blob: 729a22d41aed7a11c06ae2e0be13ba2e3ae05988 [file] [log] [blame]
// **** DO NOT EDIT
// **** This code is generated by the buikd process.
// **** DO NOT EDIT
syntax = "proto3";
package si.v1;
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
option go_package = "si";
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
// Indicates that a field MAY contain information that is sensitive
// and MUST be treated as such (e.g. not logged).
bool si_secret = 1059;
service Scheduler {
// Register a RM, if it is a reconnect from previous RM the call will
// trigger a cleanup of all in-memory data and resync with RM.
rpc RegisterResourceManager (RegisterResourceManagerRequest)
returns (RegisterResourceManagerResponse) { }
// Update Scheduler status (this includes node status update, allocation request
// updates, etc. And receive updates from scheduler for allocation changes,
// any required status changes, etc.
rpc Update (stream UpdateRequest)
returns (stream UpdateResponse) { }
service AdminService {
// Include
// addQueueInfo.
// removeQueueInfo.
// updateQueueInfo.
// Ref: org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.dao.SchedConfUpdateInfo
rpc UpdateConfig (UpdateConfigRequest)
returns (UpdateConfigResponse) {}
service MetricsService {
message RegisterResourceManagerRequest {
// An ID which can uniquely identify a RM **cluster**. (For example, if a RM cluster has multiple manager instances for HA purpose, they should use the same information when do registration).
// If RM register with the same id, all previous scheduling state in memory will be cleaned up, and expect RM report full scheduling state after registration.
string rmId = 1;
// Version of RM scheduler interface client.
string version = 2;
// Policy group name:
// This defines which policy to use. Policy should be statically configured. (Think about network security group concept of ec2).
// Different RMs can refer to the same policyGroup if their static configuration is identical.
string policyGroup = 3;
// Upon success, scheduler returns RegisterResourceManagerResponse to RM, otherwise RM receives exception.
message RegisterResourceManagerResponse {
// Intentionally empty.
message UpdateRequest {
// New allocation requests or replace existing allocation request (if allocation-id is same)
repeated AllocationAsk asks = 1;
// Allocations can be released.
AllocationReleasesRequest releases = 2;
// New node can be scheduled. If a node is notified to be "unscheduable", it needs to be part of this field as well.
repeated NewNodeInfo newSchedulableNodes = 3;
// Update nodes for existing schedulable nodes.
// May include:
// - Node resource changes. (Like grows/shrinks node resource)
// - Node attribute changes. (Including node-partition concept like YARN, and concept like "local images".
// Should not include:
// - Allocation-related changes with the node.
// - Realtime Utilizations.
repeated UpdateNodeInfo updatedNodes = 4;
// UtilizationReports for allocation and nodes.
repeated UtilizationReport utilizationReports = 5;
// Id of RM, this will be used to identify which RM of the request comes from.
string rmId = 6;
// RM should explicitly add application when allocation request also explictly belongs to application.
// This is optional if allocation request doesn't belong to a application. (Independent allocation)
repeated AddApplicationRequest newApplications = 8;
// RM can also remove applications, all allocation/allocation requests associated with the application will be removed
repeated RemoveApplicationRequest removeApplications = 9;
message UpdateResponse {
// Scheduler can send action to RM.
enum ActionFromScheduler {
// Nothing needs to do
// Something is wrong, RM needs to stop the RM, and re-register with scheduler.
// What RM needs to do, scheduler can send control code to RM when something goes wrong.
// Don't use/expand this field for other general purposed actions. (Like kill a remote container process).
ActionFromScheduler action = 1;
// New allocations
repeated Allocation newAllocations = 2;
// Released allocations, this could be either ack from scheduler when RM asks to terminate some allocations. Or
// it could be decision made by scheduler (such as preemption).
repeated AllocationReleaseResponse releasedAllocations = 3;
// Rejected allocation requests
repeated RejectedAllocationAsk rejectedAllocations = 4;
// Suggested node update.
// This could include:
// 1) Schedulable resources on each node. This can be used when we want to run
// two resource management systems side-by-side. For example, YARN/K8s running side by side.
// and update YARN NodeManager / Kubelet resource dynamically.
