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* File containing the ezcGraphChartElementLogarithmicalAxis class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Graph
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Class to represent a logarithmic axis.
* Axis elements represent the axis in a bar, line or radar chart. They are
* chart elements (ezcGraphChartElement) extending from
* ezcGraphChartElementAxis, where additional formatting options can be found.
* You should generally use the axis, which matches your input data best, so
* that the automatic chart layouting works best. Aavailable axis types are:
* - ezcGraphChartElementDateAxis
* - ezcGraphChartElementLabeledAxis
* - ezcGraphChartElementLogarithmicalAxis
* - ezcGraphChartElementNumericAxis
* Logarithmic axis are normally used to display very large or small values.
* Logarithmic axis can not be used for value spans including zero, so you
* should either pass only positive or only negative values to the chart.
* By default the axis uses a base of 10 for scaling, you may assign any other
* base to the $base property of the chart. With a base of 10 the steps on the
* axis may, for example, be at: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, ...
* The logarithmic axis may be used like:
* <code>
* $graph = new ezcGraphLineChart();
* $graph->title = 'The power of x';
* $graph->legend->position = ezcGraph::BOTTOM;
* $graph->xAxis = new ezcGraphChartElementNumericAxis();
* $graph->yAxis = new ezcGraphChartElementLogarithmicalAxis();
* $graph->data['x^2'] = new ezcGraphNumericDataSet(
* -10, 10,
* create_function( '$x', 'return pow( $x, 2 ) + 1;' )
* );
* $graph->data['x^4'] = new ezcGraphNumericDataSet(
* -10, 10,
* create_function( '$x', 'return pow( $x, 4 ) + 1;' )
* );
* $graph->data['x^6'] = new ezcGraphNumericDataSet(
* -10, 10,
* create_function( '$x', 'return pow( $x, 6 ) + 1;' )
* );
* $graph->render( 400, 250, 'tutorial_axis_logarithmic.svg' );
* </code>
* @property float $base
* Base for logarithmical scaling.
* @property string $logarithmicalFormatString
* Sprintf formatstring for the axis labels where
* $1 is the base and
* $2 is the exponent.
* @property-read float $minValue
* Minimum Value to display on this axis.
* @property-read float $maxValue
* Maximum value to display on this axis.
* @version //autogentag//
* @package Graph
* @mainclass
class ezcGraphChartElementLogarithmicalAxis extends ezcGraphChartElementAxis
* Constant used for calculation of automatic definition of major scaling
* steps
const MAX_STEPS = 9;
* Constructor
* @param array $options Default option array
* @return void
* @ignore
public function __construct( array $options = array() )
$this->properties['min'] = null;
$this->properties['max'] = null;
$this->properties['base'] = 10;
$this->properties['logarithmicalFormatString'] = '%1$d^%2$d';
$this->properties['minValue'] = null;
$this->properties['maxValue'] = null;
parent::__construct( $options );
* __set
* @param mixed $propertyName
* @param mixed $propertyValue
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If a the value for the property options is not an instance of
* @return void
* @ignore
public function __set( $propertyName, $propertyValue )
switch ( $propertyName )
case 'min':
case 'max':
if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'float' );
$this->properties[$propertyName] = (float) $propertyValue;
$this->properties['initialized'] = true;
case 'base':
if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) ||
( $propertyValue <= 0 ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'float > 0' );
$this->properties[$propertyName] = (float) $propertyValue;
case 'logarithmicalFormatString':
$this->properties['logarithmicalFormatString'] = (string) $propertyValue;
parent::__set( $propertyName, $propertyValue );
* Add data for this axis
* @param array $values Value which will be displayed on this axis
* @return void
public function addData( array $values )
foreach ( $values as $value )
if ( $this->properties['minValue'] === null ||
$value < $this->properties['minValue'] )
$this->properties['minValue'] = $value;
if ( $this->properties['maxValue'] === null ||
$value > $this->properties['maxValue'] )
$this->properties['maxValue'] = $value;
$this->properties['initialized'] = true;
* Calculate axis bounding values on base of the assigned values
* @abstract
* @access public
* @return void
public function calculateAxisBoundings()
// Prevent division by zero, when min == max
if ( $this->properties['minValue'] == $this->properties['maxValue'] )
if ( $this->properties['minValue'] == 0 )
$this->properties['maxValue'] = 1;
$this->properties['minValue'] -= ( $this->properties['minValue'] * .1 );
$this->properties['maxValue'] += ( $this->properties['maxValue'] * .1 );
if ( $this->properties['minValue'] <= 0 )
throw new ezcGraphOutOfLogithmicalBoundingsException( $this->properties['minValue'] );
// Use custom minimum and maximum if available
if ( $this->properties['min'] !== null )
$this->properties['minValue'] = pow( $this->properties['base'], $this->properties['min'] );
if ( $this->properties['max'] !== null )
$this->properties['maxValue'] = pow( $this->properties['base'], $this->properties['max'] );
// Calculate "nice" values for scaling parameters
if ( $this->properties['min'] === null )
$this->properties['min'] = floor( log( $this->properties['minValue'], $this->properties['base'] ) );
if ( $this->properties['max'] === null )
$this->properties['max'] = ceil( log( $this->properties['maxValue'], $this->properties['base'] ) );
$this->properties['minorStep'] = 1;
if ( ( $modifier = ( ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] ) / self::MAX_STEPS ) ) > 1 )
$this->properties['majorStep'] = $modifier = ceil( $modifier );
$this->properties['min'] = floor( $this->properties['min'] / $modifier ) * $modifier;
$this->properties['max'] = floor( $this->properties['max'] / $modifier ) * $modifier;
$this->properties['majorStep'] = 1;
* Get coordinate for a dedicated value on the chart
* @param float $value Value to determine position for
* @return float Position on chart
public function getCoordinate( $value )
// Force typecast, because ( false < -100 ) results in (bool) true
$floatValue = (float) $value;
if ( $value === false )
switch ( $this->position )
case ezcGraph::LEFT:
case ezcGraph::TOP:
return 0.;
case ezcGraph::RIGHT:
case ezcGraph::BOTTOM:
return 1.;
$position = ( log( $value, $this->properties['base'] ) - $this->properties['min'] ) / ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] );
switch ( $this->position )
case ezcGraph::LEFT:
case ezcGraph::TOP:
return $position;
case ezcGraph::RIGHT:
case ezcGraph::BOTTOM:
return 1 - $position;
* Return count of minor steps
* @return integer Count of minor steps
public function getMinorStepCount()
return (int) ( ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] ) / $this->properties['minorStep'] );
* Return count of major steps
* @return integer Count of major steps
public function getMajorStepCount()
return (int) ( ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] ) / $this->properties['majorStep'] );
* Get label for a dedicated step on the axis
* @param integer $step Number of step
* @return string label
public function getLabel( $step )
if ( $this->properties['labelCallback'] !== null )
return call_user_func_array(
$this->properties['min'] + ( $step * $this->properties['majorStep'] )
return sprintf(
$this->properties['min'] + ( $step * $this->properties['majorStep'] )
* Is zero step
* Returns true if the given step is the one on the initial axis position
* @param int $step Number of step
* @return bool Status If given step is initial axis position
public function isZeroStep( $step )
return ( $step == 0 );