blob: ac706d113251c823b0d1c3091f721f3b0752e6ce [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcWebdavPluginRegistry class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Webdav
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Global plugin registry class.
* An instance of this class is request wide uniquely responsible for handling
* plugins to the Webdav component. It has a number of different hooks
* available of the server and transport layer of the component to allow
* plugins to interact and integrate with these layers to add extended
* funtionality.
* A good overview of the working of the plugin system can be found in its
* design document {@link Webdav/design/extensibility.txt}.
* @see ezcWebdavServer
* @see ezcWebdavTransport
* @see ezcWebdavPropertyHandler
* @package Webdav
* @version //autogen//
class ezcWebdavPluginRegistry
* Known hooks.
* <code>
* array(
* '<class>' => array(
* '<method>' => true,
* // ...
* )
* // ...
* )
* </code>
* @var array(string=>array(string=>bool))
private $hooks = array();
* Registered plugins.
* <code>
* array(
* '<namespace>' => '<config-object>',
* // ...
* )
* </code>
* @var array(string=>ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration)
private $plugins = array();
* Assigned hooks.
* <code>
* array(
* '<class name>' => array(
* '<hook name>' => array(
* '<namespace>' => array(
* <callback1>,
* <callback2>,
* // ...
* ),
* // ...
* ),
* // ...
* ),
* // ...
* )
* </code>
* @var array
private $assignedHooks = array();
* Creates a new plugin registry.
* @return void
public function __construct()
// Transport layer hooks
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavTransport', 'beforeParseRequest' );
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavTransport', 'afterProcessResponse' );
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavTransport', 'parseUnknownRequest' );
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavTransport', 'processUnknownResponse' );
// Property related hooks
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'extractDeadProperty' );
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'serializeDeadProperty' );
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'extractUnknownLiveProperty' );
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'serializeUnknownLiveProperty' );
// Server layer hooks
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavServer', 'receivedRequest' );
$this->createHook( 'ezcWebdavServer', 'generatedResponse' );
* Creates a new hook.
* Helper method. Used in {@link __construct()} to create a hook. The
* $class identifies the base class the hook is provided by, $method
* specificies the name of the affected method of this class or a "pseudo
* method name", if no such is available.
* @param string $class
* @param string $hook
* @return void
private function createHook( $class, $hook )
$this->hooks[$class][$hook] = true;
* Registers a new plugin to be used.
* Receives an instance of {@link ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration}, which is
* possible extended for internal use in the plugin. The 'namespace'
* property of this class is used to register it internally. Multiple
* registrations of the same namespace will lead to an exception.
* @param ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration $config
* @return void
* @throws ezcWebdavPluginDoubleRegistrationException
* if the namespace of a plugin is registered twice.
public final function registerPlugin( ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration $config )
if ( !is_string( ( $namespace = $config->getNamespace() ) ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'namespace', $namespace, 'string' );
if ( isset( $this->plugins[$namespace] ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'namespace', $namespace, 'already registered' );
if ( !is_array( ( $hooks = $config->getHooks() ) ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'hooks', $hooks, 'array' );
// Validate hooks
foreach ( $hooks as $class => $hookInfos )
if ( !isset( $this->hooks[$class] ) )
throw new ezcWebdavInvalidHookException( $class );
foreach ( $hookInfos as $hook => $callbacks )
if ( !isset( $this->hooks[$class][$hook] ) )
throw new ezcWebdavInvalidHookException( $class, $hook );
foreach( $callbacks as $callback )
if ( !is_callable( $callback ) )
throw new ezcWebdavInvalidCallbackException( $callback );
// Register namespace
$this->plugins[$namespace] = $config;
// Register Hooks
foreach ( $hooks as $class => $hookInfos )
foreach ( $hookInfos as $hook => $callbacks )
$this->assignedHooks[$class][$hook][$namespace] = $callbacks;
* Can be used to deactivate a plugin.
* Receives an instance of {@link ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration}, which is
* possible extended for internal use in the plugin. The 'namespace'
* property of this class is used to unregister it internally.
* Unregistration of a notregistered $config object will be silently
* ignored.
* @param ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration $config
* @return void
public final function unregisterPlugin( ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration $config )
if ( !is_string( ( $namespace = $config->getNamespace() ) ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'namespace', $namespace, 'string' );
if ( !isset( $this->plugins[$namespace] ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'namespace', $namespace, 'registered' );
// Unregister namespace
unset( $this->plugins[$namespace] );
// Unregister hooks
foreach ( $this->assignedHooks as $class => $hookInfos )
foreach ( $hookInfos as $hook => $pluginInfos )
if ( isset( $pluginInfos[$namespace] ) )
unset( $this->assignedHooks[$class][$hook][$namespace] );
* Returns a plugins configuration object.
* Returns the instance of {@link ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration} used for
* the plugin with a given $namespace. Throws an exception, if the plugin
* was not found.
* @param string $namespace
* @return ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration
public final function getPluginConfig( $namespace )
if ( !isset( $this->plugins[$namespace] ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'namespace', $namespace, 'registered' );
return $this->plugins[$namespace];
* Returns if a plugin is active in the server.
* Checks if a configuration with the given $namespace exists and returns
* this information as a boolean value.
* @param string $namespace
* @return bool
public final function hasPlugin( $namespace )
return isset( $this->plugins[$namespace] );
* Announces the given hook.
* This class may only be used by {@link ezcWebdavServer} and {@link
* ezcWebdavTransport} to announce the reaching of a hook. Therefore, this
* method is marked private. Receives the name of the class issuing the
* $hook and the $params that may be used for information extraction and
* _careful_ possible manipulation.
* This method is declared private, because the announcement of hooks is
* only allowed by component internal classes.
* @param string $class
* @param string $hook
* @param ezcWebdavPluginParameters $params
* @return void
* @throws ezcWebdavPluginFailureException
* in case a plugin threw an exception. The original one can be
* accessed for processing through the public $originalException
* attribute.
* @access private
public final function announceHook( $class, $hook, ezcWebdavPluginParameters $params )
// Sanity check
if ( !isset( $this->hooks[$class][$hook] ) )
throw new RuntimeException(
"Internal error in Webdav component. Announced non-existent hook: {$class}->{$hook}."
if ( !isset( $this->assignedHooks[$class][$hook] ) )
// No plugins assigned
foreach ( $this->assignedHooks[$class][$hook] as $namespace => $callbacks )
foreach ( $callbacks as $callback )
$res = call_user_func( $callback, $params );
// If the plugin produced a result, we terminate and return the result
if ( $res !== null )
return $res;
* Initializes all registered plugins.
* This method calls the {@link ezcWebdavPluginConfiguration::init()}
* method for each registered plugin. The method is marked as private,
* because it is not intended for external use, but may only be called from
* {@link ezcWebdavServer}.
* @return void
* @access private
public final function initPlugins()
foreach ( $this->plugins as $namespace => $config )