blob: d5f38298e89a87221ef50f9a71a87ca443ab0d39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Code generated by make build. DO NOT EDIT
package api
import ""
type SchedulerAPI interface {
// Register a new RM, if it is a reconnect from previous RM, cleanup
// all in-memory data and resync with RM.
RegisterResourceManager(request *si.RegisterResourceManagerRequest, callback ResourceManagerCallback) (*si.RegisterResourceManagerResponse, error)
// Update allocation request
UpdateAllocation(request *si.AllocationRequest) error
// Update application request
UpdateApplication(request *si.ApplicationRequest) error
// Update node info
UpdateNode(request *si.NodeRequest) error
// Notify scheduler to reload configuration and hot-refresh in-memory state based on configuration changes
UpdateConfiguration(clusterID string) error
// RM side needs to implement this API
type ResourceManagerCallback interface {
//Receive Allocation Update Response
UpdateAllocation(response *si.AllocationResponse) error
//Receive Application Update Response
UpdateApplication(response *si.ApplicationResponse) error
//Receive Node Update Response
UpdateNode(response *si.NodeResponse) error
// Run a certain set of predicate functions to determine if a proposed allocation
// can be allocated onto a node.
Predicates(args *si.PredicatesArgs) error
// RM side implements this API when it can provide plugin for reconciling
// Re-sync scheduler cache can sync some in-cache (yunikorn-core side) state changes
// to scheduler cache (shim-side), such as assumed allocations.
ReSyncSchedulerCache(args *si.ReSyncSchedulerCacheArgs) error
// This plugin is responsible for transmitting events to the shim side.
// Events can be further exposed from the shim.
SendEvent(events []*si.EventRecord)
// Scheduler core can update container scheduling state to the RM,
// the shim side can determine what to do incorporate with the scheduling state
// update container scheduling state to the shim side
// this might be called even the container scheduling state is unchanged
// the shim side cannot assume to only receive updates on state changes
// the shim side implementation must be thread safe
UpdateContainerSchedulingState(request *si.UpdateContainerSchedulingStateRequest)
// Update configuration
UpdateConfiguration(args *si.UpdateConfigurationRequest) *si.UpdateConfigurationResponse