blob: 45b8e48e6242a2972f2ad904503124c4cfcd2b10 [file] [log] [blame]
- Cast to bool is not necessary in Mail/src/options/composer_options.php +75.
# Done.
SMTP Auth methods
- Why is there only a failure case tested? I don't see (at a first glance)
that the sorting is really tested at all. If I'm wrong with that: Please add
a comment to the test. Thanks!
# I added a comment to the test.
- 1 failure with 5.2.6 on ezctest: ::
1) testValidateEmailAddressIncorrect(ezcMailToolsTest)
Failed asserting that ยต is incorrect.
Failed asserting that <boolean:true> matches expected value <boolean:false>.
- Some failures and nasty output on my local maschine (maybe these tests can be
conditionally skipped?): ::
# I don't know anything about this behaviour in MTA. What system do you have on
your PC? Do you have sendmail? The MTA transport uses the mail() function which
is not easy to control and which can output text to the console. Not much to do
here unless somebody knows something. (Note: is functional?
I cannot connect to it with telnet)
# About the ezcMailToolsTest failure: there was a bug in the getmxrr() PHP
function and I think the failure is caused by that. But we could not find which
bug was it and in which version it was fixed. With what version of PHP did you test?
ezcUnitTest uses the PHPUnit @package_version@ framework from Sebastian Bergmann.
[Preparing tests]:
eZ Components:
ezcMailTest: ........................
ezcMailMultipartDigestTest: ...
ezcMailToolsTest: ................F..........
ezcMailTransportMtaTest: SSL_connect: Success
sendmail: Cannot open
FSSL_connect: Success
sendmail: Cannot open
F..SSL_connect: Success
sendmail: Cannot open
FSSL_connect: Success
sendmail: Cannot open
ezcMailTransportSmtpTest: ..................................
There was 1 error:
1) testEncodedHeaders(ezcMailTransportMtaTest)
ezcMailTransportException: An error occured while sending or receiving mail. The email could not be sent by sendmail
There were 4 failures:
1) testValidateEmailAddressCorrectMX(ezcMailToolsTest)
Failed asserting that is correct with MX.
Failed asserting that <boolean:false> matches expected value <boolean:true>.
2) testFullMail(ezcMailTransportMtaTest)
An error occured while sending or receiving mail. The email could not be sent by sendmail
3) testFullMailMultiple(ezcMailTransportMtaTest)
An error occured while sending or receiving mail. The email could not be sent by sendmail
4) testFullMailReturnPath(ezcMailTransportMtaTest)
An error occured while sending or receiving mail. The email could not be sent by sendmail
Tests: 602, Failures: 4, Errors: 1, Skipped: 9.