blob: 52be25393d549afdead8f1992cba8f03236a71a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the two dimensional renderer
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Graph
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Class to transform chart primitives into image primitives. Renders charts in
* a two dimensional view.
* The class options are defined in the class {@link ezcGraphRenderer2dOptions}
* extending the basic renderer options in {@link ezcGraphRendererOptions}.
* <code>
* $graph = new ezcGraphPieChart();
* $graph->palette = new ezcGraphPaletteBlack();
* $graph->title = 'Access statistics';
* $graph->options->label = '%2$d (%3$.1f%%)';
* $graph->data['Access statistics'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
* 'Mozilla' => 19113,
* 'Explorer' => 10917,
* 'Opera' => 1464,
* 'Safari' => 652,
* 'Konqueror' => 474,
* ) );
* $graph->data['Access statistics']->highlight['Explorer'] = true;
* // $graph->renderer = new ezcGraphRenderer2d();
* $graph->renderer->options->moveOut = .2;
* $graph->renderer->options->pieChartOffset = 63;
* $graph->renderer->options->pieChartGleam = .3;
* $graph->renderer->options->pieChartGleamColor = '#FFFFFF';
* $graph->renderer->options->pieChartGleamBorder = 2;
* $graph->renderer->options->pieChartShadowSize = 3;
* $graph->renderer->options->pieChartShadowColor = '#000000';
* $graph->renderer->options->legendSymbolGleam = .5;
* $graph->renderer->options->legendSymbolGleamSize = .9;
* $graph->renderer->options->legendSymbolGleamColor = '#FFFFFF';
* $graph->renderer->options->pieChartSymbolColor = '#BABDB688';
* $graph->render( 400, 150, 'tutorial_pie_chart_pimped.svg' );
* </code>
* @version //autogentag//
* @package Graph
* @mainclass
class ezcGraphRenderer2d
ezcGraphRadarRenderer, ezcGraphStackedBarsRenderer, ezcGraphOdometerRenderer
* Pie segment labels divided into two array, containing the labels on the
* left and right side of the pie chart center.
* @var array
protected $pieSegmentLabels = array(
0 => array(),
1 => array(),
* Contains the boundings used for pie segments
* @var ezcGraphBoundings
protected $pieSegmentBoundings = false;
* Array with symbols for post processing, which ensures, that the symbols
* are rendered topmost.
* @var array
protected $linePostSymbols = array();
* Options
* @var ezcGraphRenderer2dOptions
protected $options;
* Collect axis labels, so that the axis are drawn, when all axis spaces
* are known.
* @var array
protected $axisLabels = array();
* Collects circle sectors to draw shadow in background of all circle
* sectors.
* @var array
protected $circleSectors = array();
* Constructor
* @param array $options Default option array
* @return void
* @ignore
public function __construct( array $options = array() )
$this->options = new ezcGraphRenderer2dOptions( $options );
* __get
* @param mixed $propertyName
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If a the value for the property options is not an instance of
* @return mixed
* @ignore
public function __get( $propertyName )
switch ( $propertyName )
case 'options':
return $this->options;
return parent::__get( $propertyName );
* Draw pie segment
* Draws a single pie segment
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings
* @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of pie segment
* @param float $startAngle Start angle
* @param float $endAngle End angle
* @param mixed $label Label of pie segment
* @param bool $moveOut Move out from middle for hilighting
* @return void
public function drawPieSegment(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphContext $context,
ezcGraphColor $color,
$startAngle = .0,
$endAngle = 360.,
$label = false,
$moveOut = false )
// Apply offset
$startAngle += $this->options->pieChartOffset;
$endAngle += $this->options->pieChartOffset;
// Calculate position and size of pie
$center = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) / 2,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) / 2
// Limit radius to fourth of width and half of height at maximum
$radius = min(
( $boundings->width ) * $this->options->pieHorizontalSize,
( $boundings->height ) * $this->options->pieVerticalSize
// Move pie segment out of the center
if ( $moveOut )
$direction = ( $endAngle + $startAngle ) / 2;
$center = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$center->x + $this->options->moveOut * $radius * cos( deg2rad( $direction ) ),
$center->y + $this->options->moveOut * $radius * sin( deg2rad( $direction ) )
// Add circle sector to queue
$this->circleSectors[] = array(
'center' => $center,
'context' => $context,
'width' => $radius * 2 * ( 1 - $this->options->moveOut ),
'height' => $radius * 2 * ( 1 - $this->options->moveOut ),
'start' => $startAngle,
'end' => $endAngle,
'color' => $color,
if ( $label )
// Determine position of label
$direction = ( $endAngle + $startAngle ) / 2;
$pieSegmentCenter = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$center->x + cos( deg2rad( $direction ) ) * $radius,
$center->y + sin( deg2rad( $direction ) ) * $radius
// Split labels up into left an right size and index them on their
// y position
$this->pieSegmentLabels[(int) ($pieSegmentCenter->x > $center->x)][$pieSegmentCenter->y] = array(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$center->x + cos( deg2rad( $direction ) ) * $radius * 2 / 3,
$center->y + sin( deg2rad( $direction ) ) * $radius * 2 / 3
if ( !$this->pieSegmentBoundings )
$this->pieSegmentBoundings = $boundings;
* Draws the collected circle sectors
* All circle sectors are collected and drawn later to be able to render
* the shadows of the pie segments in the back of all pie segments.
