blob: 79d0be19918b337f3dca00f79ec44feff225a741 [file] [log] [blame]
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or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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limitations under the License.
package cache
import (
v1 ""
apis ""
siCommon ""
func TestAddNode(t *testing.T) {
api := test.NewSchedulerAPIMock()
// register fn doesn't nothing than checking input
api.UpdateNodeFunction(getUpdateNodeFunction(t, "host0001", 1024*1000*1000, 10000, false))
nodes := newSchedulerNodes(api, NewTestSchedulerCache())
dispatcher.RegisterEventHandler(dispatcher.EventTypeNode, nodes.schedulerNodeEventHandler())
defer dispatcher.Stop()
resourceList := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("memory")] = *resource.NewQuantity(1024*1000*1000, resource.DecimalSI)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("cpu")] = *resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)
var newNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
// values are verified in injected fn
// verify register is not called, update is called and just called once
err := utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetRegisterCount() == 0
}, time.Second, 5*time.Second)
assert.NilError(t, err)
err = utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetUpdateNodeCount() == 1
}, time.Second, 5*time.Second)
assert.NilError(t, err)
func TestUpdateNode(t *testing.T) {
api := test.NewSchedulerAPIMock()
nodes := newSchedulerNodes(api, NewTestSchedulerCache())
dispatcher.RegisterEventHandler(dispatcher.EventTypeNode, nodes.schedulerNodeEventHandler())
defer dispatcher.Stop()
resourceList := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("memory")] = *resource.NewQuantity(1024*1000*1000, resource.DecimalSI)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("cpu")] = *resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)
var oldNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
var newNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
// this function validates the new node can be added
// this verifies the shim sends the si.UpdateRequest to core with the new node info
api.UpdateNodeFunction(getUpdateNodeFunction(t, "host0001", 1024*1000*1000, 10000, false))
// add the node first
// wait for node being added
assert.NilError(t, utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetUpdateNodeCount() == 1
}, time.Second, 5*time.Second))
assert.Assert(t, nodes.getNode("host0001") != nil)
assert.Equal(t, nodes.getNode("host0001").name, "host0001")
// reset all counters to make the verification easier
// if node resource stays same, update update should be ignored
ignoreNodeUpdateFn := func(request *si.NodeRequest) error {
if request.Nodes != nil && len(request.Nodes) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("expecting no update nodes sent to scheduler as node resource has no change")
return nil
nodes.updateNode(&oldNode, &newNode)
assert.Equal(t, api.GetRegisterCount(), int32(0))
assert.Equal(t, api.GetUpdateNodeCount(), int32(0))
// change new node's resource, afterwards the update request should be sent to the scheduler
newResourceList := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
newResourceList[v1.ResourceName("memory")] = *resource.NewQuantity(2048*1000*1000, resource.DecimalSI)
newResourceList[v1.ResourceName("cpu")] = *resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)
newNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: newResourceList,
api.UpdateNodeFunction(getUpdateNodeFunction(t, "host0001", 2048*1000*1000, 10000, false))
nodes.updateNode(&oldNode, &newNode)
assert.Equal(t, api.GetRegisterCount(), int32(0))
assert.Equal(t, api.GetUpdateNodeCount(), int32(1))
condition := v1.NodeCondition{Type: v1.NodeReady, Status: v1.ConditionTrue}
var conditions []v1.NodeCondition
conditions = append(conditions, condition)
newNode1 := v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: newResourceList,
Conditions: conditions,
api.UpdateNodeFunction(getUpdateNodeFunction(t, "host0001", 2048*1000*1000, 10000, true))
nodes.updateNode(&oldNode, &newNode1)
assert.Equal(t, api.GetRegisterCount(), int32(0))
assert.Equal(t, api.GetUpdateNodeCount(), int32(2))
func TestUpdateWithoutNodeAdded(t *testing.T) {
api := test.NewSchedulerAPIMock()
nodes := newSchedulerNodes(api, NewTestSchedulerCache())
dispatcher.RegisterEventHandler(dispatcher.EventTypeNode, nodes.schedulerNodeEventHandler())
defer dispatcher.Stop()
resourceList := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("memory")] = *resource.NewQuantity(1024*1000*1000, resource.DecimalSI)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("cpu")] = *resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)
var oldNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
var newNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
api.UpdateNodeFunction(getUpdateNodeFunction(t, "host0001", 1024*1000*1000, 10000, false))
// directly trigger an update
// if the node was not seeing in the cache, we should see the node be added
nodes.updateNode(&oldNode, &newNode)
// wait for node being added
assert.NilError(t, utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetUpdateNodeCount() == 1
}, time.Second, 5*time.Second))
assert.Assert(t, nodes.getNode("host0001") != nil)
assert.Equal(t, nodes.getNode("host0001").name, "host0001")
assert.Equal(t, api.GetUpdateNodeCount(), int32(1))
// change new node's resource, afterwards the update request should be sent to the scheduler
newResourceList := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
newResourceList[v1.ResourceName("memory")] = *resource.NewQuantity(2048*1000*1000, resource.DecimalSI)
newResourceList[v1.ResourceName("cpu")] = *resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)
newNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: newResourceList,
api.UpdateNodeFunction(getUpdateNodeFunction(t, "host0001", 2048*1000*1000, 10000, false))
nodes.updateNode(&oldNode, &newNode)
assert.Equal(t, api.GetRegisterCount(), int32(0))
assert.Equal(t, api.GetUpdateNodeCount(), int32(2))
func TestDeleteNode(t *testing.T) {
api := test.NewSchedulerAPIMock()
nodes := newSchedulerNodes(api, NewTestSchedulerCache())
