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"title": "Introduction",
"text": "%md\n\n[Shiny]( is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web applications (apps) straight from R. For developing one Shiny App in Zeppelin, you need to at least 3 paragraphs (server paragraph, ui paragraph and run type paragraph). User are not only able to build shiny app in R interpreter, but also in SparkR interpreter where you can use Spark.",
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"dateUpdated": "2020-02-06 17:26:32.533",
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"title": "Shiny Server",
"text": "%spark.shiny(type\u003dserver)\n\n# Define server logic to summarize and view selected dataset ----\nserver \u003c- function(input, output) {\n\n # Return the requested dataset ----\n datasetInput \u003c- reactive({\n switch(input$dataset,\n \"rock\" \u003d as.DataFrame(rock),\n \"pressure\" \u003d as.DataFrame(pressure),\n \"cars\" \u003d as.DataFrame(cars))\n })\n\n # Generate a summary of the dataset ----\n output$summary \u003c- renderPrint({\n dataset \u003c- datasetInput()\n showDF(summary(dataset))\n })\n\n # Show the first \"n\" observations ----\n output$view \u003c- renderTable({\n head(datasetInput(), n \u003d input$obs)\n })\n\n}\n",
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"dateUpdated": "2021-07-31 12:37:18.062",
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"title": "Shiny UI",
"text": "%spark.shiny(type\u003dui)\n\n# Define UI for dataset viewer app ----\nui \u003c- fluidPage(\n\n # App title ----\n titlePanel(paste(\"Spark Version\", sparkR.version(), sep\u003d\":\")),\n\n # Sidebar layout with a input and output definitions ----\n sidebarLayout(\n\n # Sidebar panel for inputs ----\n sidebarPanel(\n\n # Input: Selector for choosing dataset ----\n selectInput(inputId \u003d \"dataset\",\n label \u003d \"Choose a dataset:\",\n choices \u003d c(\"rock\", \"pressure\", \"cars\")),\n\n # Input: Numeric entry for number of obs to view ----\n numericInput(inputId \u003d \"obs\",\n label \u003d \"Number of observations to view:\",\n value \u003d 10)\n ),\n\n # Main panel for displaying outputs ----\n mainPanel(\n \n # Output: Verbatim text for data summary ----\n verbatimTextOutput(\"summary\"),\n \n # Output: HTML table with requested number of observations ----\n tableOutput(\"view\")\n \n )\n )\n)",
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