* @return void
protected function finishCircleSectors()
// Add circle sector sides to simple z buffer prioriry list
if ( $this->options->pieChartShadowSize > 0 )
foreach ( $this->circleSectors as $circleSector )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$circleSector['center']->x + $this->options->pieChartShadowSize,
$circleSector['center']->y + $this->options->pieChartShadowSize
$this->options->pieChartShadowColor->transparent( $this->options->pieChartShadowTransparency ),
foreach ( $this->circleSectors as $circleSector )
// Draw circle sector
$darkenedColor = $circleSector['color']->darken( $this->options->dataBorder );
if ( $this->options->pieChartGleam !== false )
$gradient = new ezcGraphLinearGradient(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$circleSector['center']->y - $circleSector['height'] / 2
$this->options->pieChartGleamColor->transparent( 1 ),
$this->options->pieChartGleamColor->transparent( $this->options->pieChartGleam )
$this->addElementReference( $circleSector['context'],
$circleSector['width'] - $this->options->pieChartGleamBorder * 2,
$circleSector['height'] - $this->options->pieChartGleamBorder * 2,
$gradient = new ezcGraphLinearGradient(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$circleSector['center']->y + $circleSector['height'] / 4
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$circleSector['center']->y + $circleSector['height'] / 2
$this->options->pieChartGleamColor->transparent( 1 ),
$this->options->pieChartGleamColor->transparent( $this->options->pieChartGleam )
$this->addElementReference( $circleSector['context'],
$circleSector['width'] - $this->options->pieChartGleamBorder * 2,
$circleSector['height'] - $this->options->pieChartGleamBorder * 2,
* Draws the collected pie segment labels
* All labels are collected and drawn later to be able to partition the
* available space for the labels woth knowledge of the overall label
* count and their required size and optimal position.
* @return void
protected function finishPieSegmentLabels()
if ( $this->pieSegmentBoundings === false )
return true;
$boundings = $this->pieSegmentBoundings;
// Calculate position and size of pie
$center = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) / 2,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) / 2
// Limit radius to fourth of width and half of height at maximum
$radius = min(
( $boundings->width ) * $this->options->pieHorizontalSize,
( $boundings->height ) * $this->options->pieVerticalSize
$pieChartHeight = min(
$radius * 2 + $radius / max( 1, count ( $this->pieSegmentLabels[0] ), count( $this->pieSegmentLabels[1] ) ) * 4,
$pieChartYPosition = $boundings->y0 + ( ( $boundings->height ) - $pieChartHeight ) / 2;
// Calculate maximum height of labels
$labelHeight = min(
( count( $this->pieSegmentLabels[0] )
? $pieChartHeight / count( $this->pieSegmentLabels[0] )
: $pieChartHeight
( count( $this->pieSegmentLabels[1] )
? $pieChartHeight / count( $this->pieSegmentLabels[1] )
: $pieChartHeight
( $pieChartHeight ) * $this->options->maxLabelHeight
$symbolSize = $this->options->symbolSize;
foreach ( $this->pieSegmentLabels as $side => $labelPart )
$minHeight = $pieChartYPosition;
$toShare = $pieChartHeight - count( $labelPart ) * $labelHeight;
// Sort to draw topmost label first
ksort( $labelPart );
$sign = ( $side ? -1 : 1 );
foreach ( $labelPart as $height => $label )
if ( ( $height - $labelHeight / 2 ) > $minHeight )
$share = min( $toShare, ( $height - $labelHeight / 2) - $minHeight );
$minHeight += $share;
$toShare -= $share;
// Determine position of label
$minHeight += max( 0, $height - $minHeight - $labelHeight ) / $pieChartHeight * $toShare;
$verticalDistance = ( $center->y - $minHeight - $labelHeight / 2 ) / $radius;
$labelPosition = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$center->x -
$sign * (
abs( $verticalDistance ) > 1
// If vertical distance to center is greater then the
// radius, use the centerline for the horizontal
// position
? max (
abs( $label[0]->x - $center->x )
// Else place the label outside of the pie chart
: ( cos ( asin ( $verticalDistance ) ) * $radius +
$symbolSize * (int) $this->options->showSymbol
$minHeight + $labelHeight / 2
if ( $this->options->showSymbol )
// Draw label
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
( !$side ? $boundings->x0 : $labelPosition->x + $symbolSize ),
( !$side ? $labelPosition->x - $boundings->x0 - $symbolSize : $boundings->x1 - $labelPosition->x - $symbolSize ),
( !$side ? ezcGraph::RIGHT : ezcGraph::LEFT ) | ezcGraph::MIDDLE
// Add used space to minHeight
$minHeight += $labelHeight;
* Draw the collected line symbols
* Symbols for the data lines are collected and delayed to ensure that
* they are not covered and hidden by other data lines.