dispatcher.RegisterEventHandler(dispatcher.EventTypeNode, nodes.schedulerNodeEventHandler())
defer dispatcher.Stop()
resourceList := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("memory")] = *resource.NewQuantity(1024*1000*1000, resource.DecimalSI)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("cpu")] = *resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)
var node = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
ignoreNodeUpdateFn := func(request *si.NodeRequest) error {
// fake update
return nil
// add node to the cache
err := utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetRegisterCount() == 0
}, 1*time.Second, 5*time.Second)
assert.NilError(t, err)
err = utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetUpdateNodeCount() == 1
}, 100*time.Millisecond, 1000*time.Millisecond)
assert.NilError(t, err)
// delete node should trigger another update
err = utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetUpdateNodeCount() == 2
}, 100*time.Millisecond, 1000*time.Millisecond)
assert.NilError(t, err)
// ensure the node is removed from cache
assert.Assert(t, nodes.getNode("host0001") == nil)
// add the node back, hostName is same but UID is different
var nodeNew = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_002",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
err = utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetUpdateNodeCount() == 3
}, 100*time.Millisecond, 1000*time.Millisecond)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Assert(t, nodes.getNode("host0001") != nil)
assert.Equal(t, nodes.getNode("host0001").name, "host0001")
assert.Equal(t, nodes.getNode("host0001").uid, "uid_002")
// remove the node again, and then try update
err = utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetUpdateNodeCount() == 4
}, 100*time.Millisecond, 1000*time.Millisecond)
assert.NilError(t, err)
// instead of a add, do a update
// this could happen when a node is removed and added back,
// or a new node is created with the same hostname
var nodeNew2 = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_003",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
// update the node, this will trigger a update to add the node
nodes.updateNode(&nodeNew, &nodeNew2)
err = utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return api.GetUpdateNodeCount() == 5
}, 100*time.Millisecond, 1000*time.Millisecond)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Assert(t, nodes.getNode("host0001") != nil)
assert.Equal(t, nodes.getNode("host0001").name, "host0001")
assert.Equal(t, nodes.getNode("host0001").uid, "uid_003")
// A wrapper around the scheduler cache which does not initialise the lister and volumebinder
func NewTestSchedulerCache() *external.SchedulerCache {
return external.NewSchedulerCache(client.NewMockedAPIProvider(false).GetAPIs())
func TestCordonNode(t *testing.T) {
api := test.NewSchedulerAPIMock()
// register fn doesn't nothing than checking input
inputCheckerUpdateFn := func(request *si.NodeRequest) error {
if request.Nodes == nil {
t.Fatalf("updated nodes should not be nil")
if len(request.Nodes) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expecting 1 updated node")
if request.Nodes[0].Action != si.NodeInfo_DRAIN_NODE {
t.Fatalf("expecting NodeInfo_DRAIN_NODE but get %s",
return nil
nodes := newSchedulerNodes(api, NewTestSchedulerCache())
dispatcher.RegisterEventHandler(dispatcher.EventTypeNode, nodes.schedulerNodeEventHandler())
defer dispatcher.Stop()
resourceList := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("memory")] = *resource.NewQuantity(1024*1000*1000, resource.DecimalSI)
resourceList[v1.ResourceName("cpu")] = *resource.NewQuantity(10, resource.DecimalSI)
var oldNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
Spec: v1.NodeSpec{
Unschedulable: false,
var newNode = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
Spec: v1.NodeSpec{
Unschedulable: true,
nodes.addAndReportNode(&oldNode, false)
nodes.updateNode(&oldNode, &newNode)
// wait until node reaches Draining state
err := utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return nodes.getNode("host0001").getNodeState() == SchedulerNodeStates().Draining
}, 1*time.Second, 5*time.Second)
assert.NilError(t, err)
// restore the node
var newNode2 = v1.Node{
ObjectMeta: apis.ObjectMeta{
Name: "host0001",
Namespace: "default",
UID: "uid_0001",
Status: v1.NodeStatus{
Allocatable: resourceList,
Spec: v1.NodeSpec{
Unschedulable: false,
// register fn doesn't nothing than checking input
inputCheckerUpdateFn2 := func(request *si.NodeRequest) error {
if request.Nodes == nil {
t.Fatalf("updated nodes should not be nil")
if len(request.Nodes) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expecting 1 updated node")
if request.Nodes[0].Action != si.NodeInfo_DRAIN_TO_SCHEDULABLE {
t.Fatalf("expecting UpdateNodeInfo_DRAIN_NODE but get %s",
return nil
nodes.updateNode(&newNode, &newNode2)
// wait until node reaches Draining state
err = utils.WaitForCondition(func() bool {
return nodes.getNode("host0001").getNodeState() == SchedulerNodeStates().Healthy
}, 1*time.Second, 5*time.Second)
assert.NilError(t, err)
func getUpdateNodeFunction(t *testing.T, expectedNodeID string, expectedMem int32,
expectedCores int32, expectedReady bool) func(request *si.NodeRequest) error {
updateFn := func(request *si.NodeRequest) error {
if request.Nodes == nil || len(request.Nodes) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected new nodes info from the request")
info := request.Nodes[0]
if info.NodeID != expectedNodeID {
t.Fatalf("unexpected node name %s", info.NodeID)
if memory := info.SchedulableResource.Resources[siCommon.Memory].Value; memory != int64(expectedMem) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected node memory %d", memory)
if cpu := info.SchedulableResource.Resources[siCommon.CPU].Value; cpu != int64(expectedCores) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected node CPU %d", cpu)
if ready := info.Attributes[siCommon.NodeReadyAttribute]; ready != strconv.FormatBool(expectedReady) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected node ready flag %s", ready)
return nil
return updateFn