blob: 82c6d09d223289b9d99389fce27421ce2186a3b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcCacheStorageFile class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Cache
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @filesource
* This class implements most of the methods which have been declared abstract
* in {@link ezcCacheStorage}, but also declares 2 new methods abstract, which
* have to be implemented by storage driver itself.
* This class is a common base class for all file system based storage classes.
* To implement a file system based cache storage, you simply have to derive
* from this class and implement the {@link ezcCacheStorageFile::fetchData()}
* and {@link ezcCacheStorageFile::prepareData()} methods. Everything else is
* done for you by the ezcCacheStorageFile base class.
* For example code of using a cache storage, see {@link ezcCacheManager}.
* The Cache package already contains several implementations of
* {@link ezcCacheStorageFile}. As there are:
* - ezcCacheStorageFileArray
* - ezcCacheStorageFileEvalArray
* - ezcCacheStorageFilePlain
* @package Cache
* @version //autogentag//
abstract class ezcCacheStorageFile extends ezcCacheStorage implements ezcCacheStackableStorage, ezcCacheStackMetaDataStorage
* Resource used for the lock file.
* @var resource(file)
protected $lockResource = false;
* Creates a new cache storage in the given location.
* Creates a new cache storage for a given location. The location in case
* of this storage class is a valid file system directory.
* Options can contain the 'ttl' ( Time-To-Life ). This is per default set
* to 1 day. The option 'permissions' can be used to define the file
* permissions of created cache items. Specific ezcCacheStorageFile
* implementations can have additional options.
* For details about the options see {@link ezcCacheStorageFileOptions}.
* @param string $location Path to the cache location
* @param array(string=>string) $options Options for the cache.
* @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException
* If the storage location does not exist. This should usually not
* happen, since {@link ezcCacheManager::createCache()} already
* performs sanity checks for the cache location. In case this
* exception is thrown, your cache location has been corrupted
* after the cache was configured.
* @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException
* If the storage location is not a directory. This should usually
* not happen, since {@link ezcCacheManager::createCache()} already
* performs sanity checks for the cache location. In case this
* exception is thrown, your cache location has been corrupted
* after the cache was configured.
* @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException
* If the storage location is not writeable. This should usually not
* happen, since {@link ezcCacheManager::createCache()} already
* performs sanity checks for the cache location. In case this
* exception is thrown, your cache location has been corrupted
* after the cache was configured.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If you tried to set a non-existent option value. The accepted
* options depend on the ezcCacheStorage implementation and may
* vary.
public function __construct( $location, $options = array() )
// Sanity check location
if ( !file_exists( $location ) || !is_dir( $location ) )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException(
'cache location',
'Does not exist or is no directory.'
if ( !is_readable( $location ) )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException(
'Cache location is not readable.'
if ( !is_writeable( $location ) )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException(
'Cache location is not writeable.'
parent::__construct( $location );
// Overwrite parent set options with new ezcCacheFileStorageOptions
$this->properties['options'] = new ezcCacheStorageFileOptions( $options );
* Fetch data from the cache.
* This method does the fetching of the data itself. In this case, the
* method simply includes the file and returns the value returned by the
* include ( or false on failure ).
* @param string $filename The file to fetch data from.
* @return mixed The fetched data or false on failure.
abstract protected function fetchData( $filename );
* Serialize the data for storing.
* Serializes a PHP variable ( except type resource and object ) to a
* executable PHP code representation string.
* @param mixed $data Simple type or array
* @return string The serialized data
* @throws ezcCacheInvalidDataException
* If the data submitted can not be handled by the implementation
* of {@link ezcCacheStorageFile}. Most implementations can not
* handle objects and resources.
abstract protected function prepareData( $data );
* Store data to the cache storage.
* This method stores the given cache data into the cache, assigning the
* ID given to it.
* The type of cache data which is expected by a ezcCacheStorage depends on
* its implementation. In most cases strings and arrays will be accepted,
* in some rare cases only strings might be accepted.
* Using attributes you can describe your cache data further. This allows
* you to deal with multiple cache data at once later. Some ezcCacheStorage
* implementations also use the attributes for storage purposes. Attributes
* form some kind of "extended ID".
* @param string $id Unique identifier for the data.
* @param mixed $data The data to store.
* @param array(string=>string) $attributes Attributes describing the
* cached data.