* @return void
protected function finishLineSymbols()
foreach ( $this->linePostSymbols as $symbol )
* Draw bar
* Draws a bar as a data element in a line chart
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings
* @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of line
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position Position of data point
* @param float $stepSize Space which can be used for bars
* @param int $dataNumber Number of dataset
* @param int $dataCount Count of datasets in chart
* @param int $symbol Symbol to draw for line
* @param float $axisPosition Position of axis for drawing filled lines
* @return void
public function drawBar(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphContext $context,
ezcGraphColor $color,
ezcGraphCoordinate $position,
$dataNumber = 1,
$dataCount = 1,
$symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL,
$axisPosition = 0. )
// Apply margin
$margin = $stepSize * $this->options->barMargin;
$padding = $stepSize * $this->options->barPadding;
$barWidth = ( $stepSize - $margin ) / $dataCount - $padding;
$offset = - $stepSize / 2 + $margin / 2 + ( $dataCount - $dataNumber - 1 ) * ( $padding + $barWidth ) + $padding / 2;
$barPointArray = array(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x + $offset,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $axisPosition
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x + $offset,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $position->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x + $offset + $barWidth,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $position->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x + $offset + $barWidth,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $axisPosition
if ( $this->options->dataBorder > 0 )
$darkened = $color->darken( $this->options->dataBorder );
* Draw stacked bar
* Draws a stacked bar part as a data element in a line chart
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings
* @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of line
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position
* @param float $stepSize Space which can be used for bars
* @param int $symbol Symbol to draw for line
* @param float $axisPosition Position of axis for drawing filled lines
* @return void
public function drawStackedBar(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphContext $context,
ezcGraphColor $color,
ezcGraphCoordinate $start,
ezcGraphCoordinate $position,
$symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL,
$axisPosition = 0. )
// Apply margin
$margin = $stepSize * $this->options->barMargin;
$barWidth = $stepSize - $margin;
$offset = - $stepSize / 2 + $margin / 2;
$barPointArray = array(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x + $offset,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $start->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x + $offset,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $position->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x + $offset + $barWidth,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $position->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x + $offset + $barWidth,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $start->y
if ( $this->options->dataBorder > 0 )
$darkened = $color->darken( $this->options->dataBorder );
* Draw data line
* Draws a line as a data element in a line chart
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings
* @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of line
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Starting point
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Ending point
* @param int $dataNumber Number of dataset
* @param int $dataCount Count of datasets in chart
* @param int $symbol Symbol to draw for line
* @param ezcGraphColor $symbolColor Color of the symbol, defaults to linecolor
* @param ezcGraphColor $fillColor Color to fill line with
* @param float $axisPosition Position of axis for drawing filled lines
* @param float $thickness Line thickness
* @return void
public function drawDataLine(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphContext $context,
ezcGraphColor $color,
ezcGraphCoordinate $start,
ezcGraphCoordinate $end,
$dataNumber = 1,
$dataCount = 1,
$symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL,
ezcGraphColor $symbolColor = null,
ezcGraphColor $fillColor = null,
$axisPosition = 0.,
$thickness = 1. )
// Perhaps fill up line
if ( $fillColor !== null &&
$start->x != $end->x )
$startValue = $axisPosition - $start->y;
$endValue = $axisPosition - $end->y;
if ( ( $startValue == 0 ) ||
( $endValue == 0 ) ||
( $startValue / abs( $startValue ) == $endValue / abs( $endValue ) ) )
// Values have the same sign or are on the axis
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $start->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $start->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $end->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $end->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $end->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $axisPosition
