blob: e240e1141181c63e96ca91dad1bc645d3bf144d2 [file] [log] [blame]
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package schedulerplugin
import (
v1 ""
const (
SchedulerPluginName = "YuniKornPlugin"
// YuniKornSchedulerPlugin provides an implementation of several lifecycle methods of the Kubernetes scheduling framework:
// PreFilter: Used to notify the default scheduler that a particular pod has been marked ready for scheduling by YuniKorn
// Filter: Used to notify the default scheduler that a particular pod/node combination is ready to be scheduled
// PostBind: Used to notify YuniKorn that a pod has been scheduled successfully
// Pod Allocations:
// The YuniKorn scheduler is always running in the background, making decisions about which pods to allocate to which
// nodes. When a decision is made, that pod is marked as having a "pending" pod allocation, which means YuniKorn has
// allocated the pod, but the default scheduler (via the plugin interface) has not yet been notified.
// Once PreFilter() has been called for a particular pod, that allocation is marked as "in progress" meaning it has been
// communicated to the default scheduler, but has not yet been fulfilled.
// Finally, in PostBind(), the allocation is removed as we now know that the pod has been allocated successfully.
// If a pending or in-progress allocation is detected for a pod in PreFilter(), we remove the allocation and force the
// pod to be rescheduled, as this means the prior allocation could not be completed successfully by the default
// scheduler for some reason.
type YuniKornSchedulerPlugin struct {
context *cache.Context
// ensure all required interfaces are implemented
var _ framework.PreFilterPlugin = &YuniKornSchedulerPlugin{}
var _ framework.FilterPlugin = &YuniKornSchedulerPlugin{}
var _ framework.PostBindPlugin = &YuniKornSchedulerPlugin{}
// Name returns the name of the plugin
func (sp *YuniKornSchedulerPlugin) Name() string {
return SchedulerPluginName
// PreFilter is used to release pods to scheduler
func (sp *YuniKornSchedulerPlugin) PreFilter(_ context.Context, _ *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) *framework.Status {
log.Logger().Debug("PreFilter check",
zap.String("pod", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)))
// we don't process pods without appID defined
appID, err := utils.GetApplicationIDFromPod(pod)
if err != nil {
log.Logger().Info(fmt.Sprintf("Skipping pod %s/%s in the prefilter plugin because no applicationID is defined",
pod.Namespace, pod.Name))
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Success, "Deferring to default scheduler")
if app := sp.context.GetApplication(appID); app != nil {
if task, err := app.GetTask(string(pod.UID)); err == nil {
_, ok := sp.context.GetInProgressPodAllocation(string(pod.UID))
if ok {
// pod must have failed scheduling, reject it and return unschedulable
log.Logger().Info("Task failed scheduling, marking as rejected",
zap.String("pod", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("taskID", task.GetTaskID()))
dispatcher.Dispatch(cache.NewRejectTaskEvent(app.GetApplicationID(), task.GetTaskID(),
fmt.Sprintf("task %s rejected by scheduler", task.GetTaskID())))
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, "Pod is not ready for scheduling")
nodeID, ok := sp.context.GetPendingPodAllocation(string(pod.UID))
if task.GetTaskState() == cache.TaskStates().Bound && ok {
log.Logger().Info("Releasing pod for scheduling (prefilter phase)",
zap.String("pod", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("taskID", task.GetTaskID()),
zap.String("assignedNode", nodeID))
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Success, "")
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, "Pod is not ready for scheduling")
// PreFilterExtensions is unused
func (sp *YuniKornSchedulerPlugin) PreFilterExtensions() framework.PreFilterExtensions {
return nil
// Filter is used to release specific pod/node combinations to scheduler
func (sp *YuniKornSchedulerPlugin) Filter(_ context.Context, _ *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) *framework.Status {
log.Logger().Debug("Filter check",
zap.String("pod", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("node", nodeInfo.Node().Name))
// we don't process pods without appID defined
appID, err := utils.GetApplicationIDFromPod(pod)
if err != nil {
log.Logger().Info(fmt.Sprintf("Skipping pod %s/%s in the filter plugin because no applicationID is defined",
pod.Namespace, pod.Name))
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Success, "Deferring to default scheduler")
if app := sp.context.GetApplication(appID); app != nil {
if task, err := app.GetTask(string(pod.UID)); err == nil {
if task.GetTaskState() == cache.TaskStates().Bound {
// attempt to start a pod allocation. Filter() gets called once per {Pod,Node} candidate; we only want
// to proceed in the case where the Node we are asked about matches the one YuniKorn has selected.
// this check is fairly cheap (one map lookup); if we fail the check here the scheduling framework will
// immediately call Filter() again with a different candidate Node.
if sp.context.StartPodAllocation(string(pod.UID), nodeInfo.Node().Name) {
log.Logger().Info("Releasing pod for scheduling (filter phase)",
zap.String("pod", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("taskID", task.GetTaskID()),
zap.String("assignedNode", nodeInfo.Node().Name))
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Success, "")
return framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, "Pod is not fit for node")
// PostBind is used to mark allocations as completed once scheduling run is finished
func (sp *YuniKornSchedulerPlugin) PostBind(_ context.Context, _ *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) {
log.Logger().Debug("PostBind handler",
zap.String("pod", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("assignedNode", nodeName))
// we don't process pods without appID defined
appID, err := utils.GetApplicationIDFromPod(pod)
if err != nil {
log.Logger().Info(fmt.Sprintf("Skipping pod %s/%s in the postbind plugin because no applicationID is defined",
pod.Namespace, pod.Name))
if app := sp.context.GetApplication(appID); app != nil {
if task, err := app.GetTask(string(pod.UID)); err == nil {
log.Logger().Info("Pod bound successfully",
zap.String("pod", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)),
zap.String("taskID", task.GetTaskID()),
zap.String("assignedNode", nodeName))
// NewSchedulerPlugin initializes a new plugin and returns it
func NewSchedulerPlugin(_ runtime.Object, handle framework.Handle) (framework.Plugin, error) {
log.Logger().Info("Build info", zap.String("version", conf.BuildVersion), zap.String("date", conf.BuildDate))
// start the YK core scheduler
serviceContext := entrypoint.StartAllServicesWithLogger(log.Logger(), log.GetZapConfigs())
if sa, ok := serviceContext.RMProxy.(api.SchedulerAPI); ok {
// we need our own informer factory here because the informers we get from the framework handle aren't yet initialized
informerFactory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(handle.ClientSet(), 0)
ss := shim.NewShimSchedulerForPlugin(sa, informerFactory, conf.GetSchedulerConf())
p := &YuniKornSchedulerPlugin{
context: ss.GetContext(),
return p, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: serviceContext should implement interface api.SchedulerAPI")