* @return string The ID string of the newly cached data.
* @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException
* If an already existsing cache file could not be unlinked to
* store the new data (may occur, when a cache item's TTL
* has expired and the file should be stored with more actual
* data). This exception means most likely that your cache directory
* has been corrupted by external influences (file permission
* change).
* @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException
* If the directory to store the cache file could not be created.
* This exception means most likely that your cache directory
* has been corrupted by external influences (file permission
* change).
* @throws ezcBaseFileIoException
* If an error occured while writing the data to the cache. If this
* exception occurs, a serious error occured and your storage might
* be corruped (e.g. broken network connection, file system broken,
* ...).
* @throws ezcCacheInvalidDataException
* If the data submitted can not be handled by the implementation
* of {@link ezcCacheStorageFile}. Most implementations can not
* handle objects and resources.
public function store( $id, $data, $attributes = array() )
$filename = $this->properties['location']
. $this->generateIdentifier( $id, $attributes );
if ( file_exists( $filename ) )
if ( unlink( $filename ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException(
'Could not delete existsing cache file.'
$dataStr = $this->prepareData( $data );
$dirname = dirname( $filename );
if ( !is_dir( $dirname ) && !mkdir( $dirname, 0777, true ) )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException(
'Could not create directory to stor cache file.'
$this->storeRawData( $filename, $dataStr );
if ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() !== "Windows" )
chmod( $filename, $this->options->permissions );
return $id;
* Actually stores the given data.
* @param string $filename
* @param string $data
* @return void
* @throws ezcBaseFileIoException
* if the store fails.
protected function storeRawData( $filename, $data )
if ( file_put_contents( $filename, $data ) !== strlen( $data ) )
throw new ezcBaseFileIoException(
'Could not write data to cache file.'
* Restore data from the cache.
* Restores the data associated with the given cache and
* returns it. Please see {@link ezcCacheStorage::store()}
* for more detailed information of cachable datatypes.
* During access to cached data the caches are automatically
* expired. This means, that the ezcCacheStorage object checks
* before returning the data if it's still actual. If the cache
* has expired, data will be deleted and false is returned.
* You should always provide the attributes you assigned, although
* the cache storages must be able to find a cache ID even without
* them. BEWARE: Finding cache data only by ID can be much
* slower than finding it by ID and attributes.
* Note that with the {@link ezcCacheStorageFilePlain} all restored data
* will be of type string. If you expect a different data type you need to
* perform a cast after restoring.
* @param string $id The item ID to restore.
* @param array(string=>string) $attributes Attributes describing the
* data to restore.
* @param bool $search Whether to search for items
* if not found directly.
* @return mixed|bool The cached data on success, otherwise false.
* @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException
* If an already existsing cache file could not be unlinked.
* This exception means most likely that your cache directory
* has been corrupted by external influences (file permission
* change).
public function restore( $id, $attributes = array(), $search = false )
$filename = $this->properties['location']
. $this->generateIdentifier( $id, $attributes );
if ( file_exists( $filename ) === false )
if ( $search === true
&& count( $files = $this->search( $id, $attributes ) ) === 1 )
$filename = $files[0];
return false;
// No cached data
if ( file_exists( $filename ) === false )
return false;
// Cached data outdated, purge it.
if ( $this->calcLifetime( $filename ) == 0
&& $this->properties['options']['ttl'] !== false )
$this->delete( $id, $attributes );
return false;
return ( $this->fetchData( $filename ) );
* Delete data from the cache.
* Purges the cached data for a given ID and or attributes. Using an ID
* purges only the cache data for just this ID.
* Additional attributes provided will matched additionally. This can give
* you an immense speed improvement against just searching for ID ( see
* {@link ezcCacheStorage::restore()} ).
* If you only provide attributes for deletion of cache data, all cache
* data matching these attributes will be purged.
* @param string $id The item ID to purge.
* @param array(string=>string) $attributes Attributes describing the
* data to restore.
* @param bool $search Whether to search for items
* if not found directly.
* @return void
* @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException
* If an already existsing cache file could not be unlinked.