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $start->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $axisPosition
// values are on differente sides of the axis - split the filled polygon
$startDiff = abs( $axisPosition - $start->y );
$endDiff = abs( $axisPosition - $end->y );
$cuttingPosition = $startDiff / ( $endDiff + $startDiff );
$cuttingPoint = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$start->x + ( $end->x - $start->x ) * $cuttingPosition,
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $start->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $axisPosition
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $start->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $start->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $cuttingPoint->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $cuttingPoint->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $end->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $axisPosition
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $end->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $end->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $cuttingPoint->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $cuttingPoint->y
// Draw line
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $start->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $start->y
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $end->x,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $end->y
// Draw line symbol
if ( $symbol !== ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL )
if ( $symbolColor === null )
$symbolColor = $color;
$this->linePostSymbols[] = array(
'boundings' => new ezcGraphBoundings(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $end->x - $this->options->symbolSize / 2,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $end->y - $this->options->symbolSize / 2,
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $end->x + $this->options->symbolSize / 2,
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $end->y + $this->options->symbolSize / 2
'color' => $symbolColor,
'context' => $context,
'symbol' => $symbol,
* Returns a coordinate in the given bounding box for the given angle
* radius with the center as base point.
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center
* @param float $angle
* @param float $radius
* @return float
protected function getCoordinateFromAngleAndRadius(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphCoordinate $center,
$direction = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
sin( $angle ) * $boundings->width / 2,
-cos( $angle ) * $boundings->height / 2
$offset = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
sin( $angle ) * $this->xAxisSpace,
-cos( $angle ) * $this->yAxisSpace
$direction->x -= 2 * $offset->x;
$direction->y -= 2 * $offset->y;
return new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 +
$center->x +
$offset->x +
$direction->x * $radius,
$boundings->y0 +
$center->y +
$offset->y +
$direction->y * $radius
* Draw radar chart data line
* Draws a line as a data element in a radar chart
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings
* @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of line
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center Center of radar chart
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Starting point
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Ending point
* @param int $dataNumber Number of dataset
* @param int $dataCount Count of datasets in chart
* @param int $symbol Symbol to draw for line
* @param ezcGraphColor $symbolColor Color of the symbol, defaults to linecolor
* @param ezcGraphColor $fillColor Color to fill line with
* @param float $thickness Line thickness
* @return void
public function drawRadarDataLine(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphContext $context,
ezcGraphColor $color,
ezcGraphCoordinate $center,
ezcGraphCoordinate $start,
ezcGraphCoordinate $end,
$dataNumber = 1,
$dataCount = 1,
$symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL,
ezcGraphColor $symbolColor = null,
ezcGraphColor $fillColor = null,
$thickness = 1.
// Calculate line points from chart coordinates
$start = $this->getCoordinateFromAngleAndRadius(
$start->x * 2 * M_PI,
$end = $this->getCoordinateFromAngleAndRadius(
$end->x * 2 * M_PI,
// Fill line
if ( $fillColor !== null )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + $center->x,
$boundings->y0 + $center->y
// Draw line
if ( $symbol !== ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL )
new ezcGraphBoundings(
$end->x - $this->options->symbolSize / 2,
$end->y - $this->options->symbolSize / 2,
$end->x + $this->options->symbolSize / 2,
$end->y + $this->options->symbolSize / 2
* Draws a highlight textbox for a datapoint.
* A highlight textbox for line and bar charts means a box with the current
* value in the graph.
