blob: 376f3a8a69277e841f75665f9426c1e909cf745d [file] [log] [blame]
eZ Components - WorkflowSignalSlotTiein
.. contents:: Table of Contents
The WorkflowSignalSlotTiein component allows you to hook into the workflow
execution into using the SignalSlot component.
Class overview
Emits signals for the workflow engine's plugin hooks.
Connect all signals to the slots provided by an object
This example shows how to connect all signals to the slots provided by an
.. include:: tutorial_example.php
This is a dummy implementation of the MyReceiver class.
.. include:: tutorial_receiver.php
Slots that receive an ezcWorkflowSignalSlotReturnValue object are special in the
way that they can control if and how the current execution step will be
performed. For more information on this advice mechanism please refer to the
documentation of the workflow engine plugin system.
For more information on using the `SignalSlot`_ component please refer to its
.. _SignalSlot: introduction_SignalSlot.html
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