blob: 018ee3b30cb23724e15311c454f5610bec2e6354 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcWebdavLockTools class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Webdav
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Tool class for use in the lock plugin.
* This class contains several tool methods, which are used by the lock plugin
* and its handlers.
* @package Webdav
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcWebdavLockTools
* Plugin options.
* @var ezcWebdavLockPluginOptions
public $options;
* Default headers to clone in {@link cloneRequestHeaders()}.
* @var array(string)
protected static $defaultCloneHeaders = array(
* Creates a new tool instances.
* @param ezcWebdavLockPluginOptions $options
public function __construct( ezcWebdavLockPluginOptions $options )
$this->options = $options;
* Clones headers in $from to headers in $to.
* Clones all headers with names given in $heades from the request $from to
* the request in $to. In case $defaultHeaders is set to true, the headers
* mentioned in {@link $defaultCloneHeaders} are cloned in addition.
* Note, that this method does not call {@link
* ezcWebdavRequest::validateHeaders()}, since headers in $to might still
* be incomplete. You need to call this method manually, before sending $to
* to the backend or accessing its headers for reading.
* @param ezcWebdavRequest $from
* @param ezcWebdavRequest $to
* @param array $headers
* @param bool $defaultHeaders
public static function cloneRequestHeaders(
ezcWebdavRequest $from,
ezcWebdavRequest $to,
$headers = array(),
$defaultHeaders = true
if ( $defaultHeaders )
$headers = array_merge( self::$defaultCloneHeaders, $headers );
$headers = array_unique( $headers );
foreach( $headers as $headerName )
$to->setHeader( $headerName, $from->getHeader( $headerName ) );
* Checks the given $request for If header and general lock violations.
* This method performs a PROPFIND request on the backend and retrieves the
* properties <lockdiscovery>, <getetag> and <lockinfo> for all affected
* resources. It then checks for the following violations:
* <ul>
* <li>Authorization</li>
* <li>Restrictions to etags and lock tokens provided by the If header</li>
* <li>General violations of other users locks</li>
* </ul>
* Since the utilized information from the PROPFIND request must be used in
* other places around this class, the method may receive a $generator
* object. This object will be notified of every processed resource and
* receives the properties listed above. You should use this mechanism to
* avoid duplicate requesting of these properties and store the information
* you desire in the background. In case the checkViolations() method
* returns null, all checks passed and you can savely execute the desired
* requests. If $returnOnViolation is set, violations are not collected
* until all resources are checked, but the method returns as soon as the
* first violation occurs.
* @param ezcWebdavLockCheckInfo $checkInfo
* @param bool $returnOnViolation
* @return ezcWebdavMultistatusResponse|ezcWebdavErrorResponse|null
public function checkViolations( ezcWebdavLockCheckInfo $checkInfo, $returnOnViolation = false )
$srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance();
$propFind = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $checkInfo->path );
$propFind->prop = new ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage();
$propFind->prop->attach( new ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty() );
$propFind->prop->attach( new ezcWebdavGetEtagProperty() );
( $checkInfo->depth !== null ? $checkInfo->depth : ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_ONE )
$propFind->setHeader( 'Authorization', $checkInfo->authHeader );
$propFindMultistatusRes = $srv->backend->performRequest( $propFind );
if ( !( $propFindMultistatusRes instanceof ezcWebdavMultistatusResponse ) )
// Bubble up error from backend
return $propFindMultistatusRes;
foreach ( $propFindMultistatusRes->responses as $propFindRes )
if ( ( $res = $this->checkEtagsAndLocks( $propFindRes, $checkInfo ) ) !== null )
return $res;
// Notify request generator on affected ressource
if ( $checkInfo->requestGenerator !== null )
$checkInfo->requestGenerator->notify( $propFindRes );
return null;
* Returns a lock token for the resource affected by $request.
* Generates a lock token that obeys to the opaquelocktoken scheme, using a
* UUID v3.