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings
* @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Ending point
* @param float $axisPosition Position of axis for drawing filled lines
* @param int $dataNumber Number of dataset
* @param int $dataCount Count of datasets in chart
* @param ezcGraphFontOptions $font Font used for highlight string
* @param string $text Acutual value
* @param int $size Size of highlight text
* @param ezcGraphColor $markLines
* @param int $xOffset
* @param int $yOffset
* @param float $stepSize
* @param int $type
* @return void
public function drawDataHighlightText(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphContext $context,
ezcGraphCoordinate $end,
$axisPosition = 0.,
$dataNumber = 1,
$dataCount = 1,
ezcGraphFontOptions $font,
ezcGraphColor $markLines = null,
$xOffset = 0,
$yOffset = 0,
$stepSize = 0.,
$type = ezcGraph::LINE )
// Bar specific calculations
if ( $type !== ezcGraph::LINE )
$margin = $stepSize * $this->options->barMargin;
$padding = $stepSize * $this->options->barPadding;
$barWidth = ( $stepSize - $margin ) / $dataCount - $padding;
$offset = -( $dataNumber + ( $dataCount - 1 ) / -2 ) * ( $barWidth + $padding );
$this->driver->options->font = $font;
$width = $boundings->width / $dataCount;
$dataPoint = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $end->x + $xOffset +
( $type === ezcGraph::LINE ? 0 : $offset ),
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $end->y + $yOffset
if ( $end->y < $axisPosition )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$dataPoint->x - $width / 2,
$dataPoint->y - $size - $font->padding - $this->options->symbolSize
ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::BOTTOM
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$dataPoint->x - $width / 2,
$dataPoint->y + $font->padding + $this->options->symbolSize
ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::TOP
* Draw legend
* Will draw a legend in the bounding box
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Bounding of legend
* @param ezcGraphChartElementLegend $legend Legend to draw;
* @param int $type Type of legend: Protrait or landscape
* @return void
public function drawLegend(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphChartElementLegend $legend,
$type = ezcGraph::VERTICAL )
$labels = $legend->labels;
// Calculate boundings of each label
if ( $type & ezcGraph::VERTICAL )
$labelWidth = $boundings->width;
$labelHeight = min(
( $boundings->height ) / count( $labels ) - $legend->spacing,
$legend->symbolSize + 2 * $legend->padding
$labelWidth = ( $boundings->width ) / count( $labels ) - $legend->spacing;
$labelHeight = min(
$legend->symbolSize + 2 * $legend->padding
$symbolSize = $labelHeight - 2 * $legend->padding;
// Draw all labels
$labelPosition = new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y0 );
foreach ( $labels as $label )
$this->elements['legend_url'][$label['label']] = $label['url'];
$this->elements['legend'][$label['label']]['symbol'] = $this->drawSymbol(
new ezcGraphBoundings(
$labelPosition->x + $legend->padding,
$labelPosition->y + $legend->padding,
$labelPosition->x + $legend->padding + $symbolSize,
$labelPosition->y + $legend->padding + $symbolSize
$this->elements['legend'][$label['label']]['text'] = $this->driver->drawTextBox(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$labelPosition->x + 2 * $legend->padding + $symbolSize,
$labelPosition->y + $legend->padding
$labelWidth - $symbolSize - 3 * $legend->padding,
$labelHeight - 2 * $legend->padding,
ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::MIDDLE
$labelPosition->x += ( $type === ezcGraph::VERTICAL ? 0 : $labelWidth + $legend->spacing );
$labelPosition->y += ( $type === ezcGraph::VERTICAL ? $labelHeight + $legend->spacing : 0 );
* Draw box
* Box are wrapping each major chart element and draw border, background
* and title to each chart element.
* Optionally a padding and margin for each box can be defined.
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings of the box
* @param ezcGraphColor $background Background color
* @param ezcGraphColor $borderColor Border color
* @param int $borderWidth Border width
* @param int $margin Margin
* @param int $padding Padding
* @param mixed $title Title of the box
* @param int $titleSize Size of title in the box
* @return ezcGraphBoundings Remaining inner boundings
public function drawBox(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphColor $background = null,
ezcGraphColor $borderColor = null,
$borderWidth = 0,
$margin = 0,
$padding = 0,
$title = false,
$titleSize = 16 )
// Apply margin
$boundings->x0 += $margin;
$boundings->y0 += $margin;
$boundings->x1 -= $margin;
$boundings->y1 -= $margin;
if ( $background instanceof ezcGraphColor )
// Draw box background
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y0 ),
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x1, $boundings->y0 ),
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x1, $boundings->y1 ),
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y1 ),
if ( ( $borderColor instanceof ezcGraphColor ) &&
( $borderWidth > 0 ) )
// Draw border
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y0 ),
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x1, $boundings->y0 ),
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x1, $boundings->y1 ),
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y1 ),
// Reduce local boundings by borderWidth
$boundings->x0 += $borderWidth;
$boundings->y0 += $borderWidth;
$boundings->x1 -= $borderWidth;
$boundings->y1 -= $borderWidth;
// Apply padding
$boundings->x0 += $padding;
$boundings->y0 += $padding;
$boundings->x1 -= $padding;
$boundings->y1 -= $padding;
// Add box title
if ( $title !== false )
switch ( $this->options->titlePosition )
case ezcGraph::TOP:
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y0 ),
$boundings->y0 += $titleSize + $padding;
$boundings->y1 -= $titleSize + $padding;
case ezcGraph::BOTTOM:
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y1 - $titleSize ),
$boundings->y1 -= $titleSize + $padding;
return $boundings;
* Draw text
* Draws the provided text in the boundings
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings of text
* @param string $text Text
* @param int $align Alignement of text
* @param ezcGraphRotation $rotation
* @return void
public function drawText(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
$align = ezcGraph::LEFT,
ezcGraphRotation $rotation = null )
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y0 ),
* Draw grid line
* Draw line for the grid in the chart background
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Start point
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end End point
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of the grid line
* @return void
public function drawGridLine( ezcGraphCoordinate $start, ezcGraphCoordinate $end, ezcGraphColor $color )
* Draw step line
* Draw a step (marker for label position) on a axis.
