blob: 9b10092496b2ec89846bf5660c9fc6d60bbddd62 [file] [log] [blame]
Testing Microsoft clients
The clients
There are multiple clients which come with Windows XP.
For now it seems that the used client heavily depends on the URL you use:
Internet Explorer 7 & Internet Explorer 6 - Windows XP
- http://webdav/
- http://webdav:80/
- http://webdav/#
- http://webdav:80/#
Results in requests by two clients:
Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider DAV 1.1 sends:
- PROPFIND request
Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Cache Manager sends:
- OPTIONS request
Internet Explorer 7 & Internet Explorer 6 - Windows XP SP 2
Microsoft Web Folders
Implementation notes
Micorsoft specific handling.
You need to send the following header to tell MS clients not to use some
Frontpage protocol, but webdav: ::
header( 'MS-Author-Via: DAV' );
After some options requests the MS clients send an empty propfind request with
different depth headers. This actually mean allProp requests, like: ::
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:">