blob: 33e78f811e6e4a94738b303e27b718722005d643 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDebugXdebugStacktraceIterator class.
* @package Debug
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* Iterator class to wrap around debug_backtrace() stack traces.
* This iterator class receives a stack trace generated by debug_backtrace()
* and unifies it as described in the {@link ezcDebugStacktraceIterator}
* interface.
* @package Debug
* @version //autogen//
class ezcDebugXdebugStacktraceIterator extends ezcDebugStacktraceIterator
* Prepares the stack trace for being stored in the iterator instance.
* This method reverses the received $stackTrace, which was created by the
* Xdebug ({@link}) debugging extension for PHP, to unify
* the stacktrace with the one created by {@link
* ezcDebugPhpStacktraceIterator}. Number $removeElements are removed from
* the top of the $stackTrace.
* @param array $stackTrace
* @param int $removeElements
* @return array The stack trace to store.
protected function prepare( $stackTrace, $removeElements )
return parent::prepare(
array_reverse( $stackTrace ),
* Unifies a stack element for being returned to the formatter.
* This method ensures that an element of the stack trace conforms to the
* format expected by a {@link ezcDebugOutputFormatter}. The format is
* defined as follows:
* <code>
* array(
* 'file' => '<fullpathtofile>',
* 'line' => <lineno>,
* 'function' => '<functionname>',
* 'class' => '<classname>',
* 'params' => array(
* <param_no> => '<paramvalueinfo>',
* <param_no> => '<paramvalueinfo>',
* <param_no> => '<paramvalueinfo>',
* ...
* )
* )
* </code>
* @param mixed $stackElement
* @return array As described above.
protected function unifyStackElement( $stackElement )
$newParams = array();
foreach ( $stackElement['params'] as $param )
$newParams[] = $param;
$stackElement['params'] = $newParams;
return $stackElement;