blob: 384fb0cb79a84a8f2ab6ebcbfce7d91c4993c664 [file] [log] [blame]
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distributed with this work for additional information
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to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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limitations under the License.
package cache
import (
v1 ""
metav1 ""
// MUST: run the placeholder pod as non-root user
// It doesn't matter which user we use to start the placeholders,
// as long as it is not the root user. This is because the placeholder
// is just a dummy container, that doesn't run anything.
// On most of Linux distributions, uid bigger than 1000 is recommended
// for normal user uses. So we are using 1000(uid)/3000(gid) here to
// launch all the placeholder pods.
var runAsUser int64 = 1000
var runAsGroup int64 = 3000
type Placeholder struct {
appID string
taskGroupName string
pod *v1.Pod
func newPlaceholder(placeholderName string, app *Application, taskGroup v1alpha1.TaskGroup) *Placeholder {
ownerRefs := app.getPlaceholderOwnerReferences()
// we need to set the controller field to false, because since we don't know what exactly the controller will do,
// we might have some unexpected behaviour.
// For example if it is a replication controller, some pods (placeholders and/or real pods) might be deleted
// in order to meet the requested replication factor.
// Since we need the owner reference only for having the placeholders garbage collected,
// we can just set the controller field = false, so we can avoid any kind of side effects.
for _, r := range ownerRefs {
*r.Controller = false
annotations := utils.MergeMaps(taskGroup.Annotations, map[string]string{
constants.AnnotationPlaceholderFlag: "true",
constants.AnnotationTaskGroupName: taskGroup.Name,
// Add "" annotation to the placeholder to aid recovery
tgDef := app.GetTaskGroupsDefinition()
if tgDef != "" {
annotations = utils.MergeMaps(annotations, map[string]string{
constants.AnnotationTaskGroups: tgDef,
// Add "" to the placeholder to aid recovery
schedParamsDef := app.GetSchedulingParamsDefinition()
if schedParamsDef != "" {
annotations = utils.MergeMaps(annotations, map[string]string{
constants.AnnotationSchedulingPolicyParam: schedParamsDef,
placeholderPod := &v1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: placeholderName,
Namespace: app.tags[constants.AppTagNamespace],
Labels: utils.MergeMaps(taskGroup.Labels, map[string]string{
constants.LabelApplicationID: app.GetApplicationID(),
constants.LabelQueueName: app.GetQueue(),
constants.LabelPlaceholderFlag: "true",
Annotations: annotations,
OwnerReferences: ownerRefs,
Spec: v1.PodSpec{
SecurityContext: &v1.PodSecurityContext{
RunAsUser: &runAsUser,
RunAsGroup: &runAsGroup,
Containers: []v1.Container{
Name: constants.PlaceholderContainerName,
Image: conf.GetSchedulerConf().PlaceHolderImage,
Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{
Requests: utils.GetPlaceholderResourceRequest(taskGroup.MinResource),
RestartPolicy: constants.PlaceholderPodRestartPolicy,
SchedulerName: constants.SchedulerName,
NodeSelector: taskGroup.NodeSelector,
Tolerations: taskGroup.Tolerations,
Affinity: taskGroup.Affinity,
return &Placeholder{
appID: app.GetApplicationID(),
taskGroupName: taskGroup.Name,
pod: placeholderPod,
func (p *Placeholder) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("appID: %s, taskGroup: %s, podName: %s/%s",
p.appID, p.taskGroupName, p.pod.Namespace, p.pod.Name)