blob: b540efed04c559c498b607e1edf157dc9c59920b [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateTranslationExtractor class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package TemplateTranslationTiein
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* ezcTemplateTranslationExtractor is capable of creating or updating
* translation files by extracting translatable strings from templates.
* To run the extractor, please use the file "runextractor.php", inside this
* package.
* To extract new translatable strings from a template file, use the following
* synopsis:
* <code>
* $ php TemplateTranslationTiein/src/runextractor.php -t path/to/template/files/ path/to/translation/files/
* </code>
* The -t / --templates parameter points to the template files. The -o /
* --overwrite option specifies if existing files should be overwritten instead
* of being updated. The argument for the program specifies the directory,
* where the translation files will be stored or updated.
* For help information simply call
* <code>
* $ php TemplateTranslationTiein/src/runextractor.php
* </code>
* or
* <code>
* $ php TemplateTranslationTiein/src/runextractor.php -h
* </code>
* for extended help information.
* @package TemplateTranslationTiein
* @version //autogen//
class ezcTemplateTranslationExtractor
* Program description for help text.
const PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION = 'Extracts translatable strings from eZ Components template files. The directory to save the translation files to is provided as an argument.';
* The console input handler.
* @var ezcConsoleInput
private $input;
* The console output handler.
* @var ezcConsoleOutput
private $output;
* Translation backend to store the output to.
* @var ezcTranslationBackend
private $backend;
* Create a new generator.
* This method initializes the necessary objects to run the application.
public function __construct()
$this->output = new ezcConsoleOutput();
$this->output->options->autobreak = 80;
$this->output->formats->info->color = 'blue';
$this->output->formats->info->style = array( 'bold' );
$this->output->formats->help->color = 'blue';
$this->output->formats->error->color = 'red';
$this->output->formats->error->style = array( 'bold' );
$this->output->formats->success->color = 'green';
$this->output->formats->success->style = array( 'bold' );
$this->input = new ezcConsoleInput();
new ezcConsoleOption(
"t", // short
"templates", // long
null, // default
false, // multiple
"Template directory to search for translatable strings.",
"A directory with eZ Components template files. It is searched recursivly for new translatable strings.",
array(), // dependencies
array(), // exclusions
true, // arguments
true // mandatory
new ezcConsoleOption(
"f", // short
"format", // long
'[LOCALE].xml', // default
false, // multiple
"File name format of translation file.",
"The file format the generated translation files should get. The string \"[LOCALE]\" is automatically replaced with the locale name.",
array(), // dependencies
array(), // exclusions
true, // arguments
false // mandatory
new ezcConsoleOption(
"l", // short
"locale", // long
'en', // default
false, // multiple
"Template locale.",
"The locale of the strings within the templates.",
array(), // dependencies
array(), // exclusions
true, // arguments
false // mandatory
new ezcConsoleOption(
"o", // short
"overwrite",// long
null, // default
false, // multiple
"Overwrite existing files.",
"If this option is set, files will be overwriten if they already exist.",
array(), // dependencies
array(), // exclusions
true, // arguments
false // mandatory
new ezcConsoleOption(
"h", // short
"help", // long
null, // default
false, // multiple
"Retrieve detailed help about this application.",
"Print out this help information.",
array(), // dependencies
array(), // exclusions
true, // arguments
false, // mandatory
true // help option
$this->input->argumentDefinition = new ezcConsoleArguments();
$this->input->argumentDefinition[0] = new ezcConsoleArgument( "translation dir" );
$this->input->argumentDefinition[0]->shorthelp = "Translation file directory.";
$this->input->argumentDefinition[0]->longhelp = "Directory where translation files will be stored.";
$this->output->outputLine( 'eZ components extractor for translatable strings in templates.', 'info' );
* Run the generator.
* Process the given options and generates translation files.
public function run()
catch ( ezcConsoleException $e )
$this->raiseError( "Error while processing your options: {$e->getMessage()}", true );
if ( $this->input->getOption( 'h' )->value === true )
exit( 0 );
$translationDir = $this->input->argumentDefinition["translation dir"]->value;
$templatePath = realpath( $this->input->getOption( "templates" )->value );
// setup the backend to write to and/or read from
$options = array (
'format' => $this->input->getOption( "format" )->value,
'keepObsolete' => true
$this->backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( $translationDir );
$this->backend->setOptions( $options );
$locale = $this->input->getOption( "locale" )->value;
// remove the translation file if option overwrite is set
$translationFile = $this->backend->buildTranslationFileName( $locale );
if ( $this->input->getOption( "overwrite" )->value === true && file_exists( $translationFile ) )
unlink( $translationFile );
// init the writer
$this->backend->initWriter( $locale );
// keep track of which contexts are in use
$usedContexts = array();
// find the .ezt files and loop over them.