* @param ezcWebdavLockRequest $request
* @return string
* @todo Should we use sha1 instead of md5?
public function generateLockToken( ezcWebdavLockRequest $request )
$rawToken = md5(
$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $request->requestUri . microtime( true )
// @TODO: Needs version number in UUID v3/5!
return sprintf(
substr( $rawToken, 0, 8 ),
substr( $rawToken, 8, 4 ),
substr( $rawToken, 12, 4 ),
substr( $rawToken, 16, 4 ),
substr( $rawToken, 20 )
* Returns a new active lock element according to the given data.
* Creates a new instance of {@link
* ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock} that can be used with an
* {@link ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty}. Most information for this
* property content is fetched from the given $request. The $lockToken for
* the acquired lock must be provided in addition. Information used is:
* @param ezcWebdavLockRequest $request
* @param string $lockToken
* @return ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock
public function generateActiveLock( ezcWebdavLockRequest $request, $lockToken )
return new ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock(
$request->getHeader( 'Depth' ),
( $timeouts = $request->getHeader( 'Timeout' ) ) === null ? array() : $timeouts
// Generated lock tokens conform to the opaquelocktoken URI scheme
new ezcWebdavPotentialUriContent( $lockToken, true ),
new ezcWebdavDateTime()
* Returns an appropriate timeout value for the given LOCK request.
* Checks each of the Timeout header values of the $request and chooses the
* smallest timeout among these and the {@link ezcWebdavLockPluginOptions}
* $timeout property. The timeout returned corresponds to number of seconds
* of inactivity, before a lock is released.
* @param array(int) $timeoutValues
* @return int
public function getTimeoutValue( array $timeoutValues )
// Default
$timeout = $this->options->lockTimeout;
foreach ( $timeoutValues as $desiredTimeout )
if ( $desiredTimeout < $timeout )
$timeout = $desiredTimeout;
return $timeout;
* Returns if the given $response resulted from a lock problem.
* If the given $response is null, no error happened at all (returns
* false). Otherwise the first response in the multi status is checked for
* lock violation errors.
* @param ezcWebdavMultistatusResponse $response
* @return bool
public function isLockError( ezcWebdavMultistatusResponse $response = null )
if ( $response === null )
return false;
$status = $response->responses[0]->status;
return (
$status === ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_405
|| $status === ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_409
|| $status === ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_423
|| $status === ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_424
* Checks if etag and locks on a resource violate the If header.
* @param ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $propFindRes
* @param ezcWebdavLockCheckInfo $checkInfo
* @return null|ezcWebdavErrorResponse
protected function checkEtagsAndLocks( ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $propFindRes, ezcWebdavLockCheckInfo $checkInfo )
// @TODO: This only works for exclusive locks
$path = $propFindRes->node->path;
$data = $this->extractCheckProperties( $propFindRes );
catch ( ezcWebdavLockAccessDeniedException $e )
return $this->createLockViolation(
new ezcWebdavErrorResponse(
// No If header to check against
if ( $checkInfo->ifHeader === null )
if ( count( $data['lockdiscovery']->activeLock ) === 0
|| ( $checkInfo->allowSharedLocks && $this->isSharedLock( $data['lockdiscovery'] ) )
// No lock, no condition, no checks. ;)
// Shared lock in shared lock is allowed.
return null;
return $this->createLockViolation(
new ezcWebdavErrorResponse(
$activeLockTokens = $this->extractActiveTokens(
$activeEtag = ( $data['getetag'] !== null ? $data['getetag']->etag : '' );
// Check if any of the active locks belongs to the user.
if ( count( $data['lockdiscovery']->activeLock ) > 0 && count( $activeLockTokens ) === 0 )
return $this->createLockViolation(
new ezcWebdavErrorResponse(
// Perform If header validation, must be matched no matter if locked.
