blob: 2b4bc1891e9790af9fecbec11fa461b2f2872bbe [file] [log] [blame]
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package common
import (
v1 ""
func CreateTagsForTask(pod *v1.Pod) map[string]string {
metaPrefix := common.DomainK8s + common.GroupMeta
tags := map[string]string{
metaPrefix + common.KeyNamespace: pod.Namespace,
metaPrefix + common.KeyPodName: pod.Name,
owners := pod.GetOwnerReferences()
if len(owners) > 0 {
for _, value := range owners {
if value.Kind == constants.DaemonSetType {
if pod.Spec.Affinity == nil || pod.Spec.Affinity.NodeAffinity == nil ||
pod.Spec.Affinity.NodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution == nil {
log.Logger().Debug("DaemonSet pod's Affinity, NodeAffinity, RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution might empty")
nodeSelectorTerms := pod.Spec.Affinity.NodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.NodeSelectorTerms
for _, term := range nodeSelectorTerms {
for _, match := range term.MatchFields {
if match.Key == "" {
tags[common.DomainYuniKorn+common.KeyRequiredNode] = match.Values[0]
// add Pod labels to Task tags
labelPrefix := common.DomainK8s + common.GroupLabel
for k, v := range pod.Labels {
if k == common.DomainYuniKorn+common.KeyAllowPreemption {
tags[common.DomainYuniKorn+common.KeyAllowPreemption] = v
} else {
tags[labelPrefix+k] = v
return tags
func CreatePriorityForTask(pod *v1.Pod) int32 {
if pod.Spec.Priority != nil {
return *pod.Spec.Priority
return 0
func CreateAllocationRequestForTask(appID, taskID string, resource *si.Resource, placeholder bool, taskGroupName string, pod *v1.Pod, originator bool) si.AllocationRequest {
ask := si.AllocationAsk{
AllocationKey: taskID,
ResourceAsk: resource,
ApplicationID: appID,
MaxAllocations: 1,
Tags: CreateTagsForTask(pod),
Placeholder: placeholder,
TaskGroupName: taskGroupName,
Originator: originator,
Priority: CreatePriorityForTask(pod),
result := si.AllocationRequest{
Asks: []*si.AllocationAsk{&ask},
RmID: conf.GetSchedulerConf().ClusterID,
return result
func CreateReleaseAskRequestForTask(appID, taskID, partition string) si.AllocationRequest {
toReleases := make([]*si.AllocationAskRelease, 0)
toReleases = append(toReleases, &si.AllocationAskRelease{
ApplicationID: appID,
AllocationKey: taskID,
PartitionName: partition,
Message: "task request is canceled",
releaseRequest := si.AllocationReleasesRequest{
AllocationAsksToRelease: toReleases,
result := si.AllocationRequest{
Releases: &releaseRequest,
RmID: conf.GetSchedulerConf().ClusterID,
return result
func GetTerminationTypeFromString(terminationTypeStr string) si.TerminationType {
if v, ok := si.TerminationType_value[terminationTypeStr]; ok {
return si.TerminationType(v)
return si.TerminationType_STOPPED_BY_RM
func CreateReleaseAllocationRequestForTask(appID, allocUUID, partition, terminationType string) si.AllocationRequest {
toReleases := make([]*si.AllocationRelease, 0)
toReleases = append(toReleases, &si.AllocationRelease{
ApplicationID: appID,
UUID: allocUUID,
PartitionName: partition,
TerminationType: GetTerminationTypeFromString(terminationType),
Message: "task completed",
releaseRequest := si.AllocationReleasesRequest{
AllocationsToRelease: toReleases,
result := si.AllocationRequest{
Releases: &releaseRequest,
RmID: conf.GetSchedulerConf().ClusterID,
return result
// CreateUpdateRequestForNewNode builds a NodeRequest for new node addition and restoring existing node
func CreateUpdateRequestForNewNode(nodeID string, capacity *si.Resource, occupied *si.Resource,
existingAllocations []*si.Allocation, ready bool) si.NodeRequest {
// Use node's name as the NodeID, this is because when bind pod to node,
// name of node is required but uid is optional.
nodeInfo := &si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: nodeID,
SchedulableResource: capacity,
OccupiedResource: occupied,
Attributes: map[string]string{
constants.DefaultNodeAttributeHostNameKey: nodeID,
constants.DefaultNodeAttributeRackNameKey: constants.DefaultRackName,
common.NodeReadyAttribute: strconv.FormatBool(ready),
ExistingAllocations: existingAllocations,
Action: si.NodeInfo_CREATE,
nodes := make([]*si.NodeInfo, 1)
nodes[0] = nodeInfo
request := si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: nodes,
RmID: conf.GetSchedulerConf().ClusterID,
return request
// CreateUpdateRequestForUpdatedNode builds a NodeRequest for any node updates like capacity,
// ready status flag etc
func CreateUpdateRequestForUpdatedNode(nodeID string, capacity *si.Resource, occupied *si.Resource,
ready bool) si.NodeRequest {
nodeInfo := &si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: nodeID,
Attributes: map[string]string{
common.NodeReadyAttribute: strconv.FormatBool(ready),
SchedulableResource: capacity,
OccupiedResource: occupied,
Action: si.NodeInfo_UPDATE,
nodes := make([]*si.NodeInfo, 1)
nodes[0] = nodeInfo
request := si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: nodes,
RmID: conf.GetSchedulerConf().ClusterID,
return request
// CreateUpdateRequestForDeleteOrRestoreNode builds a NodeRequest for Node actions like drain,
// decommissioning & restore
func CreateUpdateRequestForDeleteOrRestoreNode(nodeID string, action si.NodeInfo_ActionFromRM) si.NodeRequest {
deletedNodes := make([]*si.NodeInfo, 1)
nodeInfo := &si.NodeInfo{
NodeID: nodeID,
Action: action,
deletedNodes[0] = nodeInfo
request := si.NodeRequest{
Nodes: deletedNodes,
RmID: conf.GetSchedulerConf().ClusterID,
return request
func CreateUpdateRequestForRemoveApplication(appID, partition string) si.ApplicationRequest {
removeApp := make([]*si.RemoveApplicationRequest, 0)
removeApp = append(removeApp, &si.RemoveApplicationRequest{
ApplicationID: appID,
PartitionName: partition,
request := si.ApplicationRequest{
Remove: removeApp,
RmID: conf.GetSchedulerConf().ClusterID,
return request