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Start point
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end End point
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of the grid line
* @return void
public function drawStepLine( ezcGraphCoordinate $start, ezcGraphCoordinate $end, ezcGraphColor $color )
* Draw axis
* Draws an axis form the provided start point to the end point. A specific
* angle of the axis is not required.
* For the labeleing of the axis a sorted array with major steps and an
* array with minor steps is expected, which are build like this:
* array(
* array(
* 'position' => (float),
* 'label' => (string),
* )
* )
* where the label is optional.
* The label renderer class defines how the labels are rendered. For more
* documentation on this topic have a look at the basic label renderer
* class.
* Additionally it can be specified if a major and minor grid are rendered
* by defining a color for them. The axis label is used to add a caption
* for the axis.
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings of axis
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Start point of axis
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Endpoint of axis
* @param ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis Axis to render
* @param ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer $labelClass Used label renderer
* @return void
public function drawAxis(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphCoordinate $start,
ezcGraphCoordinate $end,
ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis,
ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer $labelClass = null,
ezcGraphBoundings $innerBoundings = null )
// Legacy axis drawing for BC reasons
if ( $innerBoundings === null )
return $this->legacyDrawAxis( $boundings, $start, $end, $axis, $labelClass );
// Calculate axis start and end points depending on inner boundings
if ( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ) ||
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM ) )
$innerStart = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$start->x + $boundings->x0,
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ? $innerBoundings->y0 : $innerBoundings->y1 )
$innerEnd = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$end->x + $boundings->x0,
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ? $innerBoundings->y1 : $innerBoundings->y0 )
$innerStart = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT ? $innerBoundings->x0 : $innerBoundings->x1 ),
$start->y + $boundings->y0
$innerEnd = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT ? $innerBoundings->x1 : $innerBoundings->x0 ),
$end->y + $boundings->y0
// Shorten axis, if requested
if ( $this->options->shortAxis )
$start = clone $innerStart;
$end = clone $innerEnd;
$start->x += $boundings->x0;
$start->y += $boundings->y0;
$end->x += $boundings->x0;
$end->y += $boundings->y0;
// Determine normalized direction
$direction = new ezcGraphVector(
$start->x - $end->x,
$start->y - $end->y
// Draw axis
// Draw small arrowhead
abs( ceil( ( ( $end->x - $start->x ) + ( $end->y - $start->y ) ) * $axis->axisSpace / 4 ) )
// Draw axis label, if set
$this->drawAxisLabel( $end, $innerBoundings, $axis );
// If font should not be synchronized, use font configuration from
// each axis
if ( $this->options->syncAxisFonts === false )
$this->driver->options->font = $axis->font;
* Draw axis label
* Draw labels at the end of an axis.