$ifItems = $checkInfo->ifHeader[$path];
if ( $ifItems !== array() )
$conditionVerified = false;
// If header has conditions for the resource verify at least 1
// condition set.
foreach ( $ifItems as $ifItem )
if ( $this->checkLock( $ifItem, $activeLockTokens )
&& $this->checkEtag( $ifItem, $activeEtag ) )
$conditionVerified = true;
if ( !$conditionVerified )
return $this->createLockViolation(
new ezcWebdavErrorResponse(
if ( count( $data['lockdiscovery']->activeLock ) === 0 )
// Not locked, no more checks
return null;
// Verify that at least 1 active lock token was submitted in the If
// header
$intersect = array_intersect(
if ( count( $intersect ) !== 0 )
// Condition successfully verified
return null;
// If header not verified
return $this->createLockViolation(
new ezcWebdavErrorResponse(
* Checks if a lock is a shared lock or exclusive.
* Checks the first active lock in the given $lockDiscovery property, if it
* is a shared lock. Returns true, for shared locks, false for exclusive
* ones.
* @param ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty $lockDiscovery
* @return bool
protected function isSharedLock( ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty $lockDiscovery )
return ( $lockDiscovery->activeLock[0]->lockScope === ezcWebdavLockRequest::SCOPE_SHARED );
* Extracts active lock tokens from a lockdiscovery property.
* Returns an array of string lock tokens, that are active on the affected
* resource and owned by the currently active user.
* @param ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty $lockDiscovery
* @param ezcWebdavAuth $authHeader
* @return array(string)
protected function extractActiveTokens(
ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty $lockDiscovery = null,
ezcWebdavAuth $authHeader
$auth = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->auth;
$activeLockTokens = array();
foreach ( $lockDiscovery->activeLock as $activeLock )
$token = (string) $activeLock->token;
if ( $auth->ownsLock( $authHeader->username, $token ) )
$activeLockTokens[] = $token;
return $activeLockTokens;
* Returns if the $ifItem validates agains $lockDiscovery.
* Checks if the the conditions defined in the given $ifItem comply to any
* of the $activeLockTokens.
* @param ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderListItem $ifItem
* @param array $activeLockTokens
* @return bool
protected function checkLock( ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderListItem $ifItem, array $activeLockTokens )
foreach ( $ifItem->lockTokens as $lockToken )
if ( !( $lockToken->negated ^ in_array( (string) $lockToken, $activeLockTokens ) ) )
return false;
return true;
* Returns in the given $ifItem validates against the $getEtag.
* Checks if the the conditions defined in the given $ifItem comply to the
* $activeEtag.
* @param ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderListItem $ifItem
* @param string $activeEtag
* @return bool
protected function checkEtag( ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderListItem $ifItem, $activeEtag )
foreach ( $ifItem->eTags as $etag )
if ( !( $etag->negated ^ $activeEtag === (string) $etag ) )
return false;
return true;
* Extracts the properties for the If header check from the $propFindRes.
* @param ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $propFindRes
* @return array(string)
protected function extractCheckProperties( ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $propFindRes )
$data = array(
'getetag' => null,
'lockdiscovery' => null,
foreach ( $propFindRes->responses as $propStatRes )
switch ( $propStatRes->status )
case ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_200:
$data['getetag'] = $propStatRes->storage->get(
// Ensure that lockdiscovery is there
$data['lockdiscovery'] = ( $propStatRes->storage->contains( 'lockdiscovery' )
? $propStatRes->storage->get( 'lockdiscovery' )
: new ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty()
case ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_403:
// Access denied
throw new ezcWebdavLockAccessDeniedException(
return $data;
* Attaches the given data to the $error.
* @param ezcWebdavErrorResponse $error
* @param ezcWebdavResource|ezcWebdavCollection $node
* @param ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty $lockDiscovery
* @return ezcWebdavErrorResponse
protected function createLockViolation(
ezcWebdavErrorResponse $error,
ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty $lockDiscovery = null
return $error;