blob: c2c8bf37294127234db7712c47b00fa9c1e2a3da [file] [log] [blame]
* ezcGraphBackgroundTest
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Graph
* @version //autogen//
* @subpackage Tests
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/test_case.php';
* Tests for ezcGraph class.
* @package Graph
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcGraphBackgroundTest extends ezcGraphTestCase
protected $testFiles = array(
'jpeg' => 'jpeg.jpg',
'nonexistant' => 'nonexisting.jpg',
'invalid' => 'text.txt',
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcGraphBackgroundTest" );
protected function setUp()
static $i = 0;
$this->tempDir = $this->createTempDir( __CLASS__ . sprintf( '_%03d_', ++$i ) ) . '/';
$this->basePath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/';
protected function tearDown()
if ( !$this->hasFailed() )
public function testSetOptionsInvalidBackgroundImage()
$pieChart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$pieChart->background->image = $this->basePath . $this->testFiles['invalid'];
catch ( ezcGraphInvalidImageFileException $e )
return true;
$this->fail( 'Expected ezcGraphInvalidImageFileException' );
public function testSetOptionsNonexistantBackgroundImage()
$pieChart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$pieChart->background->image = $this->basePath . $this->testFiles['nonexistant'];
catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e )
return true;
$this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseFileNotFoundException' );
public function testSetOptionsBackground()
$pieChart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$pieChart->background->color = '#FF0000';
ezcGraphColor::fromHex( 'FF0000' ),
public function testSetOptionsBorder()
$pieChart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$pieChart->background->border = '#FF0000';
ezcGraphColor::fromHex( 'FF0000' ),
public function testSetOptionsBorderLineChart()
$lineChart = new ezcGraphLineChart();
$lineChart->background = '#FF0000';
ezcGraphColor::fromHex( 'FF0000' ),
public function testSetOptionsBorderWidth()
$pieChart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$pieChart->background->borderWidth = 3;
$this->assertSame( 3, $pieChart->background->borderWidth );
public function testRenderPieChartWithBackgroundBorder()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->border = '#000000';
$chart->background->borderWidth = 1;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartWithBigBackgroundBorder()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->border = '#000000';
$chart->background->borderWidth = 5;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartWithBackgroundBorderAndPadding()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->border = '#000000';
$chart->background->borderWidth = 1;
$chart->background->padding = 2;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartWithBackgroundBorderAndMargin()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->border = '#000000';
$chart->background->borderWidth = 1;
$chart->background->margin = 3;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartWithBackgroundBorderAll()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->border = '#000000';
$chart->background->borderWidth = 2;
$chart->background->padding = 3;
$chart->background->margin = 3;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartWithBackgroundBottomRight()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->color = '#FFFFFFDD';
$chart->background->image = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/ez.png';
$chart->background->position = ezcGraph::BOTTOM | ezcGraph::RIGHT;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartWithTextureBackground()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->color = '#FFFFFFDD';
$chart->background->image = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/texture.png';
$chart->background->repeat = ezcGraph::HORIZONTAL | ezcGraph::VERTICAL;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartWithBackgroundBottomCenter()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->color = '#FFFFFFDD';
$chart->background->image = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/ez.png';
$chart->background->position = ezcGraph::BOTTOM | ezcGraph::CENTER;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->renderer = new ezcGraphRenderer3d();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartWithHorizontalTextureBackground()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background->color = '#FFFFFFDD';
$chart->background->image = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/texture.png';
$chart->background->repeat = ezcGraph::HORIZONTAL;
$chart->background->position = ezcGraph::BOTTOM;
$chart->driver = new ezcGraphSvgDriver();
$chart->renderer = new ezcGraphRenderer3d();
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderPieChartBackgroundColorShortcut()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background = '#2e3436';
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'
public function testRenderLineChartBackgroundColorShortcut()
$filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg';
$chart = new ezcGraphLineChart();
$chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
'Mozilla' => 4375,
'IE' => 345,
'Opera' => 1204,
'wget' => 231,
'Safari' => 987,
) );
$chart->background = '#2e3436';
$chart->render( 500, 200, $filename );
$this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.svg'