blob: bffa7880d298962ee6c3ecfa92575b4c0d65ac35 [file] [log] [blame]
Review Alexandru 05-11-2008
[x] ezcWebdavMemoryBackend, ezcWebdavSimpleBackend and maybe other classes have
the extends and implements on many lines - I thought it was already discussed
on IRC to have everything on one line. (from previous review.txt)
# TS: Did not notice that. Please clearify and add it to the guidelines so we
# can make it consistent.
AS: it is not in the guidelines yet. But one side-effect of putting the parent
classes on multiple lines is that they are not displayed in the Class Tree
[x] ChangeLog: [RELEASEDATE] not converted to real date on 1.1alpha1 release.
[x] In some files the @copyright and @license tags appear 2 times.
[x] In /src/backends/file.php the $depth constants are not used in
copyRecursive() (-1 and 0 appear)
[x] Some files have different class name in header ("File containing the XXX class).
[x] "return null;" is commented-out in some files.
- Some typos in the code and comments:
[x] /src/server.php
Nounce -> Nonce