blob: d39223fb5e3b1b2b40bbd4d6319630c09a2ece88 [file] [log] [blame]
Review Frederik 7. dec 2005
[done] ezcConfiguration::__construct - it's not really obvious what the format of $settings and $comments is.
[done] ezcConfiguration::groupSettingCheck - rename to assertGroupSetting?
[done] ezcConfiguration::groupNames - has no implementation
[done] ezcConfigurationWriter::setOptions - what options are available?
[bogus] ezcConfigurationFileWriter - shouldn't getSuffix be declared as an abstract method here?
[bogus] ezcConfigurationManager - fetchConfig, fetchSetting and the other setting methods. Something doesn't feel right about the names here.
[done] ezcConfigurationIniWriter - The doc for writeSettings is a bit confusing. It says $settings but talks about groups. Could you clarify this?