// 2) Other recommendations.
repeated NodeRecommendation nodeRecommendations = 5;
// Rejected Applications
repeated RejectedApplication rejectedApplications = 6;
// Accepted Applications
repeated AcceptedApplication acceptedApplications = 7;
// Rejected Node Registrations
repeated RejectedNode rejectedNodes = 8;
// Accepted Node Registrations
repeated AcceptedNode acceptedNodes = 9;
message RejectedApplication {
string applicationId = 1;
string reason = 2;
message AcceptedApplication {
string applicationId = 1;
message RejectedNode {
string nodeId = 1;
string reason = 2;
message AcceptedNode {
string nodeId = 1;
message Priority {
oneof priority {
// Priority of each ask, higher is more important.
// How to deal with Priority is handled by each scheduler implementation.
int32 priorityValue = 1;
// PriorityClass is used for app owners to set named priorities. This is a portable way for
// app owners have a consistent way to setup priority across clusters
string priorityClassName = 2;
// A sparse map of resource to Quantity.
message Resource {
map<string, Quantity> resources = 1;
// Quantity includes a single int64 value
message Quantity {
int64 value = 1;
message AllocationAsk {
// Allocation key is used by both of scheduler and RM to track container allocation.
// It doesn't have to be same as RM's internal allocation id (such as Pod name of K8s or ContainerId of YARN).
// If multiple allocation from a same AllocationAsk returned to RM, they will share the same allocationKey.
// If ALlocationAsk with the same allocationKey exists, old one will be replaced by the new one.
string allocationKey = 1;
// How much resource per allocation?
Resource resourceAsk = 2;
// Tags of Allocation
map<string, string> tags = 3;
// Priority of ask
Priority priority = 4;
// Placement constraint defines how app wanna to be placed in the cluster.
// if not set, no placement constraint will be applied.
PlacementConstraint placementConstraint = 6;
// Maximum number of allocations
int32 maxAllocations = 7;
// Who owns the allocation
UserGroupInformation ugi = 8;
// Place this allocation to specified queue.
// If queue not specified, scheduler will place the allocation to a queue
// according to policy
// When queue is specified and allocation cannot be allocated in asked queue
// AllocationAsk will be rejected.
string queueName = 9;
// Execution timeout: How long this allocation will be terminated (by scheduler)
// once allocated by scheduler, 0 or negative value means never expire.
int64 executionTimeoutMilliSeconds = 10;
// Which application this allocation ask belongs to, if it is not specified. The allocation
// won't belong to any application.
string applicationId = 11;
// Which partition requested by this ask
// One ask can only request one node partition
string PartitionName = 12;
// TODO.
// wangda: even if I don't like it, it seems we have to support old-school style
// YARN resource requests, otherwise it gonna be very hard to support legacy apps
// running on YARN.
// Maybe a simple approach is to add a flag to indicate it is an old-school resource
// request from YARN.
// Check: YARN code: placement.LocalityAppPlacementAllocator for more details.
message UserGroupInformation {
string user = 1;
repeated string groups = 2;
message AddApplicationRequest {
string applicationId = 1;
string queueName = 2;
string partitionName = 3;
message RemoveApplicationRequest {
string applicationId = 1;
string partitionName = 2;
// PlacementConstraint could have simplePlacementConstraint or
// CompositePlacementConstraint. One of them will be set.
message PlacementConstraint {
oneof constraint {
SimplePlacementConstraint simpleConstraint = 1;
// This protocol can extended to support complex constraints
// To make an easier scheduler implementation and avoid confusing user.
// Protocol related to CompositePlacementConstraints will be
// commented and only for your references.
// CompositePlacementConstraint compositeConstraint = 2;
// Simple placement constraint represent constraint for affinity/anti-affinity
// to node attribute or allocation tags.
// When both of NodeAffinityConstraints and AllocationAffinityConstraints
// specified, both will be checked and verified while scheduling.
message SimplePlacementConstraint {
// Constraint
NodeAffinityConstraints nodeAffinityConstraint = 1;
AllocationAffinityConstraints allocationAffinityAttribute = 2;
// Affinity to node, multiple AffinityTargetExpression will be specified,
// They will be connected by AND.
message NodeAffinityConstraints {
repeated AffinityTargetExpression targetExpressions = 2;
// Affinity to allocations (containers).
// Affinity is single-direction, which means if RM wants to do mutual affinity/
// anti-affinity between allocations, same constraints need to be added
// to all allocation asks.
message AllocationAffinityConstraints {
// Scope: scope is key of node attribute, which determines if >1 allocations
// in the same group or not.
// When allocations on node(s) which have same node attribute value
// for given node attribute key == scope. They're in the same group.
