blob: 788140260bef1864621615789a31f6e93f1f207c [file] [log] [blame]
eZ publish Enterprise Component: Cache, Requirenments
Purpose of Cache package
The Cache package should provided general purpose caching for all kinds of
imaginable data onto all kinds of imaginable media. Beside that, the package
has to provide a way of informing other modules about the expiration of
specifically cached data.
Current implementation
Currently the cache functionality is included in the eZ publish kernel using
the following classes:
Main class for dealing with caches.
Handles expiration of cache items.
There are multiple classes accessing these infrastructure and creating their
own management mechanisms around.
General notes
The cache implementation should be completly rewised, since it's deeply
integrated into eZ publish and not flexible enough. Beside that, the
requirement of having a "messaging system" is solved in a complete different
Design goals
The caching mechanis should be as flexible as possible in the following
- Types of data it can save.
- Storage backends it utilizes.
Detailed requirements
Types of data to save
Caching is a solution for every kind of data which is not dynamically
generated on every request. This can be e.g. text, an array or even an
object or different objects referenced by each other. All these kinds of
data must be manageable by the cache.
Storage backends
Storing cache data can take place nearly everywhere around in a system.
That means e.g. the filesystem, inside a database, even maybe to another
server using whatever. This means that the storage backend has to be as
flexible as possible and as independant as possible from the rest.
Module messaging
There are multiple cases inside eZ publish, where another component has to
actualize it's data or to react in any other way on data expiration from
another module. That means, that a way has to be found, how these modules
can be informed of certain events that occur in the cache (like expiration).
The module messaging mechanism is necessary in multiple other places
around eZ publish and therefore has been moved to it's own package.
The backend must be defined through either an interface or an abstract class
to allow custom backends. Beside that, it should not deal with anything except
the real storage of the data. Therefore, backends should just receive a
general purpose data format, which is storable anywhere. To avoid any
overhead, the serialization of the data to cache should take place before the
data is transmitted to the backend. Backends than only have to deal with
storing plain text.
Beside that, backends have to store additional attributes for the cached data
as there is:
Every cache object has to be identified by a application wide unique ID.
Cache data has to expire to be regenerated. Expiration has to be possible
automatically or manually.
Access to the backends has to be managed by a global instance, which
coordinates the caches and manages expiration and so on. This instance should
only exist in a single place on the system, handling all possible cache
locations and caches.
The manager should also take care of the possibility to identify caches of a
certain type (which for example come from the same module or contain related
data). This shall allow one to manipulate several cached objects at once.
Class design
The backend has definitly to be driver based. Every driver has to implement
the same interface to communicate with the frontend. A backend driver should
only deal with an abstract data format, which it just has to store. Following
Classes are necessary:
The abstract base class for all cache drivers. This should implement the
common features needed by every cache driver like option handling,...
File system based backend which stores arrays of data in PHP code. Using
this technique allows one to simple include the cache data when restoring
it, which is pretty fast. Beside that it allows op-code caches like APC
to cache the data additionally between requests.
Similar functionality as the Array backend, but uses PHPs eval() function
to restore the cache data. This implies that the cached data can not be
cached by APC (e.g. huge ammounts of data).
The infrastructure must be that general, that multiple other cache backends
can be implemented for special use in eZ publish.
The manager will keep track of caches available in an application. Each
cache will be configured inside tha manager at a central place. All over
the application, one can get single instances of these caches. The caches
will not be initialized during the manager initialization, but on their
first use. After that, the exising cache instances will be reused.