC 4646:
.. _DCMI Type Vocabulary:
.. _RSS language codes:
.. _iTunes categories:
.. _iTunes:
.. _CreativeCommons licenses:
.. _WGS84:
.. _date_format():
.. _feed validator:
.. |ezcFeed-author| replace:: author
.. |ezcFeed-category| replace:: category
.. |ezcFeed-cloud| replace:: cloud
.. |ezcFeed-contributor| replace:: contributor
.. |ezcFeed-copyright| replace:: copyright
.. |ezcFeed-description| replace:: description
.. |ezcFeed-docs| replace:: docs
.. |ezcFeed-generator| replace:: generator
.. |ezcFeed-icon| replace:: icon
.. |ezcFeed-id| replace:: id
.. |ezcFeed-image| replace:: image
.. |ezcFeed-item| replace:: item
.. |ezcFeed-language| replace:: language
.. |ezcFeed-link| replace:: link
.. |ezcFeed-published| replace:: published
.. |ezcFeed-rating| replace:: rating
.. |ezcFeed-skipDays| replace:: skipDays
.. |ezcFeed-skipHours| replace:: skipHours
.. |ezcFeed-textInput| replace:: textInput
.. |ezcFeed-title| replace:: title
.. |ezcFeed-ttl| replace:: ttl
.. |ezcFeed-updated| replace:: updated
.. |ezcFeed-webMaster| replace:: webMaster
.. |ezcFeed-item-author| replace:: author
.. |ezcFeed-item-category| replace:: category
.. |ezcFeed-item-comments| replace:: comments
.. |ezcFeed-item-content| replace:: content
.. |ezcFeed-item-contributor| replace:: contributor
.. |ezcFeed-item-copyright| replace:: copyright
.. |ezcFeed-item-description| replace:: description
.. |ezcFeed-item-enclosure| replace:: enclosure
.. |ezcFeed-item-id| replace:: id
.. |ezcFeed-item-link| replace:: link
.. |ezcFeed-item-published| replace:: published
.. |ezcFeed-item-source| replace:: source
.. |ezcFeed-item-title| replace:: title
.. |ezcFeed-item-updated| replace:: updated
.. |ATOM-author| replace:: author
.. |ATOM-category| replace:: category
.. |ATOM-contributor| replace:: contributor
.. |ATOM-entry| replace:: entry
.. |ATOM-generator| replace:: generator
.. |ATOM-icon| replace:: icon
.. |ATOM-id| replace:: id
.. |ATOM-link| replace:: link
.. |ATOM-logo| replace:: logo
.. |ATOM-rights| replace:: rights
.. |ATOM-subtitle| replace:: subtitle
.. |ATOM-title| replace:: title
.. |ATOM-updated| replace:: updated
.. |ATOM-entry-author| replace:: author
.. |ATOM-entry-category| replace:: category
.. |ATOM-entry-content| replace:: content
.. |ATOM-entry-contributor| replace:: contributor
.. |ATOM-entry-id| replace:: id
.. |ATOM-entry-link| replace:: link
.. |ATOM-entry-published| replace:: published
.. |ATOM-entry-rights| replace:: rights
.. |ATOM-entry-source| replace:: source
.. |ATOM-entry-summary| replace:: summary
.. |ATOM-entry-title| replace:: title
.. |ATOM-entry-updated| replace:: updated
.. |RSS1-about| replace:: about
.. |RSS1-description| replace:: description
.. |RSS1-image| replace:: image
.. |RSS1-item| replace:: item
.. |RSS1-link| replace:: link
.. |RSS1-textinput| replace:: textinput
.. |RSS1-title| replace:: title
.. |RSS1-item-about| replace:: about
.. |RSS1-item-description| replace:: description
.. |RSS1-item-link| replace:: link
.. |RSS1-item-title| replace:: title
.. |RSS2-cloud| replace:: cloud
.. |RSS2-category| replace:: category
.. |RSS2-copyright| replace:: copyright
.. |RSS2-description| replace:: description
.. |RSS2-docs| replace:: docs
.. |RSS2-generator| replace:: generator
.. |RSS2-image| replace:: image
.. |RSS2-item| replace:: item
.. |RSS2-language| replace:: language
.. |RSS2-lastBuildDate| replace:: lastBuildDate
.. |RSS2-link| replace:: link
.. |RSS2-managingEditor| replace:: managingEditor
.. |RSS2-pubDate| replace:: pubDate
.. |RSS2-rating| replace:: rating
.. |RSS2-skipDays| replace:: skipDays
.. |RSS2-skipHours| replace:: skipHours
.. |RSS2-textInput| replace:: textInput
.. |RSS2-title| replace:: title
.. |RSS2-ttl| replace:: ttl
.. |RSS2-webMaster| replace:: webMaster
.. |RSS2-item-author| replace:: author
.. |RSS2-item-category| replace:: category
.. |RSS2-item-comments| replace:: comments
.. |RSS2-item-description| replace:: description
.. |RSS2-item-enclosure| replace:: enclosure
.. |RSS2-item-guid| replace:: guid
.. |RSS2-item-link| replace:: link
.. |RSS2-item-pubDate| replace:: pubDate
.. |RSS2-item-source| replace:: source
.. |RSS2-item-title| replace:: title
Local Variables:
mode: rst
fill-column: 79
vim: et syn=rst tw=79 nocin