blob: c4aae38f52709dbf63c580317dff697d737e2e37 [file] [log] [blame]
Review Frederik
ezcDebug - lacks examples
ezcDebug - TODO about recursive timers: yes, ignore or throw an exception. I think ignore is ok.
ezcDebug - Lacks a destructor. When this object is removed it should also remove itself from the log.
RB: It's a singleton.. Maybe for explicit unsetting the object?
ezcDebug::startTimer - what are you supposed to use source and group for?
[done] ezcDebug::switchTimer - Needs an example. How is this supposed to be used.
ezcDebug::stopTimer - what happens if you call this with a null paramter and several timers are running?
ezcDebugTimer::switchTimer - same as above, I think we should use exceptions here....
[done] ezcDebugTimer::getStructure - rename to e.g getTimeData.
[done] ezcDebugReporter - I'd rename this class as I expect a reporter to retrieve information as well. What about ezcDebugOutputFormatter. I'd also rename getOutput to generateOutput.
ezcDebugReporter - Format of $writerData?
ezcDebugStructure --> ezcDebugMessage?
ezcDebugStructure --> Documentation of properties
ezcDebugStructure - AFAIK ezcMemoryWriter and ezcDebugTimer both uses this structure but stores different information in it. This is liking using an array, why not split this into two well documented structs?
ezcDebugHtmlFormatter::getLog/getOuput - format of $writerData
ezcDebugHtmlFormatter::getGroups - what exactly does it do?
ezcDebugHtmlFormatter::addElement - what exactly does it do?
Comments by Jan Borsodi (15-12-2005)
- The switch/case syntax is used inconsistently in package,
sometimes the code is placed on the same line as the
case, othertimes not.
- The $timer is not initialised in the constructor, the means that the methods
getOutput(), startTimer(), switchTimer() and stopTimer().
Please add a test for this first then fix the problem.
RB: $timer *is* initialized in the reset() method, which is called by the constructor.
- reset() is undocumented.