// e.g. when user wants to do anti-affinity between allocation on node
// basis, scope can be set to "hostname", max-cardinality = 1;
string scope = 1;
repeated AffinityTargetExpression tragetExpressions = 2;
int32 minCardinality = 3;
int32 maxCardinality = 4;
// Is this a required (hard) or preferred (soft) request.
bool required = 5;
message AffinityTargetExpression {
// Following 4 operators can be specified, by default is "IN".
// When EXIST/NOT_EXISTS specified, scheduler only check if given targetKey
// appears on node attribute or allocation tag.
enum AffinityTargetOperator {
IN = 0;
NOT_IN = 1;
EXIST = 2;
AffinityTargetExpression targetOperator = 1;
string targetKey = 2;
repeated string targetValues = 3;
message AllocationReleasesRequest {
repeated AllocationReleaseRequest allocationsToRelease = 1;
repeated AllocationAskReleaseRequest allocationAsksToRelease = 2;
// Release allocation
message AllocationReleaseRequest {
// optional, when this is set, only release allocation by given uuid.
string uuid = 1;
// when this is set, filter allocations by application id.
// empty value will filter allocations don't belong to application.
// when application id is set and uuid not set, release all allocations under the application id.
string applicationId = 2;
// Which partition to release, required.
string partitionName = 3;
// For human-readable
string message = 4;
// Release allocation
message AllocationAskReleaseRequest {
// optional, when this is set, only release allocation ask by specified
string allocationkey = 1;
// when this is set, filter allocation key by application id.
// empty value will filter allocations don't belong to application.
// when application id is set and allocationKey not set, release all allocations key under the application id.
string applicationId = 2;
// Which partition to release, required.
string partitionName = 3;
// For human-readable
string message = 4;
message NewNodeInfo {
// Id of node, it should be identical if same node daemon restarted.
string nodeId = 1;
// node attributes
map<string, string> attributes = 2;
// Schedulable Resource, scheduler may overcommit resource of node depends on available information
// (such as utilization, priority of each container, etc.)
Resource schedulableResource = 3;
// Allocated resources, this will be added when node registered to RM
// (recovery)
repeated Allocation existingAllocations = 4;
message UpdateNodeInfo {
// Action from RM
enum ActionFromRM {
// Do not allocate new allocations on the node.
// Decomission node, it will immediately stop allocations on the same
// node and move the node from schedulable lists.
// From Draining state to SCHEDULABLE state.
// If node is not in draining state, error will be thrown
// Id of node
string nodeId = 1;
// New attributes of node, which will replace previously reported attribute.
map<string, string> attributes = 2;
// new schedulable resource, scheduler may preempt allocations on the
// node or schedule more allocations accordingly.
Resource schedulableResource = 3;
ActionFromRM action = 4;
message UtilizationReport {
// it could be either node id or allocation uuid.
string id = 1;
// Actual used resource
Resource actualUsedResource = 2;
message Allocation {
// AllocationKey from AllocationAsk
string allocationKey = 1;
// Allocation tags from AllocationAsk
map<string, string> allocationTags = 2;
// uuid of the allocation
string uuid = 3;
// Resource for each allocation
Resource resourcePerAlloc = 5;
// Priority of ask
Priority priority = 6;
// Queue which the allocation belongs to
string queueName = 7;
// Node which the allocation belongs to
string nodeId = 8;
// Id of Application
string applicationId = 9;
// Partition of the allocation
string partition = 10;
message RejectedAllocationAsk {
string allocationKey = 1;
string applicationId = 2;
string reason = 3;
message NodeRecommendation {
Resource recommendedSchedulableResource = 1;
// Any other human-readable message
string message = 2;
// When allocation released, either by RM or preempted by scheduler. It will be sent back to RM.
message AllocationReleaseResponse {
enum TerminationType {
// STOPPED by ResourceManager.
// TIMEOUT (when timeout of allocation set)
// UUID of allocation.
string allocationUUID = 1;
// Why terminated
TerminationType terminationType = 2;
// Message (for human readble)
string message = 3;
message PredicatesArgs {
// allocation key identifies a container, the predicates function is going to check
// if this container is eligible to be placed ont to a node.
string allocationKey = 1;
// the node ID the container is assigned to.
string nodeId = 2;
message ReSyncSchedulerCacheArgs {
// a list of assumed allocations, this will be sync'd to scheduler cache.
repeated AssumedAllocation assumedAllocations = 1;
message AssumedAllocation {
// allocation key used to identify a container.
string allocationKey = 1;
// the node ID the container is assumed to be allocated to, this info is stored in scheduler cache.
string nodeId = 2;