blob: 23368233e8ee957e164d0896297ef921d3fdb403 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogen//
* @filesource
* @package Reflection
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcReflectionTypeFactoryTest extends ezcTestCase
* @var ezcReflectionTypeFactoryImpl
protected $factory;
public function setUp() {
$this->factory = new ezcReflectionTypeFactoryImpl();
public function tearDown() {
unset( $this->factory );
* Test with primitive types
public function testGetTypePrimitive() {
$ezcReflectionPrimitiveTypes = array('integer', 'int', 'INT', 'float', 'double',
'string', 'bool', 'boolean', 'void', 'object');
foreach ($ezcReflectionPrimitiveTypes as $prim) {
$type = $this->factory->getType($prim);
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionType', $type);
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionPrimitiveType', $type);
* Test with object types
* @expectedException ReflectionException
public function testGetTypeObject() {
$classes = array('ReflectionClass', 'ezcTestClass');
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$type = $this->factory->getType($class);
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionType', $type);
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionObjectType', $type);
self::assertInstanceOf( 'ReflectionClass', $type->getClass() );
$type = $this->factory->getType('NoneExistingClass');
self::assertInstanceOf( 'ReflectionClass', $type->getClass() );
public function testGetTypeReturnsNullOnEmptyArgument()
self::assertNull( $this->factory->getType( null ) );
public function testGetTypeReturnsObjectOnReflectionClass()
$class = new ReflectionClass( 'stdClass' );
$type = $this->factory->getType( $class );
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionType', $type);
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionObjectType', $type);
$actualClass = $type->getClass();
self::assertInstanceOf( 'ReflectionClass', $actualClass );
self::assertSame( $class, $actualClass );
public function getArrayTypeNames() {
$typeNames = array(
array( 'array', 'mixed', 'mixed', 'array(mixed=>mixed)'),
array( 'string[]', 'integer', 'string' ),
array( 'array(integer=>string)', 'integer', 'string' ),
array( 'array(string=>ReflectionClass)', 'string', 'ReflectionClass' ),
array( 'array(ReflectionClass=>float)', 'ReflectionClass', 'float' ),
array( 'array(integer=>string[])', 'integer', 'string[]' ),
array( 'array(integer=>array(integer=>string))', 'integer', 'array(integer=>string)' ),
array( 'array(float=>array(integer[]=>boolean))', 'float', 'array(integer[]=>boolean)' ),
array( 'array(float=>array(integer[]=>boolean))', 'float', 'array(integer[]=>boolean)' ),
array( 'array(double=>array(int[]=>bool))', 'float', 'array(integer[]=>boolean)', 'array(float=>array(integer[]=>boolean))' ),
// TODO Support maps as keys of map in ezcReflectionArrayType
//array( 'array(array(integer[]=>boolean)=>float)', 'array(integer[]=>boolean)', 'float' ),
$result = $typeNames;
// generate type names with white space at the beginning and end
foreach ( $typeNames as $typeName ) {
$typeNameWithWhiteSpace = $typeName;
$typeNameWithWhiteSpace[0] = ' ' .$typeName[0] . "\t";
if ( !isset( $typeName[3] ) )
$typeNameWithWhiteSpace[3] = $typeName[0];
$result[] = $typeNameWithWhiteSpace;
return $result;
* Test with array types
* @dataProvider getArrayTypeNames
public function testGetTypeArray( $arrayTypeName, $indexTypeName, $valueTypeName, $canonicalName = null )
if ($canonicalName == null)
$canonicalName = $arrayTypeName;
$type = $this->factory->getType($arrayTypeName);
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionType', $type);
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionArrayType', $type);
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionType', $type->getKeyType());
self::assertInstanceOf('ezcReflectionType', $type->getValueType());
self::assertEquals($canonicalName, $type->getTypeName());
self::assertEquals($indexTypeName, $type->getKeyType()->getTypeName());
self::assertEquals($valueTypeName, $type->getValueType()->getTypeName());
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcReflectionTypeFactoryTest" );