blob: bc98129b35937160beefe3cf63b0b31222a72af6 [file] [log] [blame]
1.2.2 - Monday 04 August 2008
- Fixed issue #13235: ezcUrlTools::getCurrentUrl() no longer duplicates port
1.2.1 - Monday 05 May 2008
- Fixed issue #12825: No longer throw a notice when an unordered parameter
name is empty.
1.2 - Monday 17 December 2007
- No changes
1.2beta1 - Wednesday 28 November 2007
- No changes.
1.2alpha2 - Monday 12 November 2007
- Fixed issue #11477: Fixed errors in documentation.
1.2alpha1 - Tuesday 18 September 2007
- Implemented feature request #10896: Allow aggregation of unordered parameter
values if the parameter names appear more than once.
- Implemented feature request #10897: Added the getParams() method in ezcUrl
which fetches the unordered parameters as a flat array, useful for working
with URLs without delimiters for parameter names.
- Implemented feature request #11000: Added ability to include script name
when building an URL through a buildUrl() parameter.
- Implemented feature request #11296: added the function getCurrentUrl() to
ezcUrlTools to build the current URL from the $_SERVER array or another
array source.
- Fixed issue #11277: The dots in the query string parameter names are not
converted to underscores.
1.1 - Monday 02 July 2007
- Documentation updates and fixes.
1.1rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007
- Fixed issue #11012: basedir can be now specified as an absolute path also.
- Documentation updates and fixes.
1.1beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007
- Implemented feature request #10109: Added support for delayed initialization
for ezcUrlConfiguration.
- Implemented feature request #10444: Added removeOrderedParameter() and
removeUnorderedParameter() methods to ezcUrlConfiguration. Also exposed the
url configuration as a property of ezcUrl objects.
1.0 - Monday 18 December 2006
- Removed the defaultConfiguration() method from ezcUrlConfiguration.
- Added missing docblocks.
1.0beta2 - Monday 20 November 2006
- Implemented feature #9240: Added ezcUrlCreator class to allow
working with predefined locations (eg. images, design);
1.0beta1 - Tuesday 24 October 2006
- Initial release of this package.