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings
* @param ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis
* @return void
protected function drawAxisLabel( ezcGraphCoordinate $position, ezcGraphBoundings $boundings, ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis )
if ( $axis->label === false )
$width = $boundings->width;
switch ( $axis->position )
case ezcGraph::TOP:
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->x + $axis->labelMargin - $width * ( 1 - $axis->axisSpace * 2 ),
$position->y - $axis->labelMargin - $axis->labelSize
$width * ( 1 - $axis->axisSpace * 2 ) - $axis->labelMargin,
ezcGraph::TOP | ezcGraph::RIGHT,
new ezcGraphRotation( $axis->labelRotation, new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->x + $axis->labelSize / 2,
$position->y - $axis->labelSize / 2
) )
case ezcGraph::BOTTOM:
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->x + $axis->labelMargin,
$position->y + $axis->labelMargin
$width * ( 1 - $axis->axisSpace * 2 ) - $axis->labelMargin,
ezcGraph::TOP | ezcGraph::LEFT,
new ezcGraphRotation( $axis->labelRotation, new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->x + $axis->labelSize / 2,
$position->y + $axis->labelSize / 2
) )
case ezcGraph::LEFT:
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->x - $width,
$position->y - $axis->labelSize - $axis->labelMargin
$width - $axis->labelMargin,
ezcGraph::BOTTOM | ezcGraph::RIGHT,
new ezcGraphRotation( $axis->labelRotation, new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->x - $axis->labelSize / 2,
$position->y - $axis->labelSize / 2
) )
case ezcGraph::RIGHT:
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->y - $axis->labelSize - $axis->labelMargin
$width - $axis->labelMargin,
ezcGraph::BOTTOM | ezcGraph::LEFT,
new ezcGraphRotation( $axis->labelRotation, new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->x + $axis->labelSize / 2,
$position->y - $axis->labelSize / 2
) )
* Draw axis
* Draws an axis form the provided start point to the end point. A specific
* angle of the axis is not required.
* For the labeleing of the axis a sorted array with major steps and an
* array with minor steps is expected, which are build like this:
* array(
* array(
* 'position' => (float),
* 'label' => (string),
* )
* )
* where the label is optional.
* The label renderer class defines how the labels are rendered. For more
* documentation on this topic have a look at the basic label renderer
* class.
* Additionally it can be specified if a major and minor grid are rendered
* by defining a color for them. The axis label is used to add a caption
* for the axis.
* This function is deprecated and will be removed in favor of its
* reimplementation using the innerBoundings parameter.
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings of axis
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Start point of axis
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Endpoint of axis
* @param ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis Axis to render
* @param ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer $labelClass Used label renderer
* @apichange
* @return void
protected function legacyDrawAxis(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphCoordinate $start,
ezcGraphCoordinate $end,
ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis,
ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer $labelClass = null )
// Store axis space for use by label renderer
switch ( $axis->position )
case ezcGraph::TOP:
case ezcGraph::BOTTOM:
$this->xAxisSpace = ( $boundings->width ) * $axis->axisSpace;
case ezcGraph::LEFT:
case ezcGraph::RIGHT:
$this->yAxisSpace = ( $boundings->height ) * $axis->axisSpace;
// Clone boundings because of internal modifications
$boundings = clone $boundings;
$start->x += $boundings->x0;
$start->y += $boundings->y0;
$end->x += $boundings->x0;
$end->y += $boundings->y0;
// Shorten drawn axis, if requested.
if ( ( $this->options->shortAxis === true ) &&
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ) ||
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM ) ) )
$axisStart = clone $start;
$axisEnd = clone $end;
$axisStart->y += $boundings->height * $axis->axisSpace *
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ? 1 : -1 );
$axisEnd->y -= $boundings->height * $axis->axisSpace *
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ? 1 : -1 );
elseif ( ( $this->options->shortAxis === true ) &&
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT ) ||
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT ) ) )
$axisStart = clone $start;
$axisEnd = clone $end;
$axisStart->x += $boundings->width * $axis->axisSpace *
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT ? 1 : -1 );
$axisEnd->x -= $boundings->width * $axis->axisSpace *
( $axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT ? 1 : -1 );
$axisStart = $start;
$axisEnd = $end;
// Determine normalized direction
$direction = new ezcGraphVector(
$start->x - $end->x,
$start->y - $end->y
// Draw axis
// Draw small arrowhead
abs( ceil( ( ( $end->x - $start->x ) + ( $end->y - $start->y ) ) * $axis->axisSpace / 4 ) )
// Draw axis label, if set
$this->drawAxisLabel( $end, $boundings, $axis );
// Collect axis labels and draw, when all axisSpaces are collected
$this->axisLabels[] = array(
'object' => $labelClass,
'boundings' => $boundings,
'start' => clone $start,
'end' => clone $end,
'axis' => $axis,
if ( $this->xAxisSpace && $this->yAxisSpace )
* Draw all left axis labels
* @return void
protected function drawAxisLabels()
foreach ( $this->axisLabels as $nr => $axisLabel )
// If font should not be synchronized, use font configuration from
// each axis
if ( $this->options->syncAxisFonts === false )
$this->driver->options->font = $axisLabel['axis']->font;
$start = $axisLabel['start'];
$end = $axisLabel['end'];
$direction = new ezcGraphVector(
$end->x - $start->x,
$end->y - $start->y
// Convert elipse to circle for correct angle calculation
$direction->y *= ( $this->xAxisSpace / $this->yAxisSpace );
$angle = $direction->angle( new ezcGraphVector( 0, 1 ) );
$movement = new ezcGraphVector(
sin( $angle ) * $this->xAxisSpace * ( $direction->x < 0 ? -1 : 1 ),
cos( $angle ) * $this->yAxisSpace
$start->x += $movement->x;
$start->y += $movement->y;
$end->x -= $movement->x;
$end->y -= $movement->y;
// Prevent from redrawing axis on more then 2 axis.