* This exception means most likely that your cache directory
* has been corrupted by external influences (file permission
* change).
public function delete( $id = null, $attributes = array(), $search = false )
$filename = $this->properties['location']
. $this->generateIdentifier( $id, $attributes );
$filesToDelete = array();
if ( file_exists( $filename ) )
$filesToDelete[] = $filename;
else if ( $search === true )
$filesToDelete = $this->search( $id, $attributes );
$deletedIds = array();
foreach ( $filesToDelete as $filename )
if ( unlink( $filename ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException(
'Could not unlink cache file.'
$deleted = $this->extractIdentifier( $filename );
$deletedIds[] = $deleted['id'];
return $deletedIds;
* Return the number of items in the cache matching a certain criteria.
* This method determines if cache data described by the given ID and/or
* attributes exists. It returns the number of cache data items found.
* @param string $id The item ID.
* @param array(string=>string) $attributes Attributes describing the
* data to restore.
* @return int Number of data items matching the criteria.
public function countDataItems( $id = null, $attributes = array() )
return count( $this->search( $id, $attributes ) );
* Returns the time ( in seconds ) which remains for a cache object,
* before it gets outdated. In case the cache object is already
* outdated or does not exist, this method returns 0.
* @param string $id The item ID.
* @param array(string=>string) $attributes Attributes describing the
* data to restore.
* @access public
* @return int The remaining lifetime (0 if nonexists or oudated).
public function getRemainingLifetime( $id, $attributes = array() )
if ( count( $objects = $this->search( $id, $attributes ) ) > 0 )
return $this->calcLifetime( $objects[0] );
return 0;
* Purges the given number of cache items.
* This method minimally purges the $limit number of outdated cache items
* from the storage. If limit is left out, all outdated items are purged.
* The purged item IDs are returned.
* @param int $limit
* @return array(string)
public function purge( $limit = null )
$purgeCount = 0;
return $this->purgeRecursive( $this->properties['location'], $limit, $purgeCount );
* Recursively purge cache items.
* Recursively purges $dir until $limit is reached. $purgeCount is the
* number of already purged items.
* @param string $dir
* @param int $limit
* @param int $purgeCount
private function purgeRecursive( $dir, $limit, &$purgeCount )
$purgedIds = array();
// Deal with files in the directory
if ( ( $files = glob( "{$dir}*{$this->properties['options']->extension}" ) ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException(
'cache location',
'Produced an error while globbing for files.'
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( $this->calcLifetime( $file ) == 0 )
if ( @unlink( $file ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException(
'Could not unlink cache file.'
$fileInfo = $this->extractIdentifier( $file );
$purgedIds[] = $fileInfo['id'];
// Stop purging if limit is reached
if ( $limit !== null && $purgeCount >= $limit )
return $purgedIds;
// Deal with sub dirs, this function expects them to be marked with a
// slash because of the property $location
if ( ( $dirs = glob( "$dir*", GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_MARK ) ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException(
'cache location',
'Produced an error while globbing for directories.'
foreach ( $dirs as $dir )
$purgedIds = array_merge(
$this->purgeRecursive( $dir, $limit, $purgeCount )
// Stop purging if limit is reached
if ( $limit !== null && $purgeCount >= $limit )
return $purgedIds;
// Finished purging, return IDs.
return $purgedIds;
* Resets the whole storage.
* Deletes all data in the storage including {@link ezcCacheStackMetaData}
* that was stored using {@link storeMetaData()}.
public function reset()
$files = glob( "{$this->properties['location']}*" );
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( is_dir( $file ) )
ezcBaseFile::removeRecursive( $file );
if ( @unlink( $file ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException(
'Could not unlink cache file.'
* Search the storage for data.
* @param string $id An item ID.
* @param array(string=>string) $attributes Attributes describing the
* data to restore.
* @return array(int=>string) Found cache items.
protected function search( $id = null, $attributes = array() )
$globArr = explode( "-", $this->generateIdentifier( $id, $attributes ), 2 );
if ( sizeof( $globArr ) > 1 )
$glob = $globArr[0] . "-" . strtr( $globArr[1], array( '-' => '*', '.' => '*' ) );
$glob = strtr( $globArr[0], array( '-' => '*', '.' => '*' ) );
$glob = ( $id === null ? '*' : '' ) . $glob;
return $this->searchRecursive( $glob, $this->properties['location'] );
* Search the storage for data recursively.
* @param string $pattern Pattern used with {@link glob()}.
* @param mixed $directory Directory to search in.
