blob: 79e99d1f65a549db6b3524245cccb17baf649c87 [file] [log] [blame]
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package cache
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
func (ctx *Context) WaitForRecovery(recoverableAppManagers []interfaces.Recoverable, maxTimeout time.Duration) error {
// Currently, disable recovery when testing in a mocked cluster,
// because mock pod/node lister is not easy. We do have unit tests for
// waitForAppRecovery/recover separately.
if !ctx.apiProvider.IsTestingMode() {
if err := ctx.recover(recoverableAppManagers, maxTimeout); err != nil {
log.Logger().Error("nodes recovery failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
// for a given pod, return an allocation if found
func getExistingAllocation(recoverableAppManagers []interfaces.Recoverable, pod *corev1.Pod) *si.Allocation {
for _, mgr := range recoverableAppManagers {
// only collect pod that needs recovery
if !utils.IsPodTerminated(pod) {
if alloc := mgr.GetExistingAllocation(pod); alloc != nil {
return alloc
return nil
// Recover nodes and the placed allocations on these nodes.
// In this process, shim sends all nodes along with existing allocations on these nodes to the
// scheduler core, scheduler-core recovers its state and accept a node only it is able to recover
// node state plus the allocations. If a node is recovered successfully, its state is marked as
// healthy. Only healthy nodes can be used for scheduling.
func (ctx *Context) recover(mgr []interfaces.Recoverable, due time.Duration) error {
allNodes, err := waitAndListNodes(ctx.apiProvider)
if err != nil {
return err
// add all known nodes to cache, waiting for recover
for _, node := range allNodes {
ctx.nodes.addAndReportNode(node, false)
// current, disable getting pods for a node during test,
// because in the tests, we don't really send existing allocations
// we simply simulate to accept or reject nodes on conditions.
if !ctx.apiProvider.IsTestingMode() {
var podList *corev1.PodList
podList, err = ctx.apiProvider.GetAPIs().KubeClient.GetClientSet().
List(context.Background(), metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
nodeOccupiedResources := make(map[string]*si.Resource)
for i := 0; i < len(podList.Items); i++ {
pod := podList.Items[i]
// only handle assigned pods
if !utils.IsAssignedPod(&pod) {
log.Logger().Info("Skipping unassigned pod",
zap.String("podUID", string(pod.UID)),
zap.String("podName", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)))
// yunikorn scheduled pods add to existing allocations
if utils.GeneralPodFilter(&pod) {
if existingAlloc := getExistingAllocation(mgr, &pod); existingAlloc != nil {
log.Logger().Debug("Adding resources for existing pod",
zap.String("appID", existingAlloc.ApplicationID),
zap.String("podUID", string(pod.UID)),
zap.String("podName", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("nodeName", existingAlloc.NodeID),
zap.Stringer("resources", common.GetPodResource(&pod)))
existingAlloc.AllocationTags = common.CreateTagsForTask(&pod)
if err = ctx.nodes.addExistingAllocation(existingAlloc); err != nil {
log.Logger().Warn("Failed to add existing allocation", zap.Error(err))
} else {
log.Logger().Warn("No allocation found for existing pod",
zap.String("podUID", string(pod.UID)),
zap.String("podName", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("nodeName", pod.Spec.NodeName),
zap.Stringer("resources", common.GetPodResource(&pod)))
} else if !utils.IsPodTerminated(&pod) {
// pod is not terminated (succeed or failed) state,
// and it has a node assigned, that means the scheduler
// has already allocated the pod onto a node
// we should report this occupied resource to scheduler-core
occupiedResource := nodeOccupiedResources[pod.Spec.NodeName]
if occupiedResource == nil {
occupiedResource = common.NewResourceBuilder().Build()
podResource := common.GetPodResource(&pod)
log.Logger().Debug("Adding resources for occupied pod",
zap.String("podUID", string(pod.UID)),
zap.String("podName", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("nodeName", pod.Spec.NodeName),
zap.Stringer("resources", podResource))
occupiedResource = common.Add(occupiedResource, podResource)
nodeOccupiedResources[pod.Spec.NodeName] = occupiedResource
} else {
log.Logger().Debug("Skipping terminated pod",
zap.String("podUID", string(pod.UID)),
zap.String("podName", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)))
// why we need to calculate the occupied resources here? why not add an event-handler
// in node_coordinator#addPod?
// this is because the occupied resources must be calculated and counted before the
// scheduling started. If we do both updating existing occupied resources along with
// new pods scheduling, due to the fact that we cannot predicate the ordering of K8s
// events, it could be dangerous because we might schedule pods onto some node that
// doesn't have enough capacity (occupied resources not yet reported).
for nodeName, occupiedResource := range nodeOccupiedResources {
if cachedNode := ctx.nodes.getNode(nodeName); cachedNode != nil {
cachedNode.updateOccupiedResource(occupiedResource, AddOccupiedResource)
// start new nodes
for _, node := range ctx.nodes.nodesMap {
log.Logger().Info("node state",
zap.String("nodeState", node.getNodeState()))
if node.getNodeState() == events.States().Node.New {
Event: events.RecoverNode,
// wait for nodes to be recovered
if err = utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
nodesRecovered := 0
for _, node := range ctx.nodes.nodesMap {
log.Logger().Info("node state",
zap.String("nodeState", node.getNodeState()))
switch node.getNodeState() {
case events.States().Node.Healthy:
case events.States().Node.Draining:
case events.States().Node.Rejected:
if nodesRecovered == len(allNodes) {
log.Logger().Info("nodes recovery is successful",
zap.Int("recoveredNodes", nodesRecovered))
return true
log.Logger().Info("still waiting for recovering nodes",
zap.Int("totalNodes", len(allNodes)),
zap.Int("recoveredNodes", nodesRecovered))
return false
}, time.Second, due); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting for app recovery in %s", due.String())
return nil
func waitAndListNodes(apiProvider client.APIProvider) ([]*corev1.Node, error) {
var allNodes []*corev1.Node
var listErr error
// need to wait for sync
// because the shared indexer doesn't sync its cache periodically
if err := apiProvider.WaitForSync(); err != nil {
return allNodes, err
// list all nodes in the cluster,
// retry for sometime if there is some errors
err := utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
allNodes, listErr = apiProvider.GetAPIs().
return listErr == nil
}, time.Second, time.Minute)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return allNodes, nil