unset( $this->axisLabels[$nr] );
* Draw background image
* Draws a background image at the defined position. If repeat is set the
* background image will be repeated like any texture.
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings for the background image
* @param string $file Filename of background image
* @param int $position Position of background image
* @param int $repeat Type of repetition
* @return void
public function drawBackgroundImage(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
$position = 48, // ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::MIDDLE
$repeat = ezcGraph::NO_REPEAT )
$imageData = getimagesize( $file );
$imageWidth = $imageData[0];
$imageHeight = $imageData[1];
$imageWidth = min( $imageWidth, $boundings->width );
$imageHeight = min( $imageHeight, $boundings->height );
$imagePosition = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
// Determine x position
switch ( true ) {
case ( $repeat & ezcGraph::HORIZONTAL ):
// If is repeated on this axis fall back to position zero
case ( $position & ezcGraph::LEFT ):
$imagePosition->x = $boundings->x0;
case ( $position & ezcGraph::RIGHT ):
$imagePosition->x = max(
$boundings->x1 - $imageWidth,
$imagePosition->x = max(
$boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width - $imageWidth ) / 2,
// Determine y position
switch ( true ) {
case ( $repeat & ezcGraph::VERTICAL ):
// If is repeated on this axis fall back to position zero
case ( $position & ezcGraph::TOP ):
$imagePosition->y = $boundings->y0;
case ( $position & ezcGraph::BOTTOM ):
$imagePosition->y = max(
$boundings->y1 - $imageHeight,
$imagePosition->y = max(
$boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height - $imageHeight ) / 2,
// Texturize backround based on position and repetition
$position = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->y = $imagePosition->y;
$position->y += $imageHeight;
while ( ( $position->y < $boundings->y1 ) &&
( $repeat & ezcGraph::VERTICAL ) );
$position->x += $imageWidth;
while ( ( $position->x < $boundings->x1 ) &&
( $repeat & ezcGraph::HORIZONTAL ) );
* Call all postprocessing functions
* @return void
protected function finish()
return true;
* Reset renderer properties
* Reset all renderer properties, which were calculated during the
* rendering process, to offer a clean environment for rerendering.
* @return void
protected function resetRenderer()
// Also reset special 2D renderer options
$this->pieSegmentLabels = array(
0 => array(),
1 => array(),
$this->pieSegmentBoundings = false;
$this->linePostSymbols = array();
$this->axisLabels = array();
$this->circleSectors = array();
* Render odometer chart
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings
* @param ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis
* @param ezcGraphOdometerChartOptions $options
* @return ezcGraphBoundings
public function drawOdometer(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis,
ezcGraphOdometerChartOptions $options )
$height = $boundings->height * $options->odometerHeight;
// Draw axis
$oldAxisSpace = $axis->axisSpace;
$axis->axisSpace = 0;
$axis->render( $this, $boundings );
// Reset axisspaces to correct values
$this->xAxisSpace = $boundings->width * $oldAxisSpace;
$this->yAxisSpace = ( $boundings->height - $height ) / 2;
// Reduce size of chart boundings respecting requested odometer height
$boundings->x0 += $this->xAxisSpace;
$boundings->x1 -= $this->xAxisSpace;
$boundings->y0 += $this->yAxisSpace;
$boundings->y1 -= $this->yAxisSpace;
$gradient = new ezcGraphLinearGradient(
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y0 ),
new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x1, $boundings->y0 ),
// Simply draw box with gradient and optional border
// Return modified chart boundings
return $boundings;
* Draw a single odometer marker.
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position
* @param int $symbol
* @param ezcGraphColor $color
* @param int $width
public function drawOdometerMarker(
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphCoordinate $position,
ezcGraphColor $color,
$width )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$xPos = $boundings->x0 + ( $position->x * $boundings->width ),
new ezcGraphCoordinate(