* @return array(int=>string) Found cache items.
protected function searchRecursive( $pattern, $directory )
$itemArr = glob( $directory . $pattern );
$dirArr = glob( $directory . "*", GLOB_ONLYDIR );
foreach ( $dirArr as $dirEntry )
$result = $this->searchRecursive( $pattern, "$dirEntry/" );
$itemArr = array_merge( $itemArr, $result );
return $itemArr;
* Checks the path in the location property exists, and is read-/writable. It
* throws an exception if not.
* @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException
* If the storage location does not exist. This should usually not
* happen, since {@link ezcCacheManager::createCache()} already
* performs sanity checks for the cache location. In case this
* exception is thrown, your cache location has been corrupted
* after the cache was configured.
* @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException
* If the storage location is not a directory. This should usually
* not happen, since {@link ezcCacheManager::createCache()} already
* performs sanity checks for the cache location. In case this
* exception is thrown, your cache location has been corrupted
* after the cache was configured.
* @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException
* If the storage location is not writeable. This should usually not
* happen, since {@link ezcCacheManager::createCache()} already
* performs sanity checks for the cache location. In case this
* exception is thrown, your cache location has been corrupted
* after the cache was configured.
protected function validateLocation()
if ( file_exists( $this->properties['location'] ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException(
'cache location'
if ( is_dir( $this->properties['location'] ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException(
'cache location',
'Cache location not a directory.'
if ( is_writeable( $this->properties['location'] ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException(
'Cache location is not a directory.'
* Generate the storage internal identifier from ID and attributes.
* Generates the storage internal identifier out of the provided ID and the
* attributes. This is the default implementation and can be overloaded if
* necessary.
* @param string $id The ID.
* @param array(string=>string) $attributes Attributes describing the
* data to restore.
* @return string The generated identifier
public function generateIdentifier( $id, $attributes = null )
$filename = (string) $id;
$illegalFileNameChars = array(
' ' => '_',
$filename = strtr( $filename, $illegalFileNameChars );
// Chars used for filename concatination
$illegalChars = array(
'-' => '#',
' ' => '%',
'=' => '+',
'.' => '+',
if ( is_array( $attributes ) && count( $attributes ) > 0 )
ksort( $attributes );
foreach ( $attributes as $key => $val )
$attrStr = '-' . strtr( $key, $illegalChars )
. '=' . strtr( $val, $illegalChars );
if ( strlen( $filename . $attrStr ) > 250 )
// Max filename length
$filename .= $attrStr;
$filename .= '-';
return $filename . $this->properties['options']['extension'];
* Restores and returns the meta data struct.
* This method fetches the meta data stored in the storage and returns the
* according struct of type {@link ezcCacheStackMetaData}. The meta data
* must be stored inside the storage, but should not be visible as normal
* cache items to the user.
* @return ezcCacheStackMetaData|null
public function restoreMetaData()
// Silence require warnings. It's ok that meta data does not exist.
$dataArr = @$this->fetchData(
$this->properties['location'] . $this->properties['options']->metaDataFile
$result = null;
if ( $dataArr !== false )
$result = new $dataArr['class']();
$result->setState( $dataArr['data'] );
return $result;
* Stores the given meta data struct.
* This method stores the given $metaData inside the storage. The data must
* be stored with the same mechanism that the storage itself uses. However,
* it should not be stored as a normal cache item, if possible, to avoid
* accedental user manipulation.
* @param ezcCacheStackMetaData $metaData
* @return void
public function storeMetaData( ezcCacheStackMetaData $metaData )
$dataArr = array(
'class' => get_class( $metaData ),
'data' => $metaData->getState(),
$this->properties['location'] . $this->properties['options']->metaDataFile,
$this->prepareData( $dataArr )
* Acquire a lock on the storage.
* This method acquires a lock on the storage. If locked, the storage must
* block all other method calls until the lock is freed again using {@link
* ezcCacheStackMetaDataStorage::unlock()}. Methods that are called within
* the request that successfully acquired the lock must succeed as usual.
* @return void
public function lock()
$lockFile = $this->properties['location'] . $this->properties['options']->lockFile;
while ( $this->lockResource === false )
$this->lockResource = @fopen( $lockFile, 'x' );
// Wait for lock to get freed
if ( $this->lockResource === false )
usleep( $this->properties['options']->lockWaitTime );
// Check if lock is to be considered dead. Might result in a
// nonrelevant race condition if the lock file disappears between
// fs calls. To avoid warnings in this case, the calls are
// silenced.
if ( file_exists( $lockFile ) && ( time() - @filemtime( $lockFile ) ) > $this->properties['options']->maxLockTime )
@unlink( $lockFile );
* Release a lock on the storage.
* This method releases the lock of the storage, that has been acquired via
* {@link ezcCacheStackMetaDataStorage::lock()}. After this method has been
* called, blocked method calls (including calls to lock()) can suceed
* again.
* @return void
public function unlock()
// If the resource is already removed, nothing to do
if ( $this->lockResource !== false )
fclose( $this->lockResource );
$this->properties['location'] . $this->properties['options']->lockFile
$this->lockResource = false;
* Set new options.
* This method allows you to change the options of a cache file storage. Change
* of options take effect directly after this method has been called. The
* available options depend on the ezcCacheStorageFile implementation. All
* implementations have to offer the following options:
* - ttl The time-to-life. After this time span, a cache item becomes
* invalid and will be purged. The
* {@link ezcCacheStorage::restore()} method will then return
* false.
* - extension The "extension" for your cache items. This is usually the
* file name extension, when you deal with file system based
* caches or e.g. a database ID extension.
* - permissions The file permissions to set for new files.
* The usage of ezcCacheStorageOptions and arrays for setting options is
* deprecated, but still supported. You should migrate to
* ezcCacheStorageFileOptions.
* @param ezcCacheStorageFileOptions $options The options to set (accepts
* ezcCacheStorageOptions or
* array for compatibility
* reasons, too).
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If you tried to set a non-existent option value. The accepted
* options depend on the ezcCacheStorage implementation and may
* vary.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If the value is not valid for the desired option.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If you submit neither an instance of ezcCacheStorageFileOptions,
* nor an instance of ezcCacheStorageOptions nor an array.
public function setOptions( $options )
if ( is_array( $options ) )
$this->properties['options']->merge( $options );
else if ( $options instanceof ezcCacheStorageFileOptions )
$this->properties['options'] = $options;
else if ( $options instanceof ezcCacheStorageOptions )
$this->properties['options']->mergeStorageOptions( $options );
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'instance of ezcCacheStorageFileOptions or (deprecated) ezcCacheStorageOptions'
* Property write access.
* @param string $propertyName Name of the property.
* @param mixed $val The value for the property.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If the value for the property options is not an instance of
* ezcCacheStorageOptions.
* @ignore
public function __set( $propertyName, $val )
switch ( $propertyName )
case 'options':
if ( $val instanceof ezcCacheStorageFileOptions )
$this->properties['options'] = $val;
if ( $val instanceof ezcCacheStorageOptions )
$this->properties['options']->mergeStorageOptions( $val );
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'instance of ezcCacheStorageFileOptions'
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $propertyName );
* Calculates the lifetime remaining for a cache object.
* This calculates the time a cached object stays valid and returns it. In
* case the TTL is set to false, this method always returns a value of 1.
* @param string $file The file to calculate the remaining lifetime for.
* @return int The remaining lifetime in seconds (0 if no time remaining).
protected function calcLifetime( $file )
$ttl = $this->options->ttl;
if ( file_exists( $file ) && ( $modTime = filemtime( $file ) ) !== false )
if ( $ttl === false )
return 1;
return (
( $lifeTime = time() - $modTime ) < $ttl
? $ttl - $lifeTime
: 0
return 0;
* Extracts ID, attributes and the file extension from a filename.
* @param string $filename
* @return array('id'=>string,'attributes'=>string,'ext'=>string)
private function extractIdentifier( $filename )
// Regex to split up the file name into id, attributes and extension
$regex = '(
(?:' . preg_quote( $this->properties['location'] ) . ')
-? # This is added if no attributes are supplied. For whatever reason...
(?P<ext>' . preg_quote( $this->options->extension ) . ')
if ( preg_match( $regex, $filename, $matches ) !== 1 )
// @TODO: Should this be an exception?
return array(
'id' => '',
'attributes' => '',
'extension' => $this->options->extension,
// Successfully split
return array(
'id' => $matches['id'],
'attributes' => $matches['attr'],
'extension' => $matches['ext'],