$it = ezcBaseFile::findRecursive( $templatePath, array( '@\.ezt$@' ) );
foreach ( $it as $item )
$pathname = $this->unifyFilepath( realpath( $item ), $templatePath );
$this->output->outputLine( 'Processing file ' . $pathname . ' ...' );
// get translation contexts from template
$contexts = $this->getTranslationsFromTemplate( $item );
foreach ( $contexts as $contextName => $translationMapNew )
// record that this context is in use
$usedContexts[] = $contextName;
// get existing translation strings from file
if ( $this->input->getOption( "overwrite" )->value === false )
$translationMapOriginal = $this->getTranslationsFromTsFile( $contextName );
$translationMapOriginal = array();
// create empty context
$context = array();
// insert new translations
foreach ( $translationMapNew as $original => $translationElement )
// insert new strings
if ( !isset( $translationMapOriginal[$original] ) )
// edit filename to unify accross platforms and strip template path
$translationElement->filename = $this->unifyFilepath( $translationElement->filename, $templatePath );
$context[] = $translationElement;
// update translations
if ( $this->input->getOption( "overwrite" )->value === false )
foreach ( $translationMapOriginal as $original => $translationElement )
// update data
if ( isset( $translationMapNew[$original] ) )
$new = $translationMapNew[$original];
$translationElement->comment = $new->comment;
$translationElement->filename = $this->unifyFilepath( $new->filename, $templatePath );
$translationElement->line = $new->line;
$translationElement->column = $new->column;
// change status of previously obsolete strings
if ( $translationElement->status == ezcTranslationData::OBSOLETE )
if ( !empty( $translationElement->translation ) )
$translationElement->status = ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED;
$translationElement->status = ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED;
$context[] = $translationElement;
// flag obsolete strings (only if filename is equal, because the context
// could be used in different files)
elseif ( $translationElement->filename == $pathname )
$translationElement->status = ezcTranslationData::OBSOLETE;
$context[] = $translationElement;
$this->backend->storeContext( $contextName, $context );
// write translation data to file
$contextNames = $this->backend->getContextNames( $locale );
// init the writer
$this->backend->initWriter( $locale );
// check which contexts are now totally gone
foreach ( $contextNames as $contextName )
if ( !in_array( $contextName, $usedContexts ) )
echo "$contextName is all obsolete\n";
$context = $this->backend->getContext( $locale, $contextName );
foreach ( $context as &$translationElement )
$translationElement->status = ezcTranslationData::OBSOLETE;
$this->backend->storeContext( $contextName, $context );
// write translation data to file
$this->output->outputLine( "Translation file for locale '{$locale}' successfully written to '{$translationDir}'.", 'info' );
* Get translation array with translation data for each context from the
* template.
* @param string $filename
* @return array(string=>array(ezcTranslationData))
function getTranslationsFromTemplate( $filename )
$source = new ezcTemplateSourceCode( $filename, $filename );
$parser = new ezcTemplateParser( $source, new ezcTemplate() );
$tst = $parser->parseIntoNodeTree();
$et = new ezcTemplateTranslationStringExtracter( $parser );
$eted = $tst->accept( $et );
return $et->getStrings();
* Get translations for given context.
* @param string $contextName
* @return array(string=>ezcTranslationData)
function getTranslationsFromTsFile( $contextName )
$translationMapOriginal = array();
// get the original context
$context = $this->backend->getContext( $this->input->getOption( "locale" )->value, $contextName );
// store all existing translations in associative array
foreach ( $context as $translationElement )
$translationMapOriginal[$translationElement->original] = $translationElement;
catch ( ezcTranslationMissingTranslationFileException $e )
// no ts file existing yet
catch ( ezcTranslationContextNotAvailableException $e )
// no context of this name existing yet
return $translationMapOriginal;
* Unifies directory seperator accross platforms and strips path to the template dir
* to get the possibility to run this script from different template locations.
* @param string $pathname
* @param string $templatePath
* @return string
function unifyFilepath( $pathname, $templatePath )
$file = str_replace( '\\', '/', substr( $pathname, strlen( $templatePath ) ) );
return $file[0] === '/' ? substr( $file, 1 ) : $file;
* Prints the message of an occured error and exits the program.
* This method is used to print an error message, as soon as an error
* occurs end quit the program with return code -1. Optionally, the
* method will trigger the help text to be printed after the error message.
* @param string $message The error message to print
* @param bool $printHelp Whether to print the help after the error msg.
private function raiseError( $message, $printHelp = false )
$this->output->outputLine( $message, 'error' );
if ( $printHelp === true